Random Curiosity

« Carole & Tuesday – 23

Carole and Tuesday – 24 (END)

「A Change is Gonna Come」

Fair warning to lovers of C&T. If you’re expecting me to gush about the finale, think again. I’ll call myself out now and say it’s probably because I had high expectations, or it’s probably because I was expecting an ending that gave our girls (who I got so attached to) a little more justice.

Final Impressions

I really had to sit with this one and contemplate so many things, which is why it’s taken me so long to publish my review of Carole & Tuesday‘s finale. I talked it out on more than one occasion with others who have watched the series in its entirety and we all agree the ending was less than satisfactory.

The last few episodes making up this final arc were a whirlwind of events which felt jam-packed because of the time constraint (the finale approaching). This final episode didn’t satisfy the palette as much as I would have liked. Everything seemed to be rushed and plots that weren’t well developed received unnecessary endings…I’m going to get into the nitty-gritty of it because, well, it’s all I can focus on since I’ve watched the episode.

Schwartz was Tao’s backer. He invested money in Tao’s AI labs in the hopes Tao would then share his predictive algorithms with him to help sway the presidential election. Aside from one or two scenes with a few one-line exchanges explaining the plan outright, there really wasn’t much tension built around this plot. Schwartz is a man in a suit with lots of money and investments at stake, but his illegal dealings (?) definitely seemed to pop out of the blue. I understand Tao’s intent in bringing him down and reducing his corporate/political influence but this plot was so weak, it left a few holes behind. Even if Schwartz says he is behind the new immigration policies and money feeding Jerry’s campaign, we never saw an actual ‘link’ between the two conspirers. The plot was barely tangible with such a thin presence. That said, if Schwartz is going to be held accountable for his actions, why does Tao need to disappear? Why can’t he stay with Angela? Second, Angela’s feelings for Tao are extremely conflicting.

First off, he basically tortures her in a horrific dentist-like chair so he could then create her AI replica, essentially rendering her obsolete. You’re telling me Tao did this while knowing she was his counterpart, another clone. Who and where is Dr. Zeeman, the creator of the two? He was mentioned only once during the series (when Dahlia passed) and there was no reference or foundation set for this miniature and very forced plot twist. I kind of guessed it in my previous review, but it was wishful thinking. Why did the writers decide to include such a new ‘world rule’ right at the end of the series? It was a last-minute revelation that didn’t go anywhere and, let’s face it, didn’t add anything to the story.

Then, it turns out Angela has feelings for the man who caused her to become a drug addict. OK. Many things pushed her over the edge but I can’t imagine Tao’s dismissal of her to not have contributed to the fact. He didn’t build Angie AI to help out Angela. He just said: “She’ll take care of the rest.” He still went out of his way to create the AI and destroy the bit of hope Angela had, so he could go after Schwartz? Then Angela destroys the AI with one quick tantrum? He spent all those months (close to a year) working on that AI. Why? It played no distinct role except driving Angela to drugs and somehow bringing her closer to Tao.

Also, the brief bit of action in this last episode felt out of place. I assume the two very conspicuous characters were assassins after Spencer and Kyle but shortly after jumping off a bridge, they’re both totally fine and out of harm’s way. Spencer goes right back home (?) where of course the assassins wouldn’t think of looking and Kyle is out and about getting ready for the live stream. Let’s just say I wasn’t convinced. There’s so much more I want to get into including Desmond just out and about like he didn’t just wake up from a coma but I feel like I’ve given the series a good whacking just with this.

Did the series finale do Carole and Tuesday justice? No. But Carole’s landlord did. With his few words, he put them right back in the spotlight and brought back the warmth I found when I watched the girls jam that first time in their lounge composing “Loneliest Girl.” He reminded them that they now have each other and can take the world by storm as long as they walk side by side. It’s a little disappointing that we didn’t get to hear their album but the intention behind the series was meant for a greater message. One of unity, collaboration, community, and collective action.

Their collaborative efforts brought together the most elite of artists from all of Mars to sing, one time, a song that would take their world by storm and create a wave of hope, change, and progress. It was cheesy alright and even heartwrenching when Angela sang her heart out to Dahlia, but it did the job it had to do. It provided the very clean ending we all were hoping for. A nice bow tie kind of ending with a cherry on top.

The series as a whole had its problems, but one thing it was great in delivering was a wide range of musical genres, some catchy tunes (except the tumbling laundry one), and fantastic world visuals. After all my ranting, I’d rewatch the series. Actually, let me clarify, I’d rewatch certain parts of it. Many of the standalone episodes left me with a stronger impression than the story arcs, and there’s no doubt I could rewatch the first episode and the Grammy’s (for Angela’s performance) to get a feel of what Carole & Tuesday could have been.

Let me state that it isn’t the series as a whole that has let me down. It’s certain aspects of it, this finale included. The series had its way to make me feel deeply satisfied, sometimes with music, sometimes with the story. But at other times, it had me walking away thinking: “What just happened?” It’s unfortunate that the finale left me with a similar thought. However, a thought that has never left my mind or my heart since I first watched those girls collaborate is: “I will always be rooting for Carole & Tuesday.”

End Card

October 6, 2019 at 6:19 pm
  • October 6, 2019 at 6:56 pmhjerry2000

    This was a series that was truly one of ups and downs for me. The ups were almost always the music, as those scenes could be legitimately moving, but then people would talk.

    This series can only be described by me, as disappointing. It could have been SO good, but it was just constantly let down by bland, unoriginal, cliche, predictable writing.

    The ending perfectly encapsulated that, as, for something they had been hyping up at the beginning of every episode, really?, that was it? A bunch of singers sing together about unity and family? That’s the big miracle? Lame

    I feel like the songs will be rewatchable for years, but the series will be quickly forgotten.

  • October 7, 2019 at 12:40 amKiraboshi

    I think the series ended perfectly since it really reflects what’s happening in the world right now. As people’s freedom becomes smaller and smaller each day I think a happy ending would given us a wrong message since the real world isn’t a happy place. Instead, we have to start building our own freedom and fight for it. That’s why I thought this ending was smart because it leaves us, viewers, thinking about it.

    This anime definitely left an impression on me. So many lovable characters, great story and beautiful music. I’ve never seen an anime ever like this.

  • October 7, 2019 at 1:01 amworldwidedepp

    You really looked close and sharp on the darker side of this anime. Did you also saw the light?

    • October 7, 2019 at 1:05 amworldwidedepp

      To the Assassins:

      - The Reporter know his stuff of hiding or he would not be this kind of reporter
      - Jerry, well he is at Home. A Home like a Fortess as we saw some episodes ago when they wanted to bail out Tuesday

  • October 7, 2019 at 9:48 amFrindle

    To be continued…

    “In your mind”

    Yeah. I feel like the audience got trolled.
    It was like they were saying, “So we know we ran out of time and we know we have several plot threads unresolved thanks to some last minute reveals but, —Oh well, I guess that’s just the way that it is, Don’t Bother None—
    Have fun speculating the rest of the stooorrrryyyy~!”

    Sure the ending was essentially holding hands and singing kumbaya for 7 minutes but let’s not forget the guards storming the building only to be delayed by Gus! What’ll happen to the singers? Are they getting arrested too? What was the point of the “7 minute miracle”? What did it even accomplish in the end? Sure it united several famous pop stars to sing together in one room for a few minutes but what about the rest of the world? Or the political movement it seemed to be singing against?

    I can say with full confidence that episode 16 was the most heartwarming and uplifting. Definitely one I’d rewatch again.

    • October 7, 2019 at 10:08 amFrindle

      Schwartz could probably send assassin’s after Tao so I guess that’s why he had to go in hiding (’cause that was his anti-social master plan all along!).

      I laughed a little at how Tao tells Angela she’s not alone by suddenly dropping this last minute plot twist that they’re connected by the same guy who engineered them. I guess it’s Tao’s way of saying “You’re not alone because we’re the same.”

    • October 7, 2019 at 4:31 pmSteve

      I think the “TO BE CONTINUED IN YOUR MIND” part was suppose to be like the end of cowboy bebop where the screen says “YOUR GONNA CARRY THAT WEIGHT”

      • October 8, 2019 at 4:31 pmFrindle

        I understand you could take Carole and Tuesday’s end card to mean, “the story continues with you!” but still, unlike Cowboy Bebop’s iconic end card which impacts the audience with its layered meaning, this felt more like a cop out than anything.

        Until Watanabe’s next work!

      • October 8, 2019 at 4:56 pmSteve

        I think champloo and space dandy had some what ambiguous endings too with a end card, but whatever.

  • October 13, 2019 at 10:54 pmDon Rocinante

    I think Mermaid sisters had the best song and should have been the final song…

    F***ing B*******!

  • October 19, 2019 at 10:16 amSunset Shimmer

    Well I’ll be waiting for Netflix to release the second half of the series. Reading about the final it seem to have kept both its strenghts and weaknesses in the second half as well. A bummer the writing wasn’t better but I didn’t expect really much in the first place, so I guess it’s an ok show for me.