RandomC Podcast #02 – An Intimate Affair

Stay on topic, stay on topic…Za Tangento!

With classes out for the young’uns, scheduling conflicts, and all our editors away at Fanime – requiring me to do all the technical stuff. The horror… – it fell on Enzo and yours truly to take up the proverbial sword (microphone) and talk about anime! It’s a tough life we lead. Join us for a podcast of a more intimate sort.

Random Curiosity Podcast 13 – A New Test Drive

When new formats are tested, production struggles are abound. Will the podcast crew be able to handle all the bumps along the way? Sorry that it has taken so long, but we present to you a newly formatted podcast! Explanations inside!

**This’ll be pinned on the top for the time being, so be sure to scroll down for new posts!