「死神の使いたち」 (Shinigami no Tsukai-tachi)
“Messengers of Death”

While “saw that coming” is a nice summary for Assassins Pride’s second-last episode, more than one surprise still managed to work its way into the picture. From prior enemies to foreshadowed showdowns it’s all coming together, and while the rushing is still real and a cliff hanger almost assuredly awaits our presence, at least we can say the show looks to be leaving off on the right foot.

Considering how last week left off and the known objectives of Mule, the little stunt played out by her this week shouldn’t be too shocking. Have the blondie pass the test and get her status permanently down on paper? As viable a strategy as they come (even if the book still doesn’t touch on blood relations), although I admittedly was thrown off by Salacha’s seizure of Melida’s book first before remembering about Salacha’s own opinions on the matter of Melida’s status. Well that and Assassins Pride again reminding the world about its stance on infinite slopes, but hey, it’s hard for anyone not losing focus around that! At least we got the clear-cut villain for Melida to personally face off with as a test of inner strength; the only question is how this duel of the fates will wind up playing out.

As for the second half of this magical debacle, well that proved slightly more surprising. Easy enough to guess how our friendly neighbourhood guild villains suddenly appeared for example (read: paid to party crash), but having the green goblin William and Kufa’s colleague suddenly appear as well definitely screams “needed more introduction.” Especially when William’s turncoat offer wasn’t particularly well foreshadowed from prior events. It’s not hard seeing how this arc will (or won’t) conclude next week considering how both Kufa and Melida are effectively heading in the same direction (and with Mule doing the leading), but it still would’ve been nice seeing just a little more story meat on those bones to help confirm some things before all is said and done. Heck, just ask the main cast!

I won’t make any firm predictions for how Assassins Pride will end next week, but you can wager some more lovey-dovey student-instructor moments are just waiting for their chance to shine.


    1. It’s literally the core concept of the entire series? The entire point is that if anyone found out and took advantage of the information she’d end up disowned and at best shuffled off to an orphanage if not outright killed.

    2. It’s a qwert says. The main mystery right now is who Melida is and whether she’s legitimate. That answer will be significant in determining what happens to her and Kufa next, although it’s anyone’s guess whether we get a straight answer on it this week 😛

  1. At least everyone (those watching and those in the room) is confused with Kufa’s boss appearing like that.

    The “villain” doesn’t seem to need “befriending” since she clearly thinks Melida is one. But for those two St. d’Autrich Girls’ Academy friends of hers, I wonder why they have such differing opinions about this mission. What does Melida being an Angel/Paladin matter to anyone but the Angel clan?

    The description of how these feel makes the imagination run wild. XD
    Probably more stimulating than actually seeing the process.

    1. It’s all about politics. The Angel’s are among the families with the highest standing in their society, being able to prove that the head of that family had been cuckolded by his wife and that what I’m assuming is his only heir is a bastard wouldn’t destroy the family but would ruin their standing and allow for the other conspiring families to advance themselves.


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