「正しい塔の攻略法」 (Tadashii Tou no Kouryaku-hou)
“The Right Way to Clear a Tower!”

Well, I think I’m sold on Sentouin. Maybe not enough to start providing standing ovations at every reach for the fantasy booba, but just enough to know I’m starting the week off right. In all ways. Fantasy escapades and evil caricatures doing evil caricature things; why yes, a second helping please.

While Sentouin is arguably still on unstable ground when it comes to getting its story into gear, the direction it’s going is optimistic. Those isekai trappings I keep harping on about? Now in full swing thanks to the discovery that the good guys have a designated hero (in this case princess’ dear brother) who will smite the demon menace from their peaceful lands. Or, you know, make a valiant attempt before a pair of Adrammelech middle managers stop Mr. Hero’s quest for holy goodies in his tracks. We may not know exactly where this is leading, but pretty good guess it’s somewhere even more entertaining. After all, still waiting to find out just who this Demon Lord actually is.

As for the real-world half of this fantasy thunderdome, shenanigans will forever be the name of the game. Besides Agent Six’s hilariously desperate (and completely understandable) desire to indulge in the isekai entitlements of old, Alice herself is proving to be adorable in her own capacity thanks to gift receiving reactions and a love of weaponry I assure you has no additional meaning. At all. Also hosting the first extrasolar recruitment fair and finding candidate no. 1 in Rose thanks to that totally sincere love of grasshoppers, but that might be getting ahead of myself. While there could be some concern about how Grimm will secure her place in these proceedings (particularly given Rose’s vivaciously bubbly inclinations), I don’t think the girl will have too much trouble if push comes to shove. When you’re firmly rocking the latter half of the quintessential T&A combo, rest assured Six will ensure you a proper spot on the Kisaragi team roster.

Considering Six is determined to make himself into the one true hero the kingdom needs (and definitely doesn’t deserve), methinks he’ll need all the ubiquitous harem support he can get.




  1. “♪ Manmaru chichi,
    Sankaku oppai,
    Yasahiku (Moge!)
    Ikinari (Moge!)
    Bimiyouni (Moge!)
    Renzoku (Moge!) ♬”

    One thing I did find strange (though no less hilarious), how was Grimm able to stand on her own legs when most of the time she’s in a wheelchair?

    Also, shame the audience didn’t get to see whatever it was (some holy relic/artifact) that the two demon generals were guarding in that tower. Then again, that’s probably a side show compared to the grander scheme of things in this series.

    So next week will be Heine in embarrassing poses? Compared to the other shows I’m watching this season, time really flies faster watching Sentouin, Hakenshimasu!

      1. Ah, thanks for the explanation. Wouldn’t want to burn/cut your feet stepping on hot sand/sharp rocks.

        (Side thought: Does the curse also prevent her from wearing slippers or flip-flops?)

  2. The tower assault method reminded me of Slayers, where Lina Inverse used meltdown-style spell to punch thru all layers down to the bottom treasure room, therefore bypassing all the dungeon crawling.
    Combat pragmatism of Agent Six and Alice will be much needed because the current army leaders are totally inept. They literally picked the most senseless way to assault tower, bordering on tactics of Custer at Little Bighorn, Charge of the Light Brigade and Japanese infantry charging Marine firepower at Tenaru.
    Loved the way he mused about “going native”
    With a few more payments like that he can retire in the new world and spend his years happily chasing boobs…
    Alice trying to comfort him with her artifical , sexless body was also hilarious.
    One thing I cant comprehend is why with Grimm so thirsty Agent Six doesnt go for her…
    After 3 eps I am firmly on board.

    1. “One thing I cant comprehend is why with Grimm so thirsty Agent Six doesnt go for her…”

      I’m guessing it’s the ever-present “No guy wants to be chased” trope. Also, Agent Six might still be pining for Astaroth (and perhaps even Belial).


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