「編み物」 (Amimono)

Yokoi can never catch a break, can she?

Grade 2 Certification in Knitting means what exactly?

After weeks of watching Yokoi get wrapped up in Seki-kun’s random games and at times not even knowing what she’s walking/flicking/jumping into, I thought it was great that she finally got the opportunity to relish in the notion that she was better than him at something. And personally, I thought it was great that of all the things it could have been, it was knitting. I don’t know about you but I’ve seen some of my girl friends get into some serious arguments over the slightest things. At times getting so infuriated that they’ll turn beet red and just storm off — something that I wished translated into this week’s episode.

Afghan Stitches and Fancy Tools

Alas, in typical Seki-kun fashion he managed to outplay Yokoi not once but twice this week. Starting with the way he knitted that cute little cactus, I was so sad to watch Yokoi eat her words after going through all that trouble to explain just why Seki-kun was in the wrong (she even called him a hipster!). But seeing how Seki-kun never does anything without a lot of preparation beforehand (including setup and breakdown!), I guess I shouldn’t have been as surprised as I was.

Second, whether it was intentional or not, destroying that cactus of his was probably the worst thing he could have done. If I were in his shoes, I definitely wouldn’t want Yokoi breathing down my back with a look like this. Too bad he dismantled his amigurumi too quickly!

Looking Ahead

While there isn’t much to speculate about in a show like this, I just wanted to take a second to point out how nice everything’s been looking for the past two episodes. Unlike some way back when that looked pretty bad, everything (especially the cut scenes) have been looking great.

Anyways, thanks again for reading and commenting on the post! I really do appreciate it. See you next week!



  1. So would this be considered half a win for Seki (given the way his “victory” now has a very pissed Sokoi trying to glare holes through his head and actually pretending to pay attention in class? lol

    1. Can it? There’s zero satisfaction on his face, none.

      …The fact that Seki-kun caused his own fate this time around didn’t help.

      (I’ll wait for more discussion for any final verdict this week. Expect something in 2 days.)

  2. I think last week (the pawn & princess shogi) was a definite win for Yokoi, and this time it’s clearly a draw.

    You can’t judge this sort of thing by whether Yokoi’s attention was caught by Seki’s games or not. It’s a given that, every week, Yokoi will be distracted by Seki. That’s a 100% certainty. There would be no story otherwise.

    The criteria for victory should be this: which one of them, at the very last scene of the episode, is more happy and satisfied with the result? If both are equally happy (or unhappy), it’s a draw. If Seki achieves whatever he wanted to do and Yokoi feels angry or humiliated, Seki wins. If Yokoi hijacks Seki’s game and has a big grin in the last scene while Seki grumbles and sulks, it’s her win.

    Last week, Yokoi sabotaged Seki’s game of shogi. She defeated Seki’s best tricks, rewrote the pawn/princess’s story, and forced a happy end against Seki’s will. In the last scene, she even is so magnanimous as to help Seki find the right page in his textbook, rescuing him from trouble. That’s a major Yokoi win no matter how you look at it.

    As for this episode, it could have been a huge Seki win… were it not that Seki messed up big time when he misinterpreted Yokoi’s attitude. As a result, they both end up equally unhappy — Yokoi absolutely furious, and Seki so terrified he actually takes his book and pays attention to the lesson! (For the very first time since the series started…)

    Too bad for Seki, he could have won, but, in the end, it’s a draw. Yup.

  3. Well, the Grade 2 Certification in Knitting is second highest grade in knitting in Japan.

    According to this website:

    The highest grade is the Grade 1, which means the master of knitting skills and able to be an instructor (who can establish his or her own school).

    The grade 2 is able to be the assistant of the instructor (who can teach but unable to own a school).

    The basic grade is the grade 5, who understands the basic skills and terms.

    Therefore, Yokoi is petty good at her age.

  4. Well, after seeing everyone elses’ points, I still think Seki set into his own demise this week by destroying the “poor little” cactus that he had made.

    So, score 1 for Yokoi this week. Which leads to the updated scoreboard:

    Seki – 5
    Yokoi – 6
    Uzawa – 1

    (btw, mj12, you should check what I had posted for last week’s episode)


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