FreezeFrame: All-Star Memorability


If you’re like me, you waited the whole year for the NBA All Star Weekend to come around – and while Friday and Saturday’s festivities were quite entertaining, were left a bit disappointed at the actual All Star game. There were moments – just a few brief moments – of excitement, but otherwise, the pace and excitement fell back as quickly as it had picked up. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, no problem, you didn’t miss anything besides LeBron embarrass himself with a failed off-the-backboard dunk attempt.

Anyways, I was bored to the point where I started thinking about the all stars in the current anime season. Yeah, the game was that bad.


This is a complete recap of all the Suzaku stuff we’ve seen so far. The only new part came at the very end where we’re shown Euphemia knighting Suzaku. In the voice over, Lelouch realizes that Suzaku was talking about Euphemia back in episode six, and he starts to wonder if Suzaku chose Euphemia over him and Nunnally. Nevertheless, Lelouch feels that he’s already won because he now knows that Suzaku is the Lancelot’s pilot.