Boku no Hero Academia 6 – 18
「谷いずくと信楽戸村」 (Midoriya Izuku to Shigaraki Tomura)
“Izuku Midoriya and Tomura Shigaraki”
He’s the hero for a reason, you know.
「谷いずくと信楽戸村」 (Midoriya Izuku to Shigaraki Tomura)
“Izuku Midoriya and Tomura Shigaraki”
He’s the hero for a reason, you know.
「目覚め」 ( Transcription: “Mezame” (Japanese: 目覚め) )
I have pretty much total faith in wherever Yukimura and Yabuta choose to take this story.
「火の不始末」 (Hi no Fushimatsu)
“The Wrong Way to Put Out a Fire”
Endeavor’s problems are entirely of his own making, entirely avoidable, and ended up hurting (and worse) a lot of other people.
「蛇」 (Hebi)
This is a very different sort of darkness than he pursued with the first season, but that’s just a testament to how good Yukimura Makoto is as a writer.
「地獄の轟くん家 2」 (Jigoku no Todoroki-kun-chi 2)
“The Hellish Todoroki Family, Part 2”
Does regret matter?
「ケティルの農場」 (Ketiru no Nōjou)
“Ketil’s Farm”
Slavery – and the manner in which free people with a conscience chose to address it – is a mirror held up to reflect human nature whether we like it or not.
「タルタロス」 (Tarutarosu)
This part of the story is kind of Horikoshi’s “Empire Strikes Back” arc.
「ヒロイン女子とモブ男子」 (Hiroin Joshi to Mobu Dansh)
“Heroine and Background Character”
One thing that will never change: extroverts trying to “fix” introverts.
「極々、地獄)」 (Gokukoku, Jigoku)
“Hellish Hell”
All of Izuku’s narration in the A-part can be boiled down to “things are really bad”.