「砂糖少女の原材料」 (Satou Shoujo no Genzairyou)
“What Sugar Girls Are Made of”

I suppose this counts as a reveal episode. We finally find out why Satou is the way she is. Although it turned out that Satou didn’t actually murder her aunt, it’s probably safe to assume that the rest of the faceless theatre exposition can be generally trusted. Satou was an orphan. She went through her childhood unloved. And then yada yada deranged aunt and Satou somehow became the love-Terminator. This was a part of the manga that I didn’t feel fully satisfied by when I read it. For starters, trying to explain Satou must ultimately be a futile effort; her vague background that makes us question whether she is truly human is what makes her unnerving. Even with her background revealed, I’m not entirely convinced that it was all that flipped her crazy yandere switch. Surely, it’s an insult to orphans everywhere to imply that not having parents naturally results in a fundamental infirmity in one’s soul. I mean, Satou could have become the Batman after losing her parents, but she went for the ‘kidnap children’ route instead. And ths is skirting over how she apparently went unloved after her loss, which is a lot to gloss over. Was she socially isolated? Was she abused? Her aunt must surely have loved her, in her own twisted way — that woman loves everybody, for better or worse (actually, definitely for the worse). Additionally, how much influence did Satou’s aunt have on her? They share the crazy eyes, but evidently Satou finds her aunt distasteful and goes out of her way to protect Shouko from her. There must be more to the Satou story, though I don’t know if we’ll get it.

Why did Satou reveal her aunt to Shouko anyway? Shouko was suspicious of Satou’s ‘boyfriend’ situation. She wanted to know what was going on. She wanted to help. But of course, Satou doesn’t bring Shouko to Shio. She brings Shouko to her aunt. And I wonder why. My first thought was that Satou was just being her usual cagey self and deliberately misdirecting Shouko. After all, that’s basically what she was doing to her teacher as well; it’s sadly in character for Satou to trust nobody and manipulate everybody. At the same time, though, we also get the impression that Satou’s aunt is not somebody she bandies about lightly. If Satou is capable of feeling shame — which is debatable, but bear with me — then her aunt is the closest thing to a secret shame. Sure, she keeps Shio a secret as well, but she does it out of pragmatism. If it wasn’t for the entirely criminal nature of their relationship I’m sure she’d be positively proud of her pure, sweet love. But there is obviously something about her aunt that Satou despises, but she still reveals her to Shouko, of both her friendship and her resolve.

Shouko fails, not because she’s a particularly bad friend, just a weak one, and in her moment of weakness she couldn’t quite bring herself to stare into the abyss and not blink. This is another point, furthering our discussion last week, where there may be some cultural disconnect between a Western audience like us and Happy Sugar Life. Families don’t seem to be as tightly bound over here than it may be in Japan. On my part, I have had friends and acquaintances with family who are kooky, unpleasant, or even criminal. I don’t really judge any guilt by association. For good or ill, we’re just bigger on individualism and personal responsibility here; probably very Protestant ideas. In Japan, it seems, the sins of the father persist longer. Even if Shouko really intended to stand by her friend, there was still enough of that cultural programming to keep that from being easy.

And so Satou and Shouko’s friendship, like everything else wholesome in this story, crumbles. It’s a tragedy in itself, and rather heartbreaking to see Shouko despair at her own weakness. In the long term, though, perhaps this is for the best. We know things that Shouko does not. It’s probably unhealthy to expose oneself to Satou’s distilled crazy for too long, especially when we already know that her story is not going to end well. Those caught in this web meet only meet ill fates or go mad in the face of it. Perhaps it’s best that Shouko leaves this dark business well enough alone, and remains just a normal girl. I would, of course, be disappointed if she ends up being written out of the plot from here one out. But I’d also be glad that she managed to escape.




  1. I for one am rather disappointed in this episode, the introduction of Satou’s aunt was delightful to an extent. My problem with her introduction was regarding Satou’s teacher proposing an idea how her life had been prior before the current events and basically mislead us into thinking she murdered her aunt. In my opinion it would have been more effective using that scene in an earlier episode than now as it feels like a last minute pulled twist.
    All in all, this is my least favorite episode, it didn’t bring forth plot forward by much. I suspected Satou was living in some stranger’s home by the end of episode 1. I dunno, maybe its just me

    1. To be fair, we’ve been lead to believe that Satou murdered her aunt from the beginning, simply by the aunt’s conspicuous absence and Satou’s implied murder. The teacher’s exposition simply spells out that hypothesis (that said, I dislike stories spelling things out in general). If the ‘twist’ didn’t work out for you that’s a shame, but of course in these things your mileage will vary.

  2. Trust me.
    Shoko’s decision to try to be a true friend to Satou, and his weakness to be incpacious to take it, is what will take Shoko to the worst fate.
    And I think Satou a very emotional human.

  3. https://randomc.net/image/Happy%20Sugar%20Life/Happy%20Sugar%20Life%20-%2007%20-%20Large%2030.jpg
    She came in peace yet she left in pieces… Emotionally. As much as she is a clingy and insecure character, I still do wat her to come out unscathed.

    You know… I’ve read enough hentai to make this conclusion. Is the aunt a cum dump? A meat toilet?

    And again I’ve read enough hentai to see where this leads to…

    Henrietta Brix
  4. I know it was just so her aunt would have time to go through her crazy monologue with the officer….but I was facepalming at how slow of a reaction the female cop had to pull her off her partner. I mean the moment they went on the floor she should have pulled her off. But nope~Lets just hear the crazy lady out.


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