「先輩は。」 (Senpai wa.)
“Senpai Is…”

Is he joking, or is he actually being serious? That’s the question that permeates through the episode and it comes shockingly fast, quickly making this episode of Sasaki to Miyano a paradigm to how hard it actually is for gay people to date. Everything that has happened in their relationship so far has been by accident according to Miyano’s way of thinking, nothing he said to senpai has actually been serious, but senpai is half kidding, only testing the waters, not actually sure if he could enter them.

Miyano also wonders why exactly he’s not getting hardcore seme or uke vibes from Sasaki and I find that very interesting because it probably means that Sasaki might be vers, I mean it could be a very real possibility.

However my complaint overall is that you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take, but as we saw in this episode, it also has to be how Miyano freezes once he actually understood that Sasaki was burrowing his way in, as he also said; Sasaki has targeted Miyano in a way that’s hard to describe. It’s almost like Sasaki has placed a giant ‘X’ over Miyano’s face, here lies the spot of ye’r treasure, so to speak.

But overall the episode was really good, wholesome vibes overall, but a very big doubt from Sasaki when it comes to touching, because Miyano gets all weird, but that’s because he pulls back, but only because it makes him uncomfortable because he likes men and doesn’t want to admit it.

The scenes where Miyano is crouching on the desk has to be one of my favorites of the episode, they really brought forth the animation and the VC’s, on showing how these two boys become extremely contemplative, as well as show little signs of shyness as they find themselves freezing over each other’s feelings, that they are still unable to fully accept, but sort of already know. BL has been the conduit for that.

I mean once again, as a gay dude, it doesn’t really make sense for someone to read BL (as a guy) and be like wow that was nice! I imagine a full heterosexual might find it kinda icky, while someone of the gender-fluid variety might enjoy it more. This thing of like bro let’s fuck, but we’re not gay is so 2007. But it is still what drives the romance between these two. It’s just the forbidden factor, the giving in to the taboo, the normalizing what a lot of men suffer because of a society that pushes back on the idea of two guys being together because we live in a heteronormative society that has implanted this idea on us for some unknown reason and has been very clear about it to the point where it incites hate and violence.

I’m getting off track here…

Love is love, be free a spirit – don’t give two eff’s what other people think; be gay do crime.

There was a character introduction, finally, we get to see the high school seme jock who is in a BL relationship with Hirano aka the circular hottie Ogasawara, Jirou (Ono, Yuuki) who is a perfect example as when he finds out Sasaki has been reading BL, he instantly gets defensive and pursues a line of thought of; hmmm, actually, I’m straight, he even uses my girlfriend is on the fujoshi drug.

He’s only in a relationship with Hirano because Hirano tricks him into committing the act with him. I mean it’s certainly a fantasy, but I mean once again. SCREWING AROUND WITH ANOTHER DUDE MEANS YA GAY! What’s not clicking?! I get that it’s hard to express who you are because you don’t really know how other people are going to react, especially in an all-boys school. However, he serves the case as to a guy who has been engrained that it would be weird to be with another guy because of the macho adrenaline-fueled environment of the locker room. Fortunately, Sasaki is super chill about it and totally innocent too. Miyano listens in on the conversation and further helps cement their gateway into a relationship.

What took me by surprise is the Suki (aka 好きです, Suki desu~ (I like you))  scene which made me gag, I love it. Queen slay. YAAAAAAAS

Sasaki taking the first step might have been brought on by graduation being close, however, the case the ball is now fully in Miyano’s court which was an excellent play on the part of Sasaki, well played.

Full-length images: 42.


One Comment

  1. This show just gives me so much fluffy moments each episode, and each week and I can’t help but love Sasaki even more.
    Sundays are just the absolute best, not only do we get AoT, and KnY, but we get this as well. weekends are just the best this season


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