「変貌」 (Henbō)

It was really hard for me not to include 90 frames of Nezuko for this episode. The selection was difficult and I still don’t think I chose the right ones. We’re in the third episode of this high-caliber fight, technically the fourth if you count the end of episode 4 where Tanjirou first engages Daki. The demon has been so brutally attacked by both Tanjirou and Nezuko that she’s left with almost no strength by the time Uzui shows up. But it’s what happens after she’s beheaded that really shook me (as a non-manga reader).

Daki makes up only half of the Upper Rank Six demon. I’m not so sure how this works, one body being absorbed by the other but her body releases her brother’s after being decapitated. She calls out to him in absolute agony after her head is sliced off by Uzui and she’s been scarred by Nezuko. When Gyutaro makes his appearance, he’s skinny, sickly looking, and quite frankly, ugly. He’s the exact opposite of his sister who radiates only beauty. And like her, he has a strong demon art, able to manipulate his blood into weapons even controlling their slashes. This allows him to land a blow on Uzui leaving the Hashira disheveled and on the defense towards the end of the episode.

On another note, I am so happy we just saw Nezuko destroy Daki. She pulverized her, over and over, and over again. It felt so long and it was so gruesome to watch, I really couldn’t keep my eyes off of the screen. Nezuko’s aggressive and victorious smirk kept creeping into the action sequence making the scene even crueler. No matter how evil she looked though, I loved watching it happen. This is everything I wanted and more. I’ve been dying to see Nezuko grow into her own demon skin. I’m all for Nezuko losing control. If Tanjirou is around to sing her a lullaby, I’m all for it. Her strength is raw and wild. Her anger takes over and leaves only destruction in its path. This new form is unlike any we’ve ever seen. I didn’t touch much on it in my last review but I thought I’d discuss it a little here. The fact that she has only a single horn rather than two might be a sign that she’s more connected to her human self than any other demon, making her an incomplete demon. I hope this isn’t the last we see her in this form. It can only be advantageous to have her fighting side by side with her sibling. She’s added such a great layer to the show, one that has been missing for far too long. It’s about time she takes center stage and I swear if the rest of the Entertainment District Arc puts her on the sidelines again, I will…I can’t do much but I’ll voice my frustrations here. I imagine at some point in her life as a demon she’ll eventually taste human blood and all hell will break loose. I’m a little panicky at the thought of Nezuko turning into a full demon (because that might mean Tanjirou or a Hashira putting her down) but I’m also excited at the prospect of seeing her in her final stage.

It was her mother’s voice that brought her back though. Following Uzui’s suggestion, Tanjirou sings a lullaby he remembers his mother singing to them when they were just toddlers. I’m genuinely curious to know what your take is on the visions of Tanjirou’s family. Are the Tamado family spirits guiding Tanjirou and Nezuko? Or is it just a deep part of themselves that is emerging in the form of their lost loved ones? I was thinking back to season 1 when Tanjirou was training with Sabito and Makomo, Urokodaki’s deceased apprentices. Their spirits found their way to Tanjirou. In Japan, it’s believed that the spirits of deceased loved ones watch over those they leave behind and the Tanjirou’s initial training does allude to the fact that the spirit world, in Demon Slayer’s world, can in fact cross over to the real world. I wouldn’t be surprised if it were in fact their siblings and mom’s spirits supporting them on this difficult journey.

I wonder if the Demon Slayer Corps will retreat from this battle. There are so many casualties already and they have the information they need about the Upper Rank Demon plaguing the district, it feels like the best strategy would be to regroup, heal, gather some strength, and unleash Nezuko all over again. Imagine her working alongside all four demon slayers and Uzui’s wives. That Upper Rank Demon would have no ground to stand on. I guess I’ll only find out if I start reading the manga, and you know what, after this episode, I just might. I don’t imagine it will remove from any of the excitement I feel watching the show. It might just make me much fonder of the many characters I already love so much.


  1. “Just give Nezuko some human blood already. I want to see her final form”

    Tanjiro, Giyu and Urokodaki gave their word that they will commit seppuku should she ever attacks a human or drinks blood.

  2. Ok…I am not so upset that Tanjiro was able to hold his own against her…but i am upset that he has the strength and healing factor to recover enough to run and hold off a transformed Nezuko and plans to run back into the fight…that makes no sense to me…and takes me out of the whole thing really.


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