「固有領域」 (Koyuu Ryouiki)
“Personal Domain”

You know, I never figured Isekai Maou for the dungeon crawling sort. Bouncing breasts of plenty sure, socializing gone wrong yes, but going through the usual fantasy paces? That’s a new one. Well, mostly new; not often you go from heated questionnaires to idol dance offs with some side-aching sound effects in the blink of an eye after all.

Out of all the tidbits and comedy nuggets this week, I think the big standout for me is the growing numbness (or weakness) of this season. Whether due to nostalgia or events simply taking their time in getting going, a lot of the flair which featuring in Isekai Maou’s first kick at the can just isn’t present, or is seemingly only present in spurts. This week for example was the first explicit time we got back to Diablo’s running battle with social skills, and while funny for me (given Shera will never stop being comedic relief), just didn’t have the same oomph last season had with the struggle. A large part of it could be Diablo having improved to eliminate the need for prolonged focus, but I still think more focus on aspects like this would continue helping flesh out Isekai Maou’s base premise. You can only get so far on ecchi alone before something is needed to give new reason for the scenery.

Of course, there’s nothing to say we won’t get such focus, and the combination of Lumachina and new demon lord provides plenty to help shuffle things along. It’s not a stretch after all to think Lumachina’s circumstances are intertwined with whoever Varakness was teasing last episode, or that Fanis let Diablo and friends go to provide a plan B in case she cannot escape her threatened concubinage – i.e. the tried and true method of “let you and him fight.” Mind you, arranging to have Diablo in town and ready to fight once her time limit is up could be challenging, but I suspect letting Lumachina do her priestly duties and save the peasant rabble average citizenry would go far enough to convince the guy to stick around for a bit.

Well, we’ll know right after we find out how well demon lords from other worlds can swim.

Full-length images: 20, 21, 25.



End Card


  1. This season is tough for me because I feel like the story’s flow is very choppy
    (it’s the best description I can think of).

    I don’t think I’m nostalgic for season one since I re-watch season 1 from time to
    time (I think the first 5-6 episodes are well done, and the middle’s kinda weak
    with a pretty good finish).

    Not familiar with the source material, but you’d think at some point Diablo would
    confide in Rem and Shera about his origins or at least be a little better at speaking
    with them — there’s no growth! (This is why I like Smartphone and Death March
    because later, in the source, those reveals do happen and it adds to the story.)

    Kinda feel like I’m watching just out of first-season loyalty. Hoping things get
    a little smoother, but at 4 episodes in, I can’t see a production / director shift

    1. Don’t expect anything to change in terms of staff, that’s always set in stone far before the show even airs.

      As for the choppy description that’s a very good way of describing things actually. For me especially it feels like this season is running on fumes; all the pieces are present, but they’re lacking a lot of the impact that was felt during this first season. IMO it might be down to this current arc lacking any real meat given it’s all about helping Lumachina and not so much why Lumachina needs helping in the first place. Just have to hope the future episodes can start filling in the blanks!

      1. Well, in the OP are so many Spoilers to predict the Story.. It’s like Hollywood Movie trailers, they reveal the Story that you do not need to watch the Movie to get the Gist


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