「警策 看取」 (Kouzaku Mitori)
“Kozaku Mitori”

Well the Olympics may have been delayed, but don’t worry, because at least Railgun is back on track! Yes it’s the first week in a good while without any postponement before it, and frankly it’s a pretty good time for some airtime consistency. Considering the places this arc is heading it wouldn’t do to cut things off in the middle.

As anyone could’ve guessed previously, tracking down the source of Misaka’s (and Misaki’s) ire was never going to be as simple as imagined. Want to catch the mad scientist? Best start on those 4D chess lessons and learn the art of thinking five moves in advance—although to be fair I don’t think such strategizing is up Misaka’s alley. It’s all quintessential Railgun in the end however; for every plot development there’s a couple twists lying under the surface, and if you believe you know where things are going best check your assumptions again because the narrative fog of war lies thick over this franchise. Just ask our starry-eyed blondie.

If series familiarity also wasn’t enough, proof of such trickery comes naturally courtesy of Saten who you damn well know wouldn’t ever pass such an opportunity by. While the Aztec angle is likely out there for anyone anime-only or unfamiliar with Index (hint, it’s not science-related), at least Kouzaku Mitori makes some sense. Officially dead girl using an underground organization as a scapegoat to pursue ulterior motives relating to washboard tomboys? Oh yes, this arc isn’t finished introducing its main players just yet. Although we’ve got some time before getting any answers on this latest development, rest assured it all ties back into the Misaka/Misaki shenanigans and Level 6 attainment. The Index-verse may love overindulging in side-characters, but they always have their place in the end.

Whether or not it involves survival of course remains to be seen, but one way or another you can bet things are going to get a lot more interesting before all is said and done.




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  2. Loved the very first scene with the close up of Misaka “Railgun” Mikoto, though anime are still playing it safe since the Pokemon epilepsy incident, huh?
    Is that librarian anyone important? Could she be Saten’s mother?
    Next up is a Misaski flashback with what looks like another Sister? I fear that this might remind me of Made in Abyss.

  3. Didn’t really find anything off with Xochitl (besides the name). They showed her enough at the start. Though kinda surprised that she didn’t have the same goal as Mitori.

    Not sure if it’s happened before, but I think Saten should just stay put when she parts with her lucky charm. Safe to blame Touma for this? At least he didn’t dispel it.

    Also surprising was how weak Misaki was. She was so out of breath when she got in the car. XD I’m sure she was walking down stairs not up. Amazed she didn’t pass out chasing after Misaka last episode.

      1. Yeah, Xochitl is an Aztec magician from the same Cabal as Etzali. He betrayed them back in Index season 1, and in season 3, she shows up to kill him. Her whole thing about traitors in this ep is related to that. Of course, her being sent on what is essentially a suicide mission to kill him is related to something she did in a story that isn’t animated.
        Viewers will notice that she seems to know who Saten is (and there’s a reason she’s exasperated at Saten almost getting herself killed) but that Saten doesn’t seem to know her. That’s purely because of her magic disguise which makes her look like a Japanese student. Her comment in a previous ep about having witnessed Mikoto’s strength firsthand is also related to her knowing Saten, as well as why she’s being punished.

    1. Only mentioned her considering some who haven’t Index III or read the novels might be wondering who she is and why she’s important. Wouldn’t be the first time for such confusion in this series haha.

      And I’m personally loving the recurring Misaki endurance, it’s such a perfect foil to Misaka when combined with that personality XD

  4. Pingback: To Aru Kagaku no Railgun T – 09 – Random Curiosity | Steamedworld News

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