「王子に勝負を挑まれてしまった…」 (Ōji ni Shōbu o Idomarete shimatta…)
“A Prince Challenged Me To a Fight…”

The one commonality among romance stories is that things never really get going until the competitors become acquainted. You need a mill for all that drama gristle, red herrings to use and abuse for all they’re worth, and a means to ensure that the jewel at the centre of it all is forced to make a choice. Kind of a good thing then Hamefura is already giving all those in droves wouldn’t you say? It may only be episode two with everything still technically being the prologue, but it’s easy to see the shenanigans about to descend on Katarina’s head.

As made apparent last week, Katarina’s only goal right now is survival. Magic; farming; encouraging love from shoutas: all an effort to stave off those doom flags coming in hot and heavy. While the effects of these efforts won’t be fully felt until later (as the OP and ED so slyly tease), you can get a good idea about their potential given how Keith and new competitors characters Mary and Alan are reacting to that certified Bakarina charm. Especially Alan. Thought you could never pick up the girls through a bit of backbreaking—but oh so satisfying when it works—labour? Well I got news for you. The exceptionally hilarious part of Katarina’s impulsive and subconscious oopsie too is that Mary doesn’t even really see her that way. For all which Mary likes Katarina, it’s in regards to being a friend, someone who sees her for herself and not for her maternal relations. Obviously this could change in the future (heh), but I suspect it would more than a little coincidental horticulture to break the bonds of holy matrimony.

Where things are likely to prove interesting however are in regards to the holy trinity of Georgo, Keith, and Alan. Thanks to Katarina’s actions all are basically smitten in varying capacities already, and it’s pretty much guaranteed conflict (read: glorious fun and games) will soon arise over the right to monkey see monkey do. Just take Keith, think the kid is going to step back and let Georgo hog the spotlight for long if Georgo starts going full evil? I wouldn’t bet highly on that. Likewise it’s not hard to guess Alan might invoke some conflicting opinions about his feelings for Mary given how effortlessly (and wholly unintentionally) Katarina overcame his inner tsuntsun. The doom flags may be obvious for our little reincarnated otaku, but I wouldn’t be so sure the countermeasures will fully eradicate the problem.

After all every time a door closes a window opens, and no matter the Council debate you can never be quite sure what fate awaits after taking the leap over that ledge.


ED Sequence

ED: 「BAD END」 by Shouta Aoi


  1. I was looking forward to the timeskip, but looks like the prologue will go a couple more episodes. We have yet to see her befriend the white haired girl after all, and then there’s the blone heroine who might just turn out to be another isekai’d otaku would be my guess.
    So far it’s smoth sailing for Katarina, but it won’t stay like that….

    1. Sorry fro spoilers but they are pretty minor.

      Actually it is an opposite. Show Spoiler ▼

      Timeskip will probably happen after the next ep.

      Pancakes edit: spoiler tags just in case.

    1. Not to mention she probably has the highest chance of success considering she’s willing to kidnap Katarina if worse comes to worst and Katarina would happily go along.

  2. It’s funny how with all the scheming to survive Bakarina is starting to look like the villain she is trying to avoid to become (Saturday´s cartoon level of villainy, of course) XD


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