Twelve Days of Anime #5: Outlaw Star – You Better Get Ready!

Future-Hero Space Pilot Looking GAR

I thought about many weighty topics for this post. I considered revisiting my article earlier this year on the subject of gender roles in anime, which judging by the sheer volume and ferocity (in both directions) of the feedback I received, was surely the most provocative anime-related piece I’ve written. I thought about something historical, looking at anime over the last four decades. But in the end, given that it’s the holidays and I’m a little tired of controversy, I thought it’d be nice to simply say a few words about a series that meant an awful lot to me as an anime fan.

Little Busters! – 08

「れっつ、るっきんぐふぉーるーむめいとなのです」 (Rettsu, Rukkingu Fō Rūmumeito nano desu)
“Let’s Looking For Roommates!”

It would be easy to sum up the strength of this episode with “Duh – it’s Kud!” And while our little Euro-Asian hybrid is without question the most entertaining of all the girls we’ve seen so far (at least to me) this was a pretty strong ep on multiple levels.