OP Sequence
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OP: ?O2~??·??~? (Oh-Tsuu) by ORANGE RANGE
Watch the OP! Mirror 1, Mirror 2, Mirror 3
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It has been one year since the defeat of the Black Knights and the supposed death of Zero. On this particular day, C.C. is at the helm of a publicity blimp flying over the Tokyo settlement. With her is Urabe Kousetsu, the one remaining free member of the Shisei-ken, and a handful of men who are ready to embark on a special operation. Meanwhile, at Ashford Academy, gym teacher Villetta is chasing Lelouch, so he runs into a chemistry storeroom and puts two chemicals together to create a smoke screen that allows him to get away. In order to catch him, Villetta jumps out of a window and manages to land on someone she thinks is Lelouch, but it turns out to be just Rivalz wearing a wig. The real Lelouch gets away on a motorcycle driven by his brother Rolo, and Rolo points to how Lelouch always skips class. As he rides along, Lelouch thinks about how it’s been one year since the Black Rebellion and how things have calmed down in Area 11. With all the rumors flying around, he and Rolo had even considered returning to the Britannia mainland.
Rolo then asks Lelouch about the future aspirations list that he was supposed to have filled out, but Lelouch still hasn’t decided if he wants to go to college because he’s tired of being just a student. Still, he also knows that it’s useless for him to enter the workforce since the major firms and aristocrats remain at the top, and he feels that he’d only become part of the adult hierarchy. As the motorcycle passes by a big screen television showing Governor-General Carares directing an execution and spouting Britannia propaganda, Lelouch thinks about how the Elevens lost because they didn’t have power. He feels that if they hadn’t acted up, then this area wouldn’t have been demoted to its correctional education status, and so he considers Zero to be a fool. Over at the main Britannia building, Carares is set to meet a Chinese Federation delegation but is more concerned about a certain strategic operation that’s going on at the Babel Tower. Carares questions what the Emperor is thinking because he knows that the remnants of the Black Knights can’t do much with Zero already dead. Unbeknownst to Lelouch, his approach to the Babel Tower is being watched by a Britannian force.
Lelouch arrives with his chess set, but he’s not there for money – he just wants to battle someone stronger. At least, that’s what he tells Rolo because in truth, it’s just to kill time. Inside the tower, the two find an arena where two Eleven brothers are fighting each other, and seeing this causes Rolo to want to go home. Lelouch uses the chance point out how the Britannians are enjoying themselves while the Elevens are working, and he talks about how the Elevens were defeated twice – once with Prime Minister Kururugi and once with Zero. He then accidentally bumps into bunny-costume waitress Kallen, and she immediately apologizes because she knows her place as an Eleven. Lelouch claims that he hates holding his position as a Britannian over anyone, however Kallen says that people without power have to endure it, even if the other party is wrong. Lelouch is confused and asks her not to force her values onto him, so Kallen apologizes again, but she also reveals something between her fingers. Before she can do anything though, a gambler named King grabs her by the hair because he wants to see her face. King views her as merchandise and tells her that people who don’t win have no rights, and it is this arrogance that causes Lelouch to challenge him to a game of chess, despite Rolo’s objections.
Meanwhile, the captured members of the Black Knights are being held in the same prison block. Shisei-ken member Chiba Nagisa sees Zero as a traitor even though Tamaki still believes in him, and when Ougi suggests that there might have been some reason, she finds it hard to believe because Zero disappeared as their leader during the final decisive battle. Toudou eventually puts an end to the discussion by saying that Zero is dead. Back at the Babel Tower, Lelouch has just finished winning against King. Though King is shocked, he’s more concerned about his prestige if others find out, and he accuses Lelouch of cheating. However, right at the moment his men restrain Lelouch, an explosion rocks the tower, and Kallen uses the chance to kick King in the face. The culprits are C.C. and the remaining Black Knights in their blimp, and in the ensuing confusion, Kallen pulls Lelouch away from everyone else who’s trying to flee. All of this also causes the group that was watching Lelouch, Britannia’s Secret Intelligence Agency, to start their operation.
Around the time that this is going on, Carares is greeting the Chinese Federation representative Gaohai. When two of his men try to confiscate the sword of Gaohai’s bodyguard Li Xingke, the swordsman responds by cutting off both men’s belts in one swift motion. Before things can progress much further though, everyone’s attention is turned to the sound of explosions coming from the Babel Tower. By now, Kallen has gotten separated from Lelouch, so she instead finds her allies who have brought her the Guren Nishiki, and she’s been keeping the key for it hidden between her breasts the entire time. Lelouch meanwhile has been reunited with Rolo again, and the two find their way to a shopping mall in the building. They stop when a custom-model Burai crashes through the ceiling in front of them. The Knightmare seems to hold its hand out to Lelouch, but several Britannian Sutherlands then enter the plaza via the windows and begin firing recklessly as they try to battle the Burai. The two brothers use the chance to escape again, and Lelouch leads them to a part of the building that’s still under construction. Lelouch notices just in time that there’s a soldier with a gun in here too, but while he manages to save Rolo from harm, he loses his balance in the process and falls down a dark shaft.
Fortunately, Lelouch lands safely on some plastic material, however he’s now too far down the shaft for Rolo to hear him and for him to get a cell phone signal. At first, Lelouch is unsure of what to do, but he quickly realizes that he has to go save his only little brother and starts making his way back up the Tower. Lelouch eventually arrives in a room that is filled with dead bodies, including King’s, and though he initially blames the terrorists, he realizes that there are dead Elevens here too. After nearly throwing up, he notices that the Burai from earlier is hiding in the shadows in front of him, and from its cockpit emerges C.C. Saying that she’s come for him, C.C. explains that she’s his ally and that Britannia is his enemy. She then tries to remind him of their contract and how only she knows the true him, and this causes Lelouch to start to walk towards her. However, just as he gets close, C.C. gets shot in the chest. Lelouch manages to catch her, but he’s surprised to see that the one responsible for the bullet is part of a large group of Britannian soldiers who have just appeared. These men then begin incinerating the dead bodies and proceed to kill off anyone who’s still alive.
From the cockpit of the Sutherland that is with this group emerges the Secret Intelligence Agency leader, and he has with him a book labeled “Lelouch’s Activity Log.” After he reads off all the things Lelouch had done earlier today, he reveals that Lelouch was the bait for them to lure the witch C.C. out. Lelouch is still confused, but the man feels that he doesn’t have to speak to Lelouch any more and instead has his troops prepare to shoot Lelouch so that they can get rid of all witnesses. Realizing that this could be the end for him, Lelouch despairs a bit before wishing he had power. To his surprise, C.C. suddenly gets back up and kisses him on the lips, causing him to experience certain visions all over again. She tells him that he already has power and awakens the memories of what she calls the Power of the King by releasing the seal that was on it. As his memory returns, Lelouch realizes that he’s Zero, and he recalls what Suzaku had said to him during their final confrontation. It is with his old attitude back that he now questions his opponent about if being powerless is a vice means that having power is justice.
The Secret Intelligence Agency leader doesn’t take him seriously and says that there’s only death for the bait, so Lelouch turns that around and, with his Geass power activated, orders all the men to die. After all the Britannian soldiers kill themselves, Lelouch thinks to himself about how his previous memories had been planted, but the truth kept calling to him. He thus feels that it’s not he who is wrong but rather the world, and the world can change. It is at this moment that Urabe’s Gekka and Kallen’s Guren Nishiki come crashing through the ceiling, and they bow down to Lelouch who they know is Zero. Accepting them, Lelouch acknowledges himself as Zero and declares himself to be the one who will destroy and create the world. Meanwhile, somewhere in Britannia, the Emperor meets with Anzu, Zino, and Suzaku, the latter of whom says that he doesn’t intend to give up the right to anyone – he will personally kill Zero.
ED Sequence
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ED: ????????? (Shiawase Neiro) by ORANGE RANGE
Watch the ED!: Mirror 1, Mirror 2, Mirror 3
I have to say, though I don’t listen to their songs that much, ORANGE RANGE really surprises me with the variety of their music because neither the OP or ED sound like typical for them. In a very good way though. The parts of the OP that were in the commercials still don’t sound like them to me. As usual, the OP had a lot of juicy tidbits that cause you to wonder what will happen with the likes of Nunnally or Orange-kun. The ED meanwhile seems to hint that V.V. is contracted to the Emperor or something.
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You know, I had been worried that GEASS might not live up to expectations since it’s technically a Sunrise sequel series, and a lot of times those don’t fare as well as the original (i.e. Gundam SEED Destiny and to a lesser extent, Mai-Otome). Fortunately, R2 gets off to a great start, and I ended up loving this first episode. It had the right pacing for reintroducing all of the characters, and I thought that the parallels with the first episode of the first series were a nice touch, especially since the episode titles are so close to each other (“The Day The Devil Was Born” in the original vs “The Day The Devil Awakens” here). It also doesn’t hurt that this is now being shown in HD, so the animation quality looks as good as ever, if not better.
What kills me of course is all the unanswered questions still floating around (chief among them what happened in that cave at the end of episode 25), but I guess this wouldn’t be any fun if they answered them all right away. I’m also curious to find out what happened to Rolo during all this, who Rolo truly is, and how Lelouch will treat him different now that he’s got his memories back given how, before then, there were several times in the episode where Lelouch’s main focus was on saving his brother. It seems like there are so many different directions they can go with Rolo’s character (from making him a bad guy to killing him off), so it’ll be interesting to see how he turns out.
The other thing I wanted to comment on was how it looks like the Emperor will be playing a pretty major part this season. He had a direct hand in sending the troops who were trying to lure C.C. out, and as the OP shows, he’s got a Geass power in his right eye. It’s still not entirely clear if he knows that Lelouch is Zero though. In a way, it makes sense that he’d be showing up more now because theoretically if Lelouch is going to be ultimately victorious, then he has to face and/or surpass his father, probably towards the end of the series. That is pure speculation on my part, though there are undoubtedly several plot twists yet to come involving the Emperor, particularly since he holds the key to so many mysteries. Of course, a lot can happen in the 24 or so episodes we have left, and if this first episode is any indicator, then it looks like we’re in for a very exciting ride.
Oh and I almost forgot: Pizza Hut still supports the rebellion! 😀 In fact, if you check their website, they’re running an R2 promotion right now.
Just watched the episode. I agree with Omni, I don’t usually listen to ORANGE RANGE, but it was really good. Perhaps it was just the addition of the animation that made it better for me.
After one year, it’s about damn time. I can’t wait for episode 2.
Anya’s Knightmare is very Gundam Virtue. Who said that it was only Gundam 00 who “copied” Code Geass’s Knightmares?
Best anime of the year is baaaaackkkkkkkkkk
DAMN CC is back!!
damn time to torrent >:)
AHHHH I’ve been waiting so long for this. AHHHHHHHHHHHLDSJLKSDJFLKjgld gundam? what gundam? there is only geass (watch my opinion change as the series ends)
I’ll watch and upload it RAW for sure
that Sunrise makes all wait one year not nor nothing
I’ll watch it 😀
first episode wif so many exciting things is making me tingle… COOOL!!!!
finally code geass is back and i think more than just karen knows that lelouch is zero
OMG Code Geass is back §§§§§
This episode just seemed really goofy and off to me, until the very end. While I realized what was going on, I just felt… disappointed. Not a very good start to the show in my opinion.
But I’m hopeful.
Cool! but, WTF is happening?
looks very nicely animated. too bad the story is a smidge confusing at this point.
plz…owh plz let this be subbed…fast!!!
really curious what happened between season 1 and 2 now
Geassss!!!! Oh yes!
@ Rift: Yeah, Turn 1 was written in a way to appeal to first time viewers who never watched the first season. Turn 2 is the episode that is supposed to be “the bridge” between the first season and R2.
I tried not to spoil myself but I just can’t wait anymore. Interesting of how the writers started off the second season of Code Geass. Animation looks great – what more it’s HD. OP and ED animation look amazing. Love the artworks from CLAMP in the ED.
thank god code geass is back!!
i’ll support you all the way, Lelouch!!
Just remember to kick Britannia and Suzaku ass!
Finally Geass is back !!!! \o/
lol, so pizza hut is still supporting afterall. besides pizza hut is an icon of CG.
cant wait til the subs come out =D
the question is will there be a sub? since this show is already license…
Damn…1. if only I know what they are saying 2. I still don’t get what happens bwtn S1 and S2 3. Emperor so has a Geass-wonders what that is? 4. Damn CC looks good – I can’t stop drooling But power to the Revolution…off to watch with Pizza Hut..
the best anime 4ever
Pzza Hut ftw! xD
Anyways, nice to see Geass back in action. Curiously awaiting the summary, wonder why Lelouch lost his Geass in the first place.
Lancelot=Thone Eins
Tristan= Kyrios
Mordred=Virtue. Watch the OP and you will not dispute.
@Meatrose…what is Turn 1 and Turn 2?
The episodes are called Turns for R2, as they were called Stages back in the first season.
i think is episode 1 and episode 2
Is that the Shiseiken for China?
They have their Loli as well.
Whee! The first episode is finally out, can’t wait for the subs…ah, if only I could understand japanese….hoping to get a better idea of what’s happening soon! thanks Omni.
Just watched the RAW and the last part of the episode !!OMG Code Geass is Back!!!!!!!!!
Oh yay! CD is back!
ops i mean CG*
I hope anyone doesn’t mind but I’m uploading the Code Geass ED on YouTube. If anyone wants to watch it/comment on it, my YouTube name is HaruToki101. Please see it!
WTF WTF WTF look at the OP
soooo many gundams
how could they do that… x_X
ALL HAIL BRITANIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
would this mean that lil Rollo is going to be against his idol?
Code Geass!!!!
WHOOO~ ITS FINALLY BACK!!! what’s up with kallen’s new outfit? =.=
lelouch needs an eyepatch
Do I see Nunnally dressed a princess and sitting on a throne-like wheelchair during the intro..?
A hint at the ‘interesting place’ the staff mentioned?
WTF…no Anya screenshots? Lelouch riding on a horse is more worthy of a screenshot than that pink-haired goddess? Are you crazy Omni? Everyone wants to see her!
*Sniff sniff* Is Cordelia in R2? I didn’t see her in the opening. I take it she died from her wounds too????
And is it me or does the Emperor also have Geass? If that’s the case, Lelouch is basically following along his dad’s footsteps.
yayy pizza hut is back !
Turn 1 and Turn 2 are episode 1 and episode 2, the same way as last season which they labelled the episodes as Stage 1 and Stage 2. Stage sounded better, I don’t know why the writers this time chose Turn…
Too bad, can’t download Code Geass in the campus. Otherwise I would have watch it by now.
pizza hut WOOH got to have it for dinner tml
hehe lulu is back with geass
The OP isn’t always a great predictor. Cornelia may or may not be alive. Her Knight Guilford isn’t with her. We know that much. A bad sign for Cornelia fans for sure.
Isn’t this is Orange-kun? He’s still alive O.o
/o/ awesome
I don’t like that picture either. =(
shinobi is back!
gar: This picture remember me a similar made by clamp for X1999.
sweet, the rebellion has started once again. Time for the second revolution! Btw, you’re telling me that he lost his powers for some time before CC came back and gave it back to him.
I didn’t expect the show to air in HD. Excellent! 😀
I have to say though, the OP sucks… COLORS was way better.
It is a good time for mecha fans. Gundam OO just finished, Macross Frontier and Code Geass are just starting, and then afterwards Gundam OO comes back. 🙂
I just finished watching!!!!
sugoi, sugoi, sugoi!!!!!!
I didn’t like very much the opening (mainly the part where lelouch is riding the white horse) but the ending is amazing!!! The artwork is like a mix between X/1999 and RG Veda *ureshii*
I can’t wait for the next episode!
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!! WOOT!!! IT’S BACK!! *spazzes*
JoeDX: Totally agree with you. COLORS was way better. Kinda sad that FLOW does not do either OP or ED. Instead Orange Range got it. And they’re doing for both OP and ED.
Woo hoo!
Code Geass! Pizza Hut! Orange Range! Can’t wait for subs!
Awesome!!! and I love the OP and ED songs^^
is it just me? or i’m the only one feeling that the fact that lelouch memory was set to another personality? and i have a feeling the one who did this is suzaku…damn…
Long Live Zero !!
Omg >________
CODE GEASS… FINALLY!!!! AFTER WAITING 1 YEAR~ I hope it’s worth it!!!!! Lulu is as hot as usual, even hotter this time! CC too!
I guess they are airing this in HD so it won’t be beaten up by Macross F.
Well, I’ll probably watch the first ep and then wait 6 months until every episode is out and then watch it all in one go. For me, that’s the best way to watch Geass.
Also, I hope they don’t have none of those .5 type recap episodes. and please, Don’t make me wait 17 years for the final episode like they did the first season.
Lastly, I hope to god it ends at the end of this season. I’d hate to see Geass go ‘all American’ and the creators keep milking it with season after season after season…. like the X-Files or Alias.
Aweeeeeeeee yeahh geass timee!
lulu(the prince) awoke[regains memories] from a kiss from c.c. (the witch)
Sub sub sub! Holy smoky, I need to get my hands on this episode asap!
The fiend has truly reentered the building.
So Charles has Geass, and so does Lelouch.
That knocks the plot up a notch…. £50 says Lelouch will be offered the position of Emperor before the series is over.
ROLLO LAMPEROUGE ♥ He’s just too adorable XD
I seriously loved this, kudos to Sunrise
Rollo is evil…pure evil.
Wee~ its back.I’m not depressed for once XD.I’ll just try not to read that summary which I know will spoil everything for me =(
I’m watching it for the 3rd time now… that was just so cool.
Turn 1 is like a reflection of Stage 1. Except it’s now more hyper-incredible, I guess.
The scenes after Lulu falling down were all super awesome!(Had to rewatch them immediately)
Lulu is sooooo handsome & cool! (fangirl kyaaaa XD XD XD)
And every time I see Suzaku I can’t help but go “Eeeeeeeee(w)!!”
Kallen~~~~ is love!!! (loves Kallen)
and C.C. is just lovely…
And there are a lot of WTF?!? Questions like..
Who/WTF is this Rollo?!?!?!?!? How come everyone knows him?? How come Lulu accepts him as his brother?? Why is Shirley the same? The emporer has a geass!!!(in the OP) and he’s WTF with V.V. ?? Orenji got a really long screentime in the OP…
Loves loves loves loves loves LOVES LOVES Code GEASS !!!!
Umm…seems that Zero’s identity is no longer a secret to the core members of the Black Knights. Even more curiously, Lelouch’s restored geass eye appears akin to the permanent-geass to me.
Yayyyy… Finally…
Does anyone else think that Kallen will be the one to betray them?
suzaku is still a dog of britannia as always. and seems like the remnants of black knights’s order that’s have not been captured knows lelouch identity as zero.
BEST anime of all time has returned
cant say i didnt spend a good 3 mins screaming in elation
pretty sure the ED was CLAMP drawn again like they were in season 1. The wings and crap look like they are from Tsubasa.
this is exciting.. love badass lulu.. he has a brother?
Glad to see that the Animation Quality is much much better.
I wonder when this season’s plot would actually explain the Geass, as it’s evident that the origin of this power is strongly tied with the Britannia Empire.
It’s also likely that Lelouch’s “brother” is a replacement for Nunnally planted by whoever that replaced his memory, although the chances of Rollo somehow being Nunnally (somehow transformed?) shouldn’t be neglected.
But what’s with the new meccha?? With one of Suzaku’s new teammates piloting a transforming Knightmare and the other piloting a heavy armored Knightmare with a high energy canon, it doesn’t take much effort to spot the Gundam 00 forgery.
Above all, it’s sweet to see Karen making a comeback in a bunny suit, and it seems that she’s forgiven Lelouch. And although he’ll be starting again from zero (unintended pun), the show is already suggesting that Lelouch will be getting a much bigger army than ever before, just look at the numbers on the last frame of the OP.
In the OP’s Kuro no Kishidan shot right before the end, is that Kaguya in a red miniskirt?
This reminds me of Buffy the Vampire slayer. Remember when Buffy came home and suddenly had a baby sister that she remembered because her memories were falsified.
Cant wait…
Ahahaha!!! That’s was awesome!!!
I like it how near the ending is almost the same as how the first season started…
I finally got around to watching the raw ugh I just got the shivers just watching it. On another note the Ougi X Villetta in the OP was interesting. SO maybe it’ll be Ougi or Villetta that betrays the Black Knight or Britannia.
Wooohooo Code Geass R2
@hei or they may end up abandond both sides and live ever happy.
Yes, CC is back and still just fascinate as always. On the side note, is there an order of the loli? Now China, Japan and Brittinia have their share of loli; I wont be surprise if EU has one too O.o So many interest things are gonna happen in this season XD.
Lelouch is back with his evil smirk
(saw in the op)
“It’s also likely that Lelouch’s “brother” is a replacement for Nunnally planted..”
I think your right from the looks of it. There was no mention of Nunnally through the episode by Lelouch. So does this mean that Lelouch’s friends and people at the school been replace too and why isn’t Kallen mind replace.
When I first saw Rollo, he look like more of Suzaku’s brother than Lelouch’s.
Re: https://randomc.net/image/CODE%20GEASS/CODE%20GEASS%20R2%20-%2001%20-%20Large%2020.jpg
The man on the knightmare in the upper right corner of the picture- doesn’t he look like he’s wearing Zero’s mask?
@Joe so he does. Has anyone yet figured out ho suzaku can be considered the good guy yet cos im still stumped at how one person could think the way he does (Massive hypocrite) Because at the end of the day anyone who serves the emperor the way suzaku does its moderately insane or Evil. If anything suzaku has next to no moral fibre like lelouch clinging to the remaining strands of it [his moral fibre] to loosely justify thier raison d’etre. Series is AWESOME THOUGH i want Zero to win!!!! anyhow Help anyone?? please?
@Gloria Wow so he does. i thought he might considering theway people randomly worship him for no real reason other than being a decendant of rasists and conquerors {Whilst being one himself)!
lulu you’re uke!!!!!!!!!!!!
who is the guy walking on the beach in the opening???
Pizza HUT FTW!!!
Good way to start the first episode.
This is much like Raito lost memory Death Note plot
@Lila: The blurred out guy in the opening sequence is either Orange-kun or the Knight of One. Due to similarities in their appearances, it’s difficult to distinguish them from a distance. The brown spot on the left side of the unknown man’s facial area supports the belief that he is in fact Orange-kun. However, the shoulder spikes are missing. So basically we have no idea.
“Sorry to have kept you waiting, Zero-sama.” =V
this is series is reminding me of Gungrave kinda like that whole best friend thing.
Ummm, so I haven’t watched the first season, I’m betting I’d have to watch that first to get what’s going on?
Woah!!!! Code Geass is BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . . ..
question! is this still titled “Lelouch of the Rebellion”?
’cause . . well, if it is . . .
I’m gonna kill Suzaku. hmph.
Rebellion vs. Revolution:
Rebellion = Unsuccessful
Revolution = Successful
So . . . . ?
Omni, remember you previously said that nip slips wouldn’t make it on air after you found out the air time?
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Strong first episode. So glad CG is back!!!!
My theory: Rollo is V.V. :]
Wow. cool. I don’t know if anyone’s mentioned this already but the ed shows the characters with white and black wings. White for Britannia and Black for the Black knights, but Rolo has both a white and a black wing. Foreshadowing perhaps?
Ok, it is cool and whatever, but I think the situation right now is really disadvantageous for lelouch. his previous members are mostly captured. his scientist and media back up are missing somewhere. his kallen is kinda crippled with the gurren nishiki’s radiation hand is broken and since lelouch has no scientist, it cant be repaired. and then the britannia king has geass too, not to mention he has 12 able knights, and one of them is suzaku…not only that they even mass produce lancelot. and the other knights seems good too….I wonder how lelouch will win this battle.
rollo looks like nunally’s male version…, hope V.V. didnt tamper with her >
it’s ironic how ougi used to be a teacher and now villetta is
a subbed version of ep1 has come out and it is from gg group O.o so i guess they are not disband yet or what?
anyway, downloading it right now ^-^
I have noticed that they wrote “Lelouch of the Revellion” instead of “Lelouch of the Rebellion”
Watched the raw and theirs several typos where they attempt to write english once is when they spell rebellion with a v instead of a b. the other time is when the secret people startup their knightmares it reads
We pledge to the spirits of of founding fathers
And the glory of the realm our mother
That we shall be the shields which defend our momeland
And the halberds which smite those who harm us(12:03)
I spelled it the exact same way it was written
I’m move and smiling all the way throughout the episode. Yay! finally it’s air.
lol Momeland and Revellion are the lulz typos
Wewt. CG is back with R2 action.
F*** yeah Orange-Kun is back
So V.V. is the “contractor” of the Emperor’s Geass it seems… I wonder when will Lelouch find out, and what the Emperor or V.V. did with his sister? I smell a big “Geass” showdown between V.V. and C.C. and Lelouch and his father…
cant wait to watch this 1, ohh thank god that villeta will get some love this season
I’ll agree, I was worried about what might happen. However, judging by how they ended the last season, there was a plethora of paths to take that would have been just as exciting. I was definitely taken by this episode though.
Code Geass: Now with even more mystery.
The only thing disappointed me this ep. is the douchebag face of Suzaku…
Long live ZERO!
Where can you watch it?
Well, I’m glad Suzaku’s alright. Hopefully Lelouch and Suzaku will show us some spectacular battles. =) Thanks Omni
overall a great ep, really enjoyed it and the fact that it kinda copies the first ep on the first season, too bad it didn’t end with the “da ka ra” quote, always liked that line
did Kallen always have that jiggle to her? lol… production values UP!
zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero ZEROOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
dont think ever had big smile on my face and cry at same time has watch open intro of raw format .
Worth the waiting , 9.6/10
Anon: Just the fact that they had to invert the colors of that shot screams censorship to me. I’m willing to bet that it won’t look like that on the DVD. So yes, I still think that there’ll be some forms of censorship because of the timeslot.
Anya’s Knightmare is very Gundam Virtue. Who said that it was only Gundam 00 who “copied” Code Geass’s Knightmares?”
well sunrise produced this anime also.. so so what da hell!!!!!! ALL HAIL SUNRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well I found this first episode to be a little dull. But I’m still expecting some great things.
If it’s the Lance then Gundam used it first, it wasn’t copied from Geass.
I think the first episode of season one was better. This one is a bit of a rip off that, but more lousy.
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awesome episode worth the 2 hour download.
What about Cornelia???
The Britannian Army killed bunnygirls.
sweey ep it was funny seeing c.c.’s immortaility powers again
Yay Code Geass! ^_^
Poor Suzaku… You’re my favourite character and all, but have you been traumatized so much by Euphie’s death that all you can think about is killing Zero? Granted, Lelouch’s methods are VERY questionable… *sigh*
On a side note, if you watch the OP (you can get it on Youtube), Kallen is crying when she’s fighting Anya’s/Anzu’s Modred. I wonder why…
EATING PIZZA HUT RIGHT NOW!!! dominos is better. . .
The sole part of this episode that I am uncomfortable with is the illogical period of pausing in which the Britannia specialist soldiers failed to carry out that baron’s execution order. The troops simply stood there with their guns pointing at Lelouch for a good 20 seconds after their commanding officer issued the execution of both C.C. and Lelouch, just so Lelouch can have a personal moment with the audience. Is it just me, or is that illogical?
Every bit of praise I could have said about this episode has already been stated.
But has anyone else looked at the Pizza Hut R2 promotion? I wish I were in Japan so that I could get some of that sweet merchandise!
AWESOME episode!! Reminded me of how much I love this series! I’m also really excited about the next episode! Long live Zero! 🙂 so uhhh….
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can’t wait for the next one!
KISSU again.
The OP looks really awesome with hint of LLx CC too!~
The fears of this being censored in the new time slot so far are accurate. They didnt show the suicide scene this time, they cut to lelouch’s face.
Its kind of funny seeing Tamaki defend Zero’s actions. Since he was so against him in the beginning of the series. Great Episode and its great to have Code Geass back.
Not bad. I felt it was a little weak for the first episode of the highly anticipated second season, but that’s mostly because my expectations were so high. Nothing wrong with the content (aside from Lelouch’s excessive wussiness before getting his memories and power back), but the direction seemed a little uninspired to me; the presentation of the events lacked the punch that drew me in immediately with the first season.
But, it was generally pretty good, and it has every opportunity in the world to get better and get back up to the level of the first season, so I’ll see how it goes.
Hmm… I really like the parallels.
I think it was a nice touch, because “R2” can be read as “Round 2”, as in, Lelouch’s second shot at taking out Britannia, so having it start out in a very similar way to the first season kind of… ties it all together.
As for the emperor knowing whether Lelouch was Zero or not…. I saw something at the end of the first season that leads me to believe the Emperor knows. In one of the final episodes, someone was talking to the Emperor about the rebels in Area 11, and after receiving a response, asked “And what should we do about Lelouch?” (The response was “Let him be for now”). Lelouch was believed to be dead, so why would they suddenly be bringing him up after talking about the uprising in Japan?
Now, we have gg and Eclipse. What’ll we choose 😀
Welcome home CG!
Anzu? O.O Isn’t her name Anya?
OMFGGGGG I WANT MORE!!! moreeeee… sigh 1 week at a time
I’ve been waiting for you, Zero.
Saa, let me see how you recreate this WORLD!!!
Alright! Code Geass is back!
Still, I don’t want it to end with just 50 episodes, hehe, this show could go as far as what? 200 episodes 😀
Cheesy-kun is BACK!!!!
Remember everyone, we need to support the Rebellion. So at this very second, go to Pizza hut and say “WE SUPPORT THE REBELLION!!” lol.
Eclipse doing the subs 01 has been released already @ http://eclipse.no-sekai.de/
OMG the Emperor has geas look
OMG the Emperor has geas look
cheack the opening of code geass s2
WAHhahahahahahaha im really happy but really sad at same time cos for every episode we see its one closer… to the final episode of the Franchise (reality is such a tragic thing 🙁 )
(^Cant help myself its dat good^) [SUZAKU BASHING!!!!] I just had a thought i wonder what will happen when suzaku starts looking around at britannia and realises that the emperor is just as evil and as concieted if not more so then he feels that lelouch is. He might explode!!!! i still would rather kallen or todou beats him in combat though [SUZAKU BASHING!!!/]
I want some Lelouch x C.C.
since when was viletta the PE teacher?
I hope more romance and couples!!!
Good start, but I really wish they had shown the soldiers killing each other, along with all the blood, instead of showing us Lulu.
“As for the emperor knowing whether Lelouch was Zero or not…. I saw something at the end of the first season that leads me to believe the Emperor knows. In one of the final episodes, someone was talking to the Emperor about the rebels in Area 11, and after receiving a response, asked “And what should we do about Lelouch?” (The response was “Let him be for now”). Lelouch was believed to be dead, so why would they suddenly be bringing him up after talking about the uprising in Japan?”
That was an error in one of the fansubs. The Emperor was talking about Sniezel, not Lulu. Unless you’re talking about a different scene, but in any case I’m sure there was no such scene in gg’s subs of season 1.
op by orange range… reminds me of orange in s1.
All hail! pizza hut!
thats the genius thing about ataaching music to anime. A song i didnt think was all that great when i heard bits of it in the trailers grew on me because of the association with code Geass just like the ending them tune of dragonaut prob wouldnt be considered rubbish had dragonaut not been such a dismal dissapointment. On that note you may dissagree but i actually rate suzaku in the same vein as kazuki (though kazukis actions made sense from a strictly Selfish angsty lame point of view)
I hope the censorship doesn’t completely strip R2 of the bloodiness… it would be so lame in comparison to season 1.
Also, I’m dying to know Lelouch’s mother, Queen Marianne’s role in all these mess. Her death had been shrouded in mystery.
i hope that at the end suzaku dies!!!!
no hope for redemption kill him!!!
i hope that lulu cuts him limb from limb grrrr hate him
I bet Suzaku is going to turn in your typical emo and angsty Clamp character xD *cough*Subaru*cough*. Btw, the artwork pictures are sooo pretty! They reminded a lot of X! (specially Lulu=Kamui, Nunnally=Kotori and Suzaku=Subaru+Shaoran xD) Yup, I’m kinda obsessed with X xD.
I don’t like lelouch , he killed her sister euphi
Can’t wait to see them fight against EU.
I’m not sure where the idea that this episode has been more censored than the first from the last series comes from. The last series didn’t show the soldiers killing themselves either, it showed them putting the guns to their necks, pulling the trigger, and then switches to Lelouch’s face, then back to them all dead on the floor.
Now, I do admit that the last series also showed their blood splattering across Lelouch’s face, but they were somewhat closer there. It wouldn’t have made much sense for that to happen here just for the sake of it, at least in my opinion. I personally didn’t really notice any areas of censorship.
@Michael Finally another person openly hateful of the newest brittanian stooge!!
@Brenda Lelouch is evil no doubts there but his actions in a vengeful angry obsessed evil sorta way make sense!! Suzakus action lack reason (im not implying you prefer suzaku cos i know you didnt say that!)
It was even better than the first one of the first season!
wow… that pizza hut website has the ps2 game add… and the game looks VERY harem-y… haha.
i remmember Lelouch use his own geass to himself in season 1, maybe thats the reason
he lost his memories?
i am not trying to start the flame, but anyone here hate euphime? As for me, absolutely yes! I have never hate any cute pink princess but euphime has done it. Coming from a rather good heriatge royality,never expericent any hardship of the outside world and be abandonded as hostage, yet she comes in and talks all the sweet words. She is in 2nd of the must kill list, only lose to suxaku therr and above nina. So i am more than happy to see her dead.
I think Rollo is not his true brother( we all know that), I think its becuz of his memories being sealed and replaced
YA!!!! CODE GEASS ROCKS MY SOUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!
Now this is a series that I have been waiting for and am glad to say that it lived out to its expectations, since like many others, I had initially thought that it wouldn’t be so good that the setting suddenly changed to one year later from the cliffhanger in the first season. Also, just my own theory, what if Rollo is really Nunally? and that V2 is actually bisexual and loves turning others like Ranma 1/2 lol! Way too farfetched, but in truth I would think that just like Lelouch, Rollo is probably someone who had his memories implanted to impersonate/pretend as Lelouch’s brother in order to keep watch just in case he returns. The usual backstabbing character lol, although I could be proven wrong since he seemed to be affected when that Black King was talking about the Emperor’s philosophy, just like Lelouch was, anyways just my opinion.
WOW that was amazingly fast and rushing. i so will love this series. the OP and ED looked okay but i like the first season’s better. ^^
Great start, wow I totally got confused after seeing that episode though wondering “Wait, weren’t they in the cave? Oh god I’m confuzzled”. Pizza hut ftw, loved the opening and the ending as well.
@WingZero zxt: I second that, I for once think that Suzaku should’ve died in the first season, but oh well I hope he dies this season. Lelouch may seem evil in the first season, and maybe in this season, but in that world setting, Brittania must be taken down, for that single empire is taking over the whole world. IMO Lelouch is far more better than Suzaku cause he has a just cause, he wants to change the world for his sister and for the people, while Suzaku wants to keep the world as it is, ignoring the pains of the people living in it, so long as he can survive.
Watched it. Loved it. I squealed for like… half the way. The rest of the way my voice started cracking. Anyways, TIME TO WATCH IT AGAIN!!!! XD
I really hate Suzaku, he shouldve joined lelouche when he had the chance but wanted to go all goody two shoes(i.e. Britannia). He should die this season, i would not even be satisfied with him going back to lelouche’s side, he needs to DIE!!!!!!!!DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOW…The second season started in a way no one was expecting! Rollo? Whose illegitimate son is he anyway? Memory loss? you gotta be Shit’n me! Where the heck is nunally?! What Happened in the friggin cave?!…incredible, 1 HOLE YEAR has passed?! NO F’ing WAY!!
Kallen bunny suit FTW!! I’m looking forward to see suzaku dead in a horrendous way.
This Series just keeps getting better and better. Cant Wait for the next episode.
@X actually, there is no just cause in this anime. It is true that lulu wants to change the world for his sister and the people and also for himself too. And in order to get his revenge, he drags countless of people into the conflict. So lulu is not an character who fights for justice. But the BIG difference between lulu and suzaku is that lulu KNOWS his goal and does everything to obtain it even by evil means. However, suzaku is nothing but a hypocrisy who speaks all the sweet words of changing an incorrupt power inside out or saving the life of people, and he goes emo and kills everyone after his stupid euphime die (yes, they are sure a good couple!). SO in this anime there are no justice lead character, only hypocrisy and non-hypocrisy. And of course i am a fan of lulu, but CC ftw 🙂
All the poorly justified Suzaku bashing is pretty amusing. It’s funny seeing people try to justify Lelouch considering he’s willing to kill any number of innocent people to achieve his goals, and it’s obvious he’s doing it for selfish reasons, not because he cares about the world. I think Lelouch is an awesome character and I love watching him do his thing, but geez people — learn to recognize a villain when you see one. Amazing how people can be blinded to a person’s evil just because he’s the protagonist.
Regardless, I look forward to watching Suzaku cut more Black Knight pilot wannabes to ribbons this season, just as much as I look forward to Lelouch owning Britannia with his strategizing and his geass powers.
Interesting, Urabe called Lulu “Zero-sama” not just ” Zero”
all right!! Lelouch is back!!!!!!!!!1
@langley well said xd. In this anime, there is no justice lead character. But the big difference between lulu and suzaku is that lulu is not a hypocrisy; he wants revenge and creats a better world for his sister (big plus point there) so he does everything in order to obtain his wishes even if by evil means. Plus he never considers himself a hero of justice (except to win the support of the japanese balala). While that suzaku always says sweet words like i will change the corrupt power inside out and protect everyone, then he goes eo and killes everything in his path when his stupid beloved euphime die (which servers her right). And for all that, i am a fan of lulu of course :). But above all, CC for the win xd.
wtf?! The emperor has a geass?! well, at least it explains that he is a psychotic villian….
….as for Suzaku……I hate him now since he reminds be of Sasuke Uchiwa….
And looks like Urabe and Kallen already knew about Zero’s true identity….Kallen already knew it duh, since the last episode…I bet Urabe knew it through C.C. or Kallen or both….
..I wonder what will happen if Ougi, Todo, Chiba and Tamaki (once they are freed) know that Zero is actually a former prince of Britannia?
….I wonder what happened to Orange-kun? He’s not there in the OP…
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I really like the way how CLAMP drew the ED….the sword that Cornelia was holding looks like the Divine Sword of Kamui in X/1999….Lelouch really looks like Kamui….and Suzaku looks like Syaoran of TRC and Nunnally looks like Kotori….
Great episode!
mysterious : I absolutely agree with you! I hate Suzuku with all my heart! Actually, I just join “why don’t Suzuka just dies!” at crunchyroll an hour ago!
“but geez people — learn to recognize a villain when you see one. Amazing how people can be blinded to a person’s evil just because he’s the protagonist”
I recognize Britania as the villian in Code Geass. A world where the strong overcome the weak, I don’t think I would be able to accept that. Taking over the world and taking away people’s rights even calling them numbers and all that. It’s not discrimination – it’s distinction. (whatever, but of’corse it’s worse than discrimination right?) Also, all the killing people like vegetables of Britannia. It’s just wrong. Totally wrong. Wrong wrong wrong.
And I don’t think most people who love Lulu are blinded to his evilness. But I think we know Lulu’s not being evil because he wants to be, but he’s doing everything with a goal in mind. He’s making a sacrifice for the greater good. And he accepts the pain and responsibility for the lives he’s taken… unlike a certain Britanian dog.
I hated Suzaku even more in this episode. Because…
More reasons why Suzaku MUST DIE!! (from this episode)
Lulu has saved his ass plenty of times, let him live for an even longer time and even geassed him to live, he’s regarded him as a friend all along until the gunpoint scene which Suzaku denied his whole existence; and Suzaku shot him and went “I won’t ask for forgiveness, we’re friends aren’t we?” Worse he possibly… Show Spoiler ▼
And to top it off, Turn 1 had to end with his “Yes, Your Majesty. I won’t let anyone else do it. I will personally kill Zero.”
If he wasn’t already a father-killer, he’s also the most despicable friend ever! Therefore, HE’S GOT TO DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@ALL SUZAKU HATERS : So to sum up then we all hate suzaku because:
1. He is a hypocrite who for some reason thinks fighting in the army is a good way to not let people die?!?!?!?!?
2. Until Euphies death he had no humanly logical reason for fighting other then to continue what he started (AT AGE 10!!!! maye by acident he was only 10 after all)by making it so brittania (a rasisct government) stays in power
3.Because despite his supposed moral fibre (which is now completely shredded in the tumble drier of brittania [oh im clever!] He serves a rasisct government trying to rule the world! I say again because he Stood through the ENTIRE emperors speech and STILL is now currently consorting with him!?!?!?!
4. His plan to change brittania from inside out would only have worked IF he had married Euphie and she had become empress and he didnt even know about her before he joined.
5. He claims that results achieved by negative actions are meaningless. By his own philosophy then his life is pointless and has been so since he joined the army
IN CONCLUSION : Lelouch IS EVIL!!! we know but from a strictly human perspective his actions are the logical result of having everything he held dear taken from him at such an early age, being given ‘ a super power’ and having a father who sits on the biggest world empire who for some reason doesnt care about you! + For all you euphie lovers out there. We all know it was an accident!
and forgoodness sake people stop comparing gundam to geass!!! gundam have several 100 mech designs under thier belt of course some will eventually be similar!!
aaaa, finally! second season! now that Gundam 00 Season1 ended this would keep us pinned until the G00 season 2 starts in Octomber. Code Geass is one of my favourite and I’m glad that R2 started with such a nice way.
Lelouch just rapes…..
i just realised 1 of lelouch hidden abilities : To run away! I am ofcourse reffering to ep 1 of this series vs ep 2 of second series mand that guy can escape from anything 1 min hes there next min his half a block away pumping that glasgow for all the speed its got!!!
@yukiruchan: lulu doesnt fight for a greater good. That reason is so over used and old now; he just fought for his revenge and benefit that is all. But most people like hime for his conviction and like you said responsible for what he did.
^i meant sutherland^ 🙁
The scene at the end with Kallen and the other guy bowing down to lulu in their knightmares gave me chills, I’m looking forward to the rest of the season!
First Episode = Pure disappointment
Nothing has change from the first episode of the first season.. They should create much a better scenario. I expect much better than that.. I wish the second episode have a different plot.
OMFG!! awesome start! i almost peed myself!loljk!
i love the similarity on both the first ep of season 1 and 2, i also like the part where kallen was saying about jaz enduring coz lelouch also told her that in one of the ep in season 1
When i finished Geass i wanted the sequel badly but now after seeing Gundam00 i lost what i had for Geass. I wan’t a gundam00 sequel now.
Why do you do these things, sunrise? Why couldn’t you do both? WHY??
Oh fight LULU !! Longlive LuluxCC !
Well… this is another unclear point: What does Lulu really fight for?
A world where Nunnally can live in happily…
But a world like that isn’t for Nunnally alone, other people benefit from it too. And Lulu does care about others – he got mad at the Emporer’s speech about Britania’s evolution and whatnot, he helps strangers when they’re in trouble (Shirley pointed that out), he flinched at people getting slaughtered, he cared when the people got burned alive in purple flames – what he’s doing is not really only for Nunnally, but for everyone. Sure if Nunnally’s not there, there’s no meaning to everything but… oh well maybe I am biased towards Lulu.
Lulu did say “it’s not him that was wrong, it’s the world.” “Why? For I am Zero, the one who will destroy and recreate the world” = OK. Not the greater good but a better world nonetheless.
I’m not even sure how much revenge affects Lulu. I’m saying this because Lulu doesn’t seem the type to get caught up in the past (unlike another certain somebody). Revenge is surely a factor for Lulu but atleast I’m sure he isn’t as obsessed with it as Suzaku, Cornelia or Nina are. How evil is revenge anyway? It’s a natural feeling and in some places it’s considered a sin if you don’t avenge your parent’s deaths. Revenge is everywhere.
Lulu is hard to read because he’s complex, good as well as evil.
Suzaku is much simpler to read (despite his many personalities) because basically he’s selfish and ignorant. Hypocrite. Jerk. Father-killer. Britanian dog. Saiyaku no tomodachi. . .
My prediction Leleouch will die probably with C.C. or Kallen aftert succeeding in creating the ideal world for Nunally. Suzaku will take care of Nunally with C.C. or Kallen whoever survives even if Nunally can see by the end. I’m guessing Suzaku will fall for the pink haired loli or at least get close enough to her that he’ll go crazy again when she dies.
Suzaku is just WOW. He says he’ll change britannia from the inside but now that he’s finally in a position where he can do something about it he does nothing because he’s obsessed with Zero. Then again I don’t see how Sunrise could kill him off… At this point he’s Lelouch’s rival so they won’t be able to kill him off till the end but this’ll probably end up like Gungrave or something and say something about best friends and stuff
@Yukiruchan: Well put, simply well said.
I know that both Suzaku and Lulu is evil. But here’s the simple thing that clearly separates them, their logic and reason. We all know that Lulu is also trying to get revenge to Brittania for killing his mother. Yet that is not the only reason, more so it is quite clear that he is indeed trying to destroy Brittania in order to have a peaceful world where Nunally can live in. If you dont remember, then why would Lulu leave the battlefield for Nunally? Where he couldve overthrown Brittania on that situation? If you remember the scene as he went back to the island, he was contemplating to himself that would be the point of him fighting if Nunally died. That alone shows his reason clearly.
While Suzaku however, I cant even begin to explain his faults, simply put WingZero zxt sum it pretty well. He is a complete liar, he convinces himself that what he is doing is the good for all people, when we all know that he is doing it simply to survive. Why do you think that when Lulu geassed him to live that he shouted like a madman saying he doesnt give a dam about orders, he will do anything to live. He was so shocked at hearing this cuz IMO the geass led him to convey his true thoughts. If this is justified since it was through the Geass influence, then what about Mao probing Suzaku? Mao completely understood Suzaku, saying he was nothing more but a hypocrite.
My theory is quite different, I would think that after Lulu changes the world, he will fulfill his contract to C.C. Though I dont know what it is, IMO it is to go to C.C. world and help her liberate her world. Since we all know from the flashbacks of how in C.C.’s world that her kind is being masacred and discriminated against, much like Brittania in Lulu’s world. I also think that was C.C.’s mission in Lulu’s world, to find someone that can help her free her world (which I think is Jupiter, now why are the recent series using Jupiter lol? Gundam 00 is where the gundams where built or I think their solar reactors anyway) Also I don’t think that Lulu is someone who like to rule the world like the Emperor, he will probably just hand it back to the people and once the world is peaceful, he will leave with C.C. Thus another Code Geass series! LOL, this time my theory Lulu would be invincible in C.C.’s world seeing as she was in Lulu’s world. Then another rebellion led by Lulu in that world, forming another kickass season.
@yukiruchan: yes, it is true that the world which lulu creates may be better, but i only want to point out that his main or orginal reasons are that he wants to get even with his father, revenge for his mother and himself and protect nunally. Everyone else just got benefit concidently. I maybe too observe with his evil side tho. And i dont debate on whether revenge is good or bad cause it is a value issue. But i agree with you there, revenge is not bad (depnd on circumstance).
@suzakukiller: yes, i am so well aware of suzaku and has always wanted to see him death painfully. And lulu does care for his sister which makes me supporting him more.
@Rikku i understand what your saying in that reagrd your right i guess the series wont start for you til turn 2 to be fair to them though Code Geass is a complete original (not a manga adaptation as far as i know) so it seems they often go out of thier way to look after newcomers to the series hence the recap eps in a 26 episode series!
(i wonder if it bothers anyone about the fact that ive poseted so many times in the last 3 pages . I hope not !)
@Hei i disagree although its mostly emotion driven! i honestly beleive they will kill off suzaku! mostly cos i hate him but logically because hes allied himself with the emperor and i think the emp will double cross him in a typical Sith kinda way (my apolgies for refferencing starwars) also suzaku isnt really in a posistion to do anything because hes JUST a soldier being the knight of what 6… 7 i cant remember anyhow he only a part of the emperors personal unit.
FAMOUS RETARDED THINGS SUZAKU HAS SED: EPISODE 11 IM in the army so that people wont die (AHAHAHAHAHA) lloyd warned him then.
feel free anyone to complete this list i dont feel well right now
Is there anyone who likes suzaku for more than a superficial reason like he pilots the lancelot. Please speak up (youll prob get sated but say somthing anyway) If u have a good reason i wont think less of you (that is to say your screen name 😛 ) The lancelot is cool though.
Im not a bishoujou fan but i must say c.c dress is… Well animated 😉
@ Steve That aprt of the episode made my top 5 cool things ive EVER seen in anime along with Virtues Trans-am and Wingzeros dual buster rifle (so many memories)
also i know its obvious but Carrares wont survive the season
I never thought that Euphemia’s Special Administrative Zone would have worked. The Emperor would have been against it for “raising the powerless to a point that they did not deserve.” The whole idea that Euphie and Suzuku could change the entire empire from the inside out was a little far fetched for me.
While Lelouch is not completely noble, he recognizes that the problem with Brittania lays at its head. He also acknowledges that there needs to be a level of chaos so that a more just order can form. However for Lelouch to see his rebellion as a success, he has a need for Nunnaly to live to be there. It is within her happiness that his soul can rest and take full responsibility for his actions. That is why he abandons the Black Knights at the end of season 1.
I am still confused on who placed the seal on Lelouch and place Rollo in his life? Also why does every none imprisoned member of the Black Knights seem to know Lelouch was behind the mask?
@James ill tell you on sunday evening (Yes i have nothing better to do)
In the Game “Lost Colors”, Rollo seems to be a pretty dodgy character, trying to prevent your character from making contact with Lelouch at first – so I’m hoping they go in a similar direction here, with Rollo in a sort of minor antagonistic role. Beyond that, no idea, and this EP did rock.
Haha, the episode reminded me of when Light regained his memories. Nevertheless, that was one awesome start. Let’s hope they keep it up.
What exactly happened when Suzaku and Lelouch pointed their guns at each other? Also, where did V.V. go? o_o”
if c.c. had blonde hair and rounder eyes, she would definitely look like chi. haha.
Very confusing introduction, what the hell is going on?
Geass VS Geass
Lelouch VS Lelouch’ s Father
1 crazy idea pops out of my head… what if lulu is not the emperor’s son O.o?
@mysterious: He isn’t. That is why the emperor doesnt give a dam about him and Nunnaly. I think it is in one of the DVD special where it was revealed that although both Lelouch and Nunnaly are true sublings, they are just adopted by Marianne, so that makes them completely unrelated to the Emperor. I think it is on the DVD special where Orange-kun was talking to Viletta. (Lol man i ezily forgot his name. I think it was jerimiah, but orange-kun is ezier to remember lol)
Sorry, I didn’t mean completely unrelated, i guess in the bloodline sense, but their relation would be that the Emperor is simply his stepfather, the evil stepfather! XD
@X: Ur theory is quite interesting, that would be cool if it happens that way.
“My theory is quite different, I would think that after Lulu changes the world, he will fulfill his contract to C.C. Though I dont know what it is, IMO it is to go to C.C. world and help her liberate her world. Since we all know from the flashbacks of how in C.C.’s world that her kind is being masacred and discriminated against, much like Brittania in Lulu’s world. I also think that was C.C.’s mission in Lulu’s world, to find someone that can help her free her world (which I think is Jupiter, now why are the recent series using Jupiter lol? Gundam 00 is where the gundams where built or I think their solar reactors anyway) Also I don’t think that Lulu is someone who like to rule the world like the Emperor, he will probably just hand it back to the people and once the world is peaceful, he will leave with C.C. Thus another Code Geass series! LOL, this time my theory Lulu would be invincible in C.C.’s world seeing as she was in Lulu’s world. Then another rebellion led by Lulu in that world, forming another kickass season.”
Suzaku has got to die, with a whole bunch of reasons but the main one is because he is such a good friend to Lulu. (sarcastic sounding “good”) People just don’t get away with betraying your friends like that. Besides he got promoted really high from the start, I bet Taniguchi is gonna crush him down really low in the end, it’s a Taniguchi rule. I don’t think Lulu will be the one who kills him though.
@Wingzero zxt
I’d love to finish the list of FAMOUS RETARDED THINGS SUZAKU HAS SAID, but I’ve already been fuming at Suzaku a lot lately.. needs to calm down.
So I’ll answer the who likes Suzaku for a more superficial reason instead. I like him coz he looks like a grownup Syaoran (CLAMP’s artwork of him was so pretty that it made me confused, I still said “EEEEEEEEE(w)” when I saw it though. I was thinking “handsome scum!EEEW!”), because sometimes he just sounds like Cloud (FF7), especially when he cries out in pain… and because Arthur hates him. Oh, and without him Code Geass would be boring too.
I love CODE GEASS coz there’s lots of debate about it! ^__^ *happy*
I wonder if links to CMs are OK? I can’t wait for episode 2.
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@X: for real!!? O.o that is a shock for me. I cant believe i miss such thing, even tho i did watch the special where orange-kun talks with viletta.
What happen at the end of season one I want to know so bad.
i will kill Zero…. classic
I’m loving it!
@ X: I think you are referring to a line in Stage 4.33 (DVD 5 Extra). A comment by Omni stated: “Jeremiah specifically said「マリアンヌ様の遺児」 (Marianne-sama no iji – Marianne’s orphans)”. Apparently Jeremiah said this while referring to Lelouch and Nunnaly’s and their supposed death in Area 11.
Link: https://randomc.net/2007/05/25/code-geass-433-picture-drama-05-dvd-special/comment-page-2/#comments (2nd comment)
Since “orphan” usually means both parents died, that line could imply that the Emperor is not Lelouch and Nunnaly’s biological father. If there is evidence that Marianne is not their biological mother, I missed it.
Speculation: If the Emperor is not Lelouch and Nunnaly’s biological father, it could explain why Lelouch acted as if Nunnaly was his only family in Season 1. Rollo may be the biological son of Marianne and the Emperor, and Lelouch and Nunnaly have a different father.
I have a feeling that Lelouch wasn’t killed by Suzaku because The Emperor told Suzaku not to kill him. Well, you know, I’ll stick to the calssic theory, it’s for the throne! The Emperor has so many children, that he wants them to “fight” each other to decide which one is strongest enough to becoma the king.
About CC, yeah, I think she knows something very big and she keeps it as a secret. I want to know Lelouch’s reaction if he knows that CC can actually communicate with Marianne all this time. Doesn’t mean that she is evil, though.
i think (hope) kallen shot suzaku and v.v sealed lelouch and hid from c.c. and the black kinghts under constant pressure from countuer attack by brittania have been looking for a way to get to him epecially with the correctional status installed . Any old japanese couldnt just wonder up to school and extract him like they would have been able to previously plus kallen has seen his face so they must all know about it by now. Kallen cant of had the ob for long cos she would have been captured as soon as someone tried to cop a feel. “Ahhh dont touch me im not for sale” , “Shut the hell up u stupid eleven ill do wat i want cos you lost and we one….Whats this… look like a key to a KNIGHTMARE!”, and so on.
After a year of dodging capture c.c and the B.K remnant finally manage to get to him and by that time all of the remnant know who he is because it was a now unhideable fact!
@KGFJ trhe emperor doesnt really strike me as someone who cares about the power of his nation against his own individual power. He seems more along the lines of, ‘Im trying to gain immortality and my children can run the empire because i am busy’
Its possible that suzaku did a villeta and got amnesia or was also made to forget by c.c. o r v.v. for the purpose of hiding from the emperor or keeping lelouch alive for the emperor’s future manipulation
(A point made in gg subs forum last season) Yes massive bloodloss from say a bullet wound could potentially or likely cause amnesia or at worst massive brain damage)
has anyone else noticed that the week takes considerably longer 😛 i usually post o here 1 maybe twice a week but if you look back i might be on my tenth post by now 🙂
At the end of the last season as we all know there had to have been a 4th person popping out that allowed Kallen, Suzaku, and Lelouch to get out alive. However I read that C.C. died and was revived by Marianne Lelouch/Nunnally’s mother so maybe Suzaku killed Lelouch? and was revived again by his mother? Or maybe Marianne is a different entity from C.C. and has her own body and saved Kallen and Lelouch from Suzaku the only thing I don’t get was Nunnaly popping out of nowhere… I mean did she teleport and get owned by her own brother and Suzaku?
As for the emperor he looks a lot less evil… so maybe there’s a reason behind everything he does maybe?
where did you read this?
I read that C.C. got revived in a part of the Code Geass R2 Epic Spoilers in gamefaqs
very gooddd!!!
finally R2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Hei that doesnt seem to make sense since she seems pretty close to naturally immortal but ill look into it
speculations FTW!!! There is no manga or anything that explains what happened at the end of season 1, so Gamefaqs = Epic Failure
@WingZero Zxt: Love the way you sum it up why we should hate Suzaku.
\§Maverick§\ True its possible that they were reffering to the code geass game! i rarely trust game faqs with any intelligence gathering for my part (its easier to find out more on this blog! and in live journal)
RE;LittleNK For those of you unaware of what hes reffering to please look at page eleven of this blog near bottom! I appreciate the compliment
If Nunnally is really captured by The Emperor, and The Emperor wants to capture CC so much (you know, he used Lelouch as a bait to lure her out), why doesn’t The Emperor asks Lelouch to exchange Nunnally with CC? It’s quite obvious who he will choose.
I think The Emperor must have predicted that CC will awaken Lelouch’s memories.
This is just a wild guess, of course. ^^;
@Yeh there’s obviously more to it than that! i find it hard to believe that he would kidnapp one person to get another person to give him a third person whom is ultimtely free to choose for herself! Im glad this series wont be that simple! I also thnk that its possible that like (But compLETELY UNRELATED TO!) Gundam 00 libbons was the ‘bad guy’ [worst of the evils] or antagonist its quite possible that just a c.c. strings lelouch along but in a good almost loving sorta way v.v. has been stringing the emperor along this whole time for some ulterior motive to do with thier order of Ragnarok or watever! (it would be nice to see that it was the emperor that was getting played like a sucker all along!)
On a side note: I just spent 1.20 mins researching the mysteries of the .hack universe on wikipedia! sufficed to say i made myself dizzy BUT I UNDERSTOOD!!!)
Burning questions:
– Guilford looks pissed. Wonder whats bothering him…. Where is Cornelia anyway?
– That dumdum Suzaku is now the emperor’s lackey. Yay…. so much for fighting for
his fellow Japanese…. how can he honestly think he is any better than Zero?
– Dont see the Gawain anywhere in the OP. Did it get destroyed?
– Since Lelouch got his memories back, will he know Rollo is a fake?
@ Rath Guilford prob thinks Carrares is a schmuk! Cornelias whereabouts are discussed in a R2 preview thread ( i duno how to do spoiler tags so ill leavie it out) Gawain was prob trash after being sunk so far under water and seeing as it is completely outclassed by all the new frames used by suzaku and co. i doubt it would be much use here anyhow! (its not like its THAT much bigger or stronger then a normal frame let alone the new ones!)
Does anyone know the romanji for lelouch’s line: ‘the world will change, I can change it’ ?
omg, the king of Britannia has Geass too?! wdf!!!!
For the people who thinks that Lulu got killed or shot in the first season, didnt u guys remember that he had a bomb with him all along? So IMO v.v. must have interfered, since it is the only way how Lulu forgot his memories and his geass being sealed. Also it doesnt look like Suzaku forgot about Lulu, since his hatred for zero grew so much that he doesnt give a dam about the japanese and wants to personally kill him – means he wants to kill him seeing as they are both “friends” (what a good reason!).
Lol isnt it ironic that the two of the sons leaders hate or turned against their own country? Though I completely understand Lulu (I am completely biased towards him lol) for hating Britannia (well more specifically the Emperor, which he thinks is the major reason for the fighting) because of what happened to his past. But what I don’t understand is that fag Suzaku (ya I despise him) for turning against his country, and joining the enemy. You can completely tell that his words for saving people was a complete lie, since he’s only looking out for himself, cuz he knows that if he stays with Britannia being the stronger power that he will be able to survive – thus he killed his father (no I dont believe it was a dam accident, what kind of accident was that? dashing towards his father with a sharp object enough to kill him? IMO he subconsciously wanted his father to die in order for him to live since the people wouldve eventually surrendered)
On a side note: I hope that in this season, Lulu wont bother saving Suzaku anymore, and just kill him.
@X I agree unfortunately at age 10 suzaku can only be tried as a minor which is why i gave him the benefit of the doubt in a n earlier post on page 11. No need for side note its for front in all of our minds and you know it 😛 we all want suzaku to die even if someone else kills him te the china man or rollo or the emperor him self like he did with darth tyranus (woah im getting confuzzled) point is SUZAKU MUST DIE !!!!
When I first saw Kallen in the bunny outfit and acting like a total failure, I was like LOLwtf?
I hope Zero manipulates Suzaku to go fuck himself in the ass with the Lancelot’s sword, thus causing the sword to rip the bastard in half from the inside… Damn
What I really want to see is how Kallen and the remaining and past Black Knights will treat Zero/Lulu knowing who he really is
Or actually, the Chinese dude with the mad sword skills can use his skills to help out Suzaku with his kinky anal masturbation
I have a gut feeling that the emperor meant for Lelouch to lose his Zero memories, only to regain them back again. Its as if the emperor everything that Lelouch would do since the prince’s birth, as if Lelouch is running around on the palm of his father.
Somehow the Emperor is more than what he seems. If he could foresee Lelouch as being the next emperor, along with the path that Lelouch would walk to becoming one, then I think it would suffice to say that the Emperor wanted all of this to happen so that he could have an heir to succeed him – from Lelouch being exiled, to him becoming Zero, to him losing his memories and regaining them back again, and to whatever happens next.
Something would seem amiss of the Emperor was not part of all that has happened. At least, that’s my opinion for now.
Great Episode
ang ganda naman
I should’ve just started with R2 for my rewatch LOL. Nothing of real consequence besides the Euphie massacre actually happened in the first season. My memory lied to me about all the meaningful conversations I ‘remembered’ between Suzaku and Zero. Every encounter where they argued with each other it was just Lelouch calling his ideals naive and wrongfooted but never properly setting him straight like a cookie-cutter villain. Ad I don’t need characters to die to generate drama but I’m astounded how little meaningful deaths there were. Even Cornelia’s 2nd in command survived along with Orange after what felt like a proper final encounter. Inoue was minor but cute enough that it annoyed me they killed her off unceremoniously.
I mean I hand it to the show for being easily rewatchable, the action is there and it works on an episode-by-episode basis.. but it’s clear so much of the hype was just fan goodwill. I’m amazed at what a nothingburger Lelouch’s journey has been up to now. I could’ve sworn R1 was the best part of the two, but I think R2 will be the real winner.