「ランクA冒険者はバケモノでした」 (Ranku Ē Bōkensha wa Bakemono Deshita)
“The Monstrous Rank A Adventurer”

So the episode starts with the introduction of some new cast members that only appear as side characters because they were needed for the upcoming dungeon delving, so I really wonder if they are even worth mentioning as they will most likely not be relevant in an upcoming episode or two, as if it’s any connotation, Fran and Shishou are sure to enter this dungeon; And well with only 12 episodes under our belt, it’s hard to say where exactly this new excursion will lead. With how things are going, I’m sure they will leave the final boss fight for the big finale. I do like that they changed some scenes in the OP to reflect this. However since most of the animation is the same, I reckon we don’t need a new screengrab for it.

This episode was plenty interesting, even if the battles were just mock fights, the animation was fluid and things kept moving plenty fast. Then there’s the new nuisance of the week, it seems this show is really going for how many annoying characters can one create in the span of a couple of episodes. You might know who I’m talking about by now. Of course, I’m talking about Krad (Yamaguchi, Tomohiro), his cocky attitude and thinking he’s above everyone else is really annoying. He’s like that Pokemon Trainer who thinks is better than you, and is introduced early on, but in reality, has Level 9 Pocket Monsters and is later baffled as to why he lost. (I’m looking at you Beet) A little humility goes a long way. And the ability to listen to other people and think rationally is beyond him apparently as well, if he would have just asked and listened to Fran instead of assuming, then he could have learned the truth. However, it’s not the end of the world, as he got what he deserved in the little span of half an episode, which is a win in my book.

I might be getting off track here. Kitty can take all of the insults as long as it’s directed at her, but when it comes to the big sword guy, she can’t take them at all. In fact, it’s this exact same turn of events that makes her go against Krad in the first mock battle, and of course, she beats him without breaking a sweat. Later Amanda also challenges Fran to a mock battle, and things get a lot more interesting from here on out. As both give it their all, an epic fight ensues. Amanda has one weakness, as she is wide open when retracting her whip, and Fran sees that very early on and decides to exploit it, hardly even landing one hit, but going all out at the end. Amanda lands several and the battle ends with exploding fireworks! There’s this one particular shot I fell in love with. The whip makes it so deliciously dynamic. Everyone is shocked as to how exactly someone like Fran can accomplish so much power when she doesn’t even look the part. Unfortunately nothing she can do on that part since she is still a low level adventurer. Because bumping her to C or B would be too suspicious.

In fact, it’s the whole point why Krad hates kitty, he thinks that she got up the ranks because of some royal connection, however, that is not the case, this man will just not listen to reason, as he is way too hot-headed. Hopefully, he manages to come down from his high horse and see the reason that Fran is actually a very good person and can become a valuable asset in their dungeon delving.

Well with all of that out of the way, it seems Fran, Shishou, Amanda, and company will go into their second dungeon of the season, and things can only ramp up from here toward the finale of the season. Except for one or two blunders along the way, Tensei Shitara Ken Deshitai has been such a delight to watch and talk about week by week. Hopefully, this finale delivers excellence as the whole season has. I’m waiting with bated breath to see what kind of trouble they’re about to get themselves in, and how exactly they will get out of it!

Full-length images: 36.

End Card


  1. Since we are more than half way through the season I think I season will end on Fran leaving the city. we might see some of her adventure with another adventurer in a floating dungeon.

    I don’t think Krad will remain hot-headed for long.

    Song Huang
  2. In Krad’s case it’s understandable that he reacted the way he did. Krad probably had to learn all his techniques the hard way. Then to see an Adventurer that no one has heard of get all the publicity due to their dubious accolades can be infuriating.

  3. I was a bit worried about Amanda – her stalking was definitely suspicious, but now (after truth-detecting skill too..) I see she is really good person. Good, our kitty needs friends…


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