Sword Art Online – 05
「圏内事件」 (Kennai Jiken)
“A Crime Within the Walls”
If there’s one thing you don’t see very often in an MMO, it’s a murder mystery.
「圏内事件」 (Kennai Jiken)
“A Crime Within the Walls”
If there’s one thing you don’t see very often in an MMO, it’s a murder mystery.
「黒の剣士」 (Kuro no Kenshi)
“The Black Swordsman”
So how about some loli fanservice?
「赤鼻のトナカイ」 (Akahana no Tonakai)
“The Red-Nosed Reindeer”
Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer had a very shiny nose. Many things shone in this episode. Kirito’s nose was not one.
「ビーター」 (Bītā)
The spirit of co-operation is one of those glorious things that make an MMO such an incredible experience. Watching people come together, uniting under solid leadership, standing back to back, helping each other when they fall… it’s really something beautiful to behold.
「剣の世界」 (Ken no Sekai)
“The World of Swords”
Life within a fantasy video game world. I imagine it would have its ups and downs. I guess the threat of death is a pretty big downer though…