「王都」 (Outo)

From blushing, smiles, and fantasy relationships all around to, well, even more of the same, I dare say Seijo no Maryoku has started to find its stride. While debates will inevitably rise later as to whether this show is playing it a little too safe in terms of warm and comfy, I’ll be damned if it’s not satisfying warm and comfy. After all, barely three episodes in and we’re already going nuclear.

Although I’m a tad disappointed Sei’s super serious adventures in the capital turned into answer-less (yet no less entertaining) frolics in the nearby town, I must compliment Seijo no Maryoku’s willingness to keep things from moving too fast. Normally this is the point, especially in fantasy or isekai works, where some grand story and overarching plot appears while the purpose of the next few episodes is properly divulged. Instead, we get Sei doing Sei things with only the promise of more of the same to follow. Of course, this doesn’t exclude the increasingly obvious points of contention being hinted at left and right (in particular the implications of Sei’s enchantment capabilities shown in all their chuckle-worthy glory), but this seems set (thankfully) to remain a story willing to take its time and smell the roses. At least for the moment.

Especially true in regards to this slow and steady approach is Sei’s relationship with Albert. Whatever one may think of the romance bent this show is slowly coming to adopt wholesale, it’s quite nice (at least for me) how careful it’s being in developing Sei’s romantic pairings. Albert after all is undeniably head over heels and coming up with any excuse to spend time with Sei, but whether due to his position or own inexperience, has no damn clue how to take things further. It’s not like Sei would turn him down (oh no siree), but I imagine her uncertain Saint status and his own social position is throwing a kink into things. Couple it with the likes of Johan and Elizabeth getting a kick out of the proceedings and oh boy it’s pretty easy (and adorably hilarious) to see why this pairing takes its time in getting off the ground. Never fear though; I guarantee it’s one pairing which won’t stay theoretical for too long.

Need look no further than how quickly Sei’s abilities are getting around the neighbourhood to see why Albert may want to get a move on.




  1. Great to see one of my favorite fantasy daitos in an anime form.

    Makes me hope to see those brilliant dating scenes from “Magic Artisan Dahliya Won’t Hang Her Head – Dahliya Wilts No More” and “The Villainess Is Adored by the Crown Prince of the Neighboring Kingdom ” adapted too.

      1. A good portion of the shoujo/josei romance titles I’ve seen tend to be driven by drama and misunderstandings to advance their stories.

        Esp. the Korean romance webtoons. Some of those stories read like twisting emotional rollercoasters.

        1. Haha oh yes, and it’s not too surprising IMO. They’re series geared towards women so the drama angle is played up as a lot of the audience is primarily there for the relationship conflict, manoeuvring, and fallout. Pretty much the same as US/British soap operas.

  2. To be fair, the source material doesn’t have any grand plots or conspiracies to push the story forward. It’s a relaxed, calming, josei slice of life fantasy mainly about Sei doing Sei things (as you said). And the slow romance between her and Albert.

  3. Totally onboard with this staying as Sei being Sei. It’s just that all three episodes so far has been hinting at something very serious in the background. Hard pressed to see on how they are going to keep that up.

    I really get Johan and Elizabeth here. I think their reactions really elevates the feel good vibes from seeing Sei’s reactions.

    1. Right now I think the challenge won’t be keeping it up as much as letting it loose. The show needs the underlying tension to keep driving Sei forward, but it also eventually has to provide answers for that tension. Keep stringing the audience along without a few tidbits here or there and things could grow a little too complacent.

      That said it’s still early days and the show has laid out a pretty good pace. If it can keep it up I don’t think we’ll encounter too many issues later on.

  4. Yeah, more Sei being Sei. I have all three of the light novels that so far have been translated into English. Heck, even her dilemmas are her wanting to help people but also wanting to continue her much easier life in this new world.


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