Boku no Hero Academia 7 – Episode 20 Review
「少女のエゴ」 (Shoujo no Ego)
“A Girl’s Ego”
No Deku, no Bakugo, no problen.
「少女のエゴ」 (Shoujo no Ego)
“A Girl’s Ego”
No Deku, no Bakugo, no problen.
「I Am Here」
Bottom line – every time BnHA needs to deliver the goods, it does.
Massive, climactic fights like this one are a challenge for big battle shounen.
「ここに至るまでの連なり」 ( Koko ni Itaru Made no Tsuranari)
“The Chain Thus Far”
If victory is ever achieved, what sort of world follows it depends very much on the heroes’ ability to learn from their mistakes.
「Butterfly Effect」
The balancing of all those spinning plates falls not just on the writer but the audience too.
「しょーじくんといっしょ。」 ( Shouji-kun to Issho)
“Together With Shouji”
For Kouda Kouji and Shouji Mezo, the long wait is finally over.
「連なる星霜」 (Tsuranaru Seisou)
“A Chain of Events, Across the Ages”
Mirio Very Productive
「禦ぐ者と侵す者」 (Fusegu Mono to Okasu Mono)
“Those Who Defend, Those Who Violate”
This is a monumental week not just for Boku no Hero Academia, but manga as a whole
「Light Fades To Rain」
It’s the subtext that makes these headline fights in BnHA as great as they are.