「無限1 予感・後編」 (Mugen 1 Yokan ・Kouhen)
“Infinitity 1 Premonition ・Part 2”

After an unexpectedly decently “good” episode of Sailor Moon Crystal last week, I couldn’t wait to see what the second episode had in store for us. Admittedly, not a lot actually happened this episode even though we saw a lot of new (and familiar) faces. I would actually list who they are but God-forbid I give any spoilers away so let’s just say that Chibi Usa makes herself a new friend. Sailor Neptune and Uranus are rather obvious and even though they’re not bad people, they’re not helping their case by appearing so ominous. The Death Busters get speaking lines this week as well, starting with Kaolinite (Yono Hikari) who serves Pharaoh 90. We’ll see more of the Pharaoh 90 character later but let’s just say that out of the all the villains, he’s probably the one that I’m most interested in. The original Sailor Moon S series could’ve played out the events differently than the manga though so I’m not going to hold my breath yet. In fact, besides the initial few episodes, the manga has been vastly different than the original anime so who knows how this cour will turn out.

As a follow-up to last week’s episode, I thought Sailor Moon Crystal still continued to deliver. The animation was still up to the level I would expect (even if they’re already lower expectations) and the plot… well the story is as good as it could be for a magical girl series. It’s not as fast-paced as the previous season, which gives the audience time to develop some rapport with the characters this time. There’s a lot more of the silliness that Usagi is known for and her relationship with Chibi Usa has developed a lot from the whiney brat we all remember her being. I’ve noticed that the other Sailor Scouts have also developed powers and attacks that aren’t the same ones repeated on the original series. One thing that really bothered me in the original Sailor Moon series was how the Sailor Scouts (and Usagi included) would literally only have ONE attack! How anticlimactic is that? At least this time, they have other things to scream and shout about. It’s just more refreshing to see when it’s not the same scene recycled over and over again. At least this fight had a bit of a differentiated factor – and Usagi didn’t even touch the one from last week!

Sailor Moon Crystal has certainly rejuvenated my interest in the series after the devastating prior season. It’s nowhere near perfect and can still be refined around the edges, but for the most part, I’m actually looking forward to what it has to offer. As a weekly series, it actually holds my interest – rather than being a bi-weekly series which kind of died off. I shouldn’t give all the credit to the staff members when this season probably has a more interesting plot to begin with. This is one of the better arcs Takeuchi Naoko wrote and a lot more mature in terms of material shown. Of course, nothing beats Sailor Stars, but that warrants its own separate discussion. The relationship between Haruka and Michiru is definitely one that might raise a few eyebrows but now that it’s been more than two decades since their introduction, I’m proud that Sailor Moon Crystal includes all types of people and their relationships.

Bottom Line – @RCCherrie: Another surprisingly “good” episode for #SailorMoonCrystal standards. Seriously considering blogging this on a weekly basis. Loving how they’re bringing back the old #SailorMoon feels with Crystal. It’s like night and day comparison with season 1. Some good moments for Chibi Usa here and she meets a new friend too =) #SailorMoonCrystal




  1. The animation was so much better this episode. I didn’t like having to sit through the entirety of the transformation sequences again, but I’m guessing they needed to fill some time. This is mostly the Crystal that I wanted all along so I hope we’ll continue to see this level of quality throughout.

    1. I’m hoping that they end up playing the transformations at the same time or cut back on them because if all of them transform and do their lines then that’s like…. a little over 3 minutes of my life I’m not getting back. Not to say I don’t like the transformations, its just that they could be using those three minutes for something else. But I’m stoked to see how the remaining four scouts transformations look like!

  2. Uranus has a Tuxedo Mask-esque cape and domino mask! Why does she have a cape and mask? That’s amazing.

    “Well I didn’t GET a male cheering squad, Moon! I have to be my own!”

  3. I never had the expectations the prior Salior Moon watchers had so I enjoyed the first season. But yes this one has more warmth and silliness that you need to counter the drama.

    The complaints on computer imagery last season compared to transformations this time valid. Yes I can see some style improvements that I like this time.
    But near the end of the last season I learned that we had been watching a beta rough draft version of the show and that the later TV broadcast was the actual final product. So lots of the agony over animation “errors” was complaints about a not finished product and I have read the TV version had most flaws corrected. Some how the fact that the early version was the way it was did not make the Japanese to other languages so the Japanese viewer who watched the web broadcast knew what they were in for and either watched or waited till the TV version was out. All that aggravation over a communication lack when we thought we were watching a finished product. I wonder how a sneak preview did marketing in Japan, hope it failed as we don’t have this again with some other show, but I do know some fans demand a early copy if they can get one.

    Never watched earlier versions but they seam to be very open about our girl, girl couple. Of course Sailer Moon had sex with her boyfriend last season but it was hidden using a very old technique or a cut away from a a couple alone in a room with a bed, showing the exterior and then flower petals cover the screen, next morning they still together with not mention of separate sleeping arrangement and later they both very embarrassed by learning they had a kid, probably wondering if they already had a kid for real one of my favorite moments last season. So if they go forward with our girl/girl couple they might be more open then with our main boy x girl couple. Actually did not pick up on the last season sex until I read other sites on the episode who basically laid it all out. If I recall right the flower shower for sex was a technique in several things during the heavy censor ship times.

  4. Maybe the main issue right now is that Crystal S3 is way too Sailor Moon S. If I want so see the girls in their old moe-blob, idiotic but funny selves, I’d watch S. Now is way too redundant, and it feels more PreCure than Takeuchi’s SM art style. The raison d’tre of Crystal was presenting the manga storyline without the sillyness of TOEI’s idea of SM, and it’s not working by reverting to the 90’s series idea.
    By trying to abide the first series fans, Crystal S3 is now in-between, and it’s weird.

  5. Have been skipping Sailor Moon Crystal all this time.
    But after more than 20 years of Hotaru worshipping, today I’ve felt a call.
    Hotaru is love.
    Hotaru is life.

    Now, time to burn the backlog and get up to date.

  6. To be honest I don’t really remember these villains, except for that guy is shining glasses.
    These are the moments I had missed.
    I can’t wait for more.
    P.S. I don’t know about you but kids’ roller coasters don’t have the loop track where I’m from (don’t ask).

    random viewer
  7. LOVE IT!
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