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“Something Wicked This Way Comes”Suspense to the Max: When the action gets going in Kiseijuu it’s truly fantastic. Madhouse have sacrificed some of their budget when it comes to the scenes of lesser importance, but when the conflict is fast and the fights are rolling everything comes together wonderfully. Whilst you could classify Kiseijuu as a horror, it’s not the scariest thing I’ve ever watched; you might argue that the horror lies more in its body horror. Saying that, this episode had two scenes that were packed with enough suspense to make them have a real sense of danger to what was going on. The first of which went down in the underground car park – which turns out is one of designated parasite feeding areas. From the random stranger following under to witness a murder, to Shinichi and the investigator returning to the scenes for inspection, I was on edge. The cinematography in was particularly on point, whether it having us distanced far away from the victim as he is strangled, giving us the sense of helplessness to the situation; or the opposite, having us so close up to Shinichi’s face that we can practically hear his breathing; or having him brought right into the middle of the action. Everything was framed to perfection, resulting in one of the best fights of the series to date. You could also say that there was a fair amount of spilled blood left behind. The other tense scene comes in the last few minutes as Shinichi tries to distance himself from his school to keep them safe from the three approaching parasites. As it turns out though, those three entities are all within Miki (Namikawa Daisuke), which promises Shinichi his deadliest match yet. The whole build up in the taxi, the running, the pick up truck, and then finally in the middle of nowhere only helped seal this as a fantastic cliffhanger. Final Villain in Question: Outside of Shinichi’s troubles we get to see Gotou (Inoue Kazuhiko) playing the piano in his speedos. I don’t know if there is any particular reason behind this… was it just manservice? I can’t imagine it in a series like this, but if I do say so myself I think he pulled off the look quite well. What’s important here though is that despite how ridiculous the scene was, there was a real sense of danger and intensity coming from who I presume is now confirmed as the final villain of the series. Before now it’s been difficult to get a proper impression of who he was, but stripping him off and painting the scene in cold colours was enough to establish this man as a threat – an informed, calculating threat. Who plays the piano well. Overview – What’s Next? I liked that we got more from Shinichi this episode than just him freaking out and making crazy faces. We certainly did get that, but mixed it was nicely woven with scenes like his dream with Migi (I presume it was Migi by the voice?) in some bloody and barren landscape. It was random and a little jarring, but like the rest of the episode, the effective art direction was different enough from the norm that it worked. There’s also Murano to consider as well – I don’t blame her for running away after her last moments with Shinichi. Having him return with a wave and a smile felt very forced and totally awkward. Their relationship isn’t going wonderfully… I just wonder if she’s ever going to find out about parasites at this point. |
Information Digest:Synopsis:
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Cute Dogs:
One by One:
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Finally! Its time for Shinichi to kick some parasyte ass!!
This is one of the best anime to air in a long time. I love how fast paced it is, hate dragged out moments. This fight scene was just awesome.
Episode 15 and Murano FINALLY catches on now. About DAMN time.
Yeah, that short fight with the Parasyte was extremely well-animated. I don’t care if they don’t give us a new OP as long as the scenes are well done.
I loved the fight in the parking garage when Migi was standing on Izumi’s head lol.
Migi: Good,your moves aren’t bad. I think I’ll win by having the better mount.
Izumi: Who’re are you calling a mount?
Another week, another huge shit on Tokyo Ghoul.
Gotou san is the Razor(HxH) looking guy right?
Yeah, he was Razor before the face change. http://i.imgur.com/67nPhtT.jpg
Dafuq is Hisoka & Razor doing in this anime.
Shigatsu wa Parasaito? Playing the piano naked like a boss.
Expressive, talkative and same voice actor as Hisoka. I like him already.
Okey, I know where his 1st and 2nd ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) head are but where’s the 3rd?
( ゚o゚)Either the head or downstairs.
The third is also downstairs. One head per ballsack 😀
He is gonna Schwing! so hard like Hisoka: http://i.imgur.com/4LRDeAi.jpg
Gon and Killua can schwing! too you know. http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/balatstar/186745/414644/600.jpg
Arima Kousei is a parasyte.
Dat Gotou playing Chopin on stage with only underwear lololol
Is it bad that I look forward to Wednesdays more than any other day of the week because of Parasyte?
Quick manga/anime comparison.
Here and here
Also, it seems like having 3 parasytes work in unison gives you a personality. Lol
I don’t know why but Parasyte always gets my blood pumping. My favorite anime last season & this season.
Yeah this my favorite show for this season already and was my fav last season.
Looking forward to seeing this interesting new villain next week
Those gifs are pretty good. I guess the anime is really is faithful to the manga.
But you are not alone
I am here with you
Though we’re far apart
You’re always in my heart
But you are not alone
“I’m so f*cked up”
Dem cliffhangers 🙁 Looking forward to the next episode. I wonder how they’ll take Miki down.
Another thing of importance, IMO, is the fact that this is the first time that Shinichi himself finally acknowledges that he’s more/less than human. Up until now, Shinichi was pretty much in denial, even though he knew there was something “off” about himself for a while, and it took the departing private investigator telling it straight to his face (a couple times) for him to finally start admitting it and accepting it.
True but I’m not sure if admitting that will have a positive or negative effect on his psyche.
I just love how in the parasite meeting room, everybody was sitting facing random directions while talking to each other: http://oi57.tinypic.com/25a7r74.jpg
It may have been cowardly but I think the detective’s decision to back down was smart. He would’ve been a casualty.
I hope that the inspector doesn’t die, he sort of grew on me. Hope he is out of it for sure and be with his family.
So Migi’s reverse psychology worked on the detective. He’s a nice guy so hope he doesn’t die.
They looked like a bunch of assassins who won’t dare look each other in the eye. Anyone who walks in there would be very confused.
That parasyte skeleton scene was kinda spooky. I’m not sure what it’s supposed to symbolize. Migi or Shinichi?
My interpretation is that it is the difference between how Shinichi sees Migi and how Migi actually sees himself.
I think Izumi was talking to the 30% Migi that’s flowing through his blood in the dream.
…why does this suddenly have a different title? I almost didn’t click on the post.
What do you mean?
I’ve been waiting for Gotou to show up again. He’s a beast but… WHY. IS. HE. NAKED?
Manservice. That’s why.
That nude Chopin scene LMFAO.
Yea that’s some fanservice for the ladies!
I think it’s just a hold over from the what was in taste back when the manga for this was made.
Naked piano playing was in vogue during the 80’s? Who knew.
“tell me, have you encountered a 12-inch pianist before?”
Hirokawa: Was that Mozart?
Goto: You cannot discern it from the work of Chopin, World Famous Composer and Pianist?
H; You said WHAT?
G; Chopin, World Famous Pianist!
H; I know you’re interested in Human Culture, but I never think you’re into THAT kind of subculture…
G; But He IS a World Famous Pianist!
H: Hoo Boy, The words you can get away saying Nowadays…
Miki: So Goto, You wanted me to do the job?
H; Now I know you’re not wearing clothes, so Its easier to clean the filth from your body…
Tamura: Ara, Oh my…so you two are so curious about humans, that you will try to reenact the actions of their subculture yourselves…Fascinating…
MMM-WAH! Good Night Everybody!
Because he is too fabulous for clothes.
Is Gotou the one that killed the yakuza group by himself?
Yup, that’s him. The parasyte with the kawaii smile.
I was worried Murano would chase after him so I’m really glad she didn’t. That would have been disastrous.
Gotou is awesome but I still think Tamiya Ryoko is the ultimate parasyte, because of her evolutionary potential.
She actually did try, but thankfully got cut off by the school gate.
I like Murano unlike a lot of people so I hope she doesn’t die. Kana Hanazawa all the way.
I’m looking forward to what Tamura Reiko plans to do with the child and also why is she so interested in Shinichi.
I’m still unsure about Murano. Seems she’s beginning to understand, but on the other hand, since she doesn’t know the full picture, she could easily get ticked off again.
Gotou is the brute while Ryoko is the smart one, even though she is evil incarnate. They’d make the perfect team.
Wha…?! But Gouto-san understood his mistakes and that’s why he has stared to learn about high art and good manners. Well, now he has to work on his fashion sense.
The least Murano can do is wave back. Shinichi is trying to save the world for her sake.
3 in one person?
Intervention by Parasyte Jesus is the only way Shinichi’s gonna survive this.
3 Parasites in 1 body = insane power level.
IT’S OVER 9000!!!!
Finally a tougher opponent appears. The parasytes Izumi has been dealing with were pretty weak these last episodes. Now this should be interesting.
Lol, the paranoia involved after learning the parasytes could express emotion.
Just when you thought anime couldn’t get any better and then Hisoka appears!!! Woot!
It looked like the creature in the dream was looking into his brain. Can’t want to see what unfolds.
Dreams in Parasyte usually foreshadow coming events. Look at what happened to Kana.
I love most characters Namikawa Daisuke voices and Miki is awesome.
I’m expecting Murano to get closer to the truth bit by bit.. And that nightmare was so deep and scary! I think it means that Shinchi is fighting the physiological side of Migi.
This episode raised some questions like “How many Parasites can be in one body?”
I am looking forward to see how this will play out in the fight. Even if there are three Parasites against one. Can there be a weakness at a certain point when going into combat? Guess we will have to find out next week.
Interesting point. There must be a limit to how many parasytes can occupy a single human body.
Since Miki wasn’t able to keep up on foot does this mean his brain is still human?
I like how all the way back in the beginning, that one Parasyte offered Migi the opportunity to join his body. It foreshadowed that they could potentially do that without being too blatant or forcing the idea. It was still a shock in this episode, but it didn’t come out of the blue.
WOW!!! their flying through the material…it will be finished, i have faith…
my biggest REGRET, was reading the whole damn manga couple of months ago..thus ruining everything.
Aww.. you should have waited. I’m tempted to read the manga too but I know experiencing the story through anime the 1st time is 5x better.
I feel like the dream sequence was metaphorical and it represents how Shinchi feels about his own humanity being “eaten away” by Migi’s existence, since so many people are identifying him as “not human” and a “monster”.
From what I saw Migi is eating Shinichi’s brain and becoming more human, which explains the skeleton. Which is causing Shinichi to become more like a parasyte.
What the hell is that? Was that part of his dream in the manga?
I didn’t like it when Jason (Tokyo Ghoul) did the knuckle cracking thing, and I still don’t like it when Gotou did it.
Heh.. so I wasn’t the only one who thought of Jason.
3 parasites in one body, that’s pretty badass.
3 parasites in a host, I never expected that! Though now that I think about it, it was foreshadowed in episode 2.
I wonder which parts of Miki are taken over. Besides his two arms, what is the third part? I don’t think it’s the brain since he is so expressive. But then again why would a human work with parasytes? Was he forced? I hope we get answers next week.
We all know the third tree is his schlong.
So Tamiya wants to dissect Shinchi when he’s dead… Hmmm. I don’t know what she plans to do with his body and her baby. There are lot’s of mysteries around her I can’t figure out where she stands…
From a hottie..
To a nottie..
One thing I’m curious, do the parasites become one entity when their in a body or are are they all still separate entities and are communicating with each other.
Shinichi couldn’t protect another woman. He’s gotta step up his game.
The upbeat music during the chasing scene was so out of place and Shinichi should have been able to save the girl easily.
Gahh! Things are getting intense again. Looking forward to Shinichi vs Miki fight.
The OP is awesome but shouldn’t they have changed it by now? We’re more than halfway through he series.
These parasytes must be real smooth with women, or the women are just dumb and easy…
Very easy when you think about Japan. There is less competetion especially with “herbivore” men.
Got that right. “Herbivore” men is just another word for pussies.
It’s a real thing.
Yup. These herbivore men are an insult to their samurai ancestors.
Not when I shift into…
Migi’s nap time, he could’ve chosen a better moment for that. Like seriously, he always goes to sleep just when he is needed.
Is there a rule here concerning not talking about H stuff ?
As long as it’s not rude and offensive then I don’t see what the problem is. S.ex & intimacy is a normal part of life and it’s a subject often discussed & hinted at in anime. Even in anime without the ecchi tag. No one wants censorship anyway.
OK. I’ll put it inside a spoiler tag just in case.
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I read that Parasyte H manga 2 days ago.
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LOL. Yeah.
Great adaptation as always, this show is one of the best from 2014-15.
Good animation + fast pacing – filler = Pure Win.
Is Miki the dude who killed those yakuza from back? But he looks different? Well, if there’s 3 parasites in 1 body, perhaps they migrated?
No, that was Gotou, the one who was playing the piano in his birthday suit here: https://randomc.net/image/Kiseijuu%20Sei%20no%20Kakuritsu/Kiseijuu%20Sei%20no%20Kakuritsu%20-%2015%20-%20Large%2021.jpg
He went from this guy to his current look in that episode where he took down the yakuza.
I see. Thanks. It’s a wonder why Parasytes don’t change their facial appearance more often.
parasites can freely change their appearance.
i also keep forgetting
I know I shouldn’t read this since I haven’t seen this episode yet, but that short description in the main page for episode 15 hooked me in. Piano+Speedos = ftw XD