「能力者VS.無能力者 PART3」 (Nouryoku-sha VS. Munouryoku-sha PART 3)
“Talented vs. Talentless Part 3”

Now that’s what I’m talking about. High tensions; grand showdowns; risk of shocking death: oh darling, it’s climax time. Of course we probably won’t be getting too much in the way of Nana meeting her rightful demise—have to keep this story trundling along for a while yet—but as a bit of a hint as to what the next stage has planned? I think we’ll be getting that and then some.

As mentioned last time the major risk to Nana would be her house of lies falling in on itself from growing too large and that looks to be what has finally transpired. The girl has had incredible (if calculated) luck so far thanks to shrewd decision making and taking advantage of opportunities as they arise, but maintaining such perfection becomes near impossible when pressed for time—as oh so succinctly happened here. Nevertheless have to hand it to her; quickly taking advantage of Kirara’s ability and her immediate feelings towards Kaori damn near got her out of dodge with attention firmly focused on Kirara (not to mention slyly abusing Kyouya’s growing suspicion). At least until one tiny little latch upset the whole plan and gave Kyouya everything he needed to start unravelling the thread.

Considering five episodes remain (not including further manga material) the big unknown from this confrontation is just how Nana will get out of it. The easy out is Nana not having Kirara’s phone on her of course, but given the responses and utter shock at work I think that can mostly be ruled out. More likely is something else upsetting the moment and giving Nana just enough time to cover her tracks—you know, like maybe Michiru embracing her inner puppy and going for Kyouya’s ankle. Or even Mogou or Seiya in a valiant effort to protect dear leader, but if going this route bets for me are firmly on our little healer given how overtly concerned she’s been of late. These sorts of thriller cliffhangers are always solved through the most unexpected of methods, and nothing says surprise like Kyouya suddenly having the deal with a bodyguard in addition to the mastermind.

Well, unless Nana does actually get caught with some incriminating evidence and proves Kyouya right. Now that would be something to behold.




  1. Sure wish she would get caught asap because I have no sympathies left for her.
    So the manga is still running? Annoying, unless the story takes a drastically different turn. Sooner or later there won’t be anyone left for her to kill.

    1. Yeah the manga is still ongoing and with quite a few arcs which won’t see adaptation to boot. It’s where a lot of the concern regarding this series exists, as until/unless something upsets Nana’s mission and changes the story’s direction, we’re looking at repetition and boredom before too long.

      As Bill mentions though there are important events on the horizon, and Nana’s moral conflict is pretty good foreshadowing as to what that’ll be about.

  2. This is becoming too ridiculous, yet somehow the staying power is there. I just want to see how all these mind games would end, though seriously I wanted Nana to get caught so badly but I know it won’t happen yet. Which makes all of the suspense very anticlimactic because we all know she would just escape it all considering the source material. I’m wondering just how far they could stretch this story in the anime. Nevertheless I’m enjoying it in a way I enjoyed Death Note which isn’t really saying much since I don’t hold DN in high regard by the way.

    1. Death Note is probably the best comparison, if just for the similar level of tension and love of cliffhangers. Personally I’m still getting a kick out this series given it’s shown a willingness to address certain issues which plague this type of story, but that could change if nothing major upsets the balance. We should hopefully have such an upset before all is said and though!

  3. We’ll see. As far as I saw in comments for the manga, the author tends to save Nana by contrived methods. Don’t know what they are exactly.
    Also starting to hate this pink-haired demon and her mission.


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