Centaur no Nayami – 12 (END)

「ファンタジーをRPG気分で作ってみた. / 激闘! 腕相撲! 女[ヒロイン]だらけの勝負の行方は」 (Fantasy o RPG Kibun de Tsukutte Mita. / Gekitou! Udesumou! Heroine Darake no Shoubu no Yukue wa)
“We Tried Making a Fantasy Story in RPG Style. / Fierce Fights! Arm Wrestling! How Will the Battle of the Heroines End?”

Alright everybody, let’s mosey!
Might be NSFW for the Pointy Bits

Centaur no Nayami – 10, 11

「花の名前は…… は人の数だけあるんだよ, ってきっと嘘! / 美しさは人の数だけあるんだよ, 広義で言えばきっと本当?」 (Hana no Namae wa…… wa Hito Kazu Dake Arunda yo, tte Kitto Uso! / Utsukushisa wa Hito no Kazu Dake Arunda yo, Kougi de Ieba Kitto Hontou?)
“There Are As Many Names of Flowers… As There Are People, But That`s Totally a Lie! / There Are As Many Types of Beauty As There Are People, Which Is Probably True If Used in a Broad Sense?”

Enough of your vile postulations! These are purely for the sake of visual appreciation!

Aho Girl – 11

「決戦! 必殺! アホガール」 (Kessen! Hissatsu! Aho Girl)
“Final Battle! Decisive Blow! Aho Girl”

The guys that appear in this anime are idiots. Please, do not under any circumstances, imitate anything they do. Don’t do it man, I’m serious, it’s a bad idea!