Alright, before we start things off this week, I need a quick sanity test. Am I the only one who seems to be having more difficulty than usual deciphering what exactly’s going on in the chapters these past few weeks? Or do I just need new glasses or something? Because if there’s one thing I seem to be noticing, it’s that there are a fair amount of panels recently where there’s either too much going on or both Naruto and Minato are the same scene, and it combines to make it very hard to decipher on the first go.
Either way, the big thing this chapter gives us is Obito finally gaining control of his new found powers (due to Rin’s memory, of course), and it’s something that just continues the trend of power-ups from the past few weeks. Sadly though, that’s generally all we get this week for the most part. Arguably the highlight of the chapter was that one full-page panel of Obito’s new form, and there just wasn’t much else aside from that and a quick demo of his overpowered nature. Admittedly, the bit with the picture ripping apart served as a nice metaphor for the gradual consumption of Obito’s mind in the early part of the chapter, but it’s something that also contributed to the notable lack of “actual things happening” that we got this week.
As such, this week’s just mostly a transitional chapter more than anything—one that culminates the transformation of Obito as a true equivalent to the Sage of Six Paths. Many of the questions and scenarios poised last week are still around for the most part (ranging from how there’s a lot of ways to go from here to how it’s a pretty big question mark as to how he’d even be dealt with at this point), and I guess we’ll just see how things go from here. Here’s hoping next week gives us a tad bit more.
My…mind…is…blown…(that picture is epic!)
I agree this chapter was packed full of action but not only that it was quite revealing on a few things, such as when obito underwent a transformation from not being insync with the jubbi to having full control. I say this cause in order to control a a tailed beast you have to first find something that fills the void in your soul from being a jinchuuriki and obito did that as you can see when the broken pieces of the picture reattached. The next reason I say he is in full control is because his body changed into somthing thats very similar to that of the sage the only exceptions is he has just one rinnagan and his cloak like thing is depicted slightly different from the OS wheras the os had only the nine tamoe and not a tamoe through the rinnagan on his back but the rest looks exacatly like him which leads me to believe that this is the final trasformation and the true battle is only beginning Spolier AlertOkay not this is the question we should all be asking would Madara really be fooled or tricked by Obito My answer is no not a chance and what is this trump card Madara has this is my theory okay remember when Madara found Obito he was very close to death and his entire right side was totally crushed so madara had to merge zetsu into him to really stop him from dying now what is zetsu? Zetsu is a combination of hashirama cells and Madara cells so basically form and life. In the previous chapter Madara tried to take control of obito but was unsuccessful, or so it seems but what if madara power just wasnt at the level to overpower him yet? I say that to say this why on the world would Madara want to fight hashirama when clearly he isn’t as strong as the jubbi? So this is my final hypothesis i think Madara is going to find some way to siphon Hashirama cells/chakra even futher to the point of being able to go in to hashirama sage mode where then he will use this power to take control of both the cells in obito and transform into him somehow which is really more of expelling obito’s conscience and inserting his making his hair significantly longer to show the change so what do you all think?
here comes boo’s final/original form. oops wrong manga.
Tha would require them going inside his body.
Yeah Sasuke and Naruto gotta perform a fusion. Then they are going to pull out Obito then the Kid Ten Tails will appear. Naruto will have a big brawl with the Ten Tails while Sasuke admits that Naruto is the #1 Hokage. However Naruto isn’t strong enough and Sakura will convince every1 to help naruto somehow and the end….
Crap I spoiled the entire arc….
from afar, i cant even tell now who is naruto and who is minato anymore seriously.
Naruto has those “whiskers.”
yes we can see those whiskers even from whole body shot panels. 😐
There’s that reason and Minato just has the cooler guy’s eyes and he’s…taller. You’ll just have to figure it from the context of dialogue. For, example, “I see my son is keeping up with Sasuke.” – page 4 of chapter.
There’s also the fact Minato’s seal is on his chest and Naruto’s is on his stomach
You’re definitely not the only one, I’ve been having trouble figuring out what’s going on too, and I’ve heard that complaint elsewhere. Obito’s new form is pretty darn epic, though was gained far too easily for my tastes. Unlike many I don’t mind Obito’s backstory or motivations, but I’m getting real tired of hearing “Rin, Rin, Rin, etc…” all the darn time! Can’t wait to see how they deal with the new Obito, hopefully we’ll get some messy destructive carnage. On that note, anyone else notice how the POV has shifted to a mere four characters while everyone else is twiddling their thumbs offscreen?
Rin for Obito has become the equivalent in my mind of Marie for Allelujah from Gundam 00, he just won’t shut the hell up about her.
Except Marie is still alive and keeps on saying, “Don’t touch me or I’ll kill you”
It’s been a long time since I watched 00, but I don’t remember getting very annoyed at Alleluia about Marie. She at least was relevant to the immediate story instead of being background motivation like Rin. I should rewatch that series sometime, it was one of the very first that got me into Anime!
I agree it’s kinda reminding me of what happened in the final arc of Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles where so much was going on it was hard to keep track during some panels. It also didn’t help there were like here nearly identical characters.
Nope…I’m still trying to wrap my head around Obito somehow becoming the Jinchuriki of the (incomplete) Jubi with just a few simple seals. Even when incomplete, you’d think any grown man would be incapable of containing its power without one EXTREMELY powerful and VERY complex seal or MANY different, still complex, smaller seals, or else they’d die instantly. Even the Rikudo Sennin himself could only contain the full Jubi until his own death, in which case, it would’ve been released, which is why he went through the trouble of not just separating its chakra from its body (again, was it completely forgotten that the Jubi’s physical body is in the moon?), but separating the chakra into the nine Biju.
That’s pretty much what was explained about Kurama and why the Uzumaki Clan were the only ones capable of containing him, even when older (given Mito would’ve been an adult, and Kushina was obviously not a baby either); being Fuinjutsu masters. Kurama’s chakra alone was so big and full of malice that any grown person with developed chakra coils would die instantly if Kurama was sealed in them, especially without the right seals.
To be fair to Obito, he was performing the jutsu for a while when everyone thought he was reviving Madara, and the Juubi is incomplete and presumably easier to seal. Think about it some more and you realize that Hashirama had already restrained the Juubi with those gates, which is one of the main difficulties and gave Obito the perfect setup to seal it. The only other sealing (on a person) we can compare it to is the Shika Fuin, which AFAIK requires a lot of chakra and standing around while the Shinigami does his thing. During Naruto’s sealing and what we saw of the Hachibi’s the main difficulty was restraining the Biju, which Hashirama already did for Obito. Perhaps the challenge to the sealing itself is the amount of chakra required, which would jibe with the sealing of the Biju into the statue (they even made the same handsign while doing that IIRC). Obito’s hair turned white at the end indicating that he was tapping into his lifespan to perform the seal, which shows just how hard on him it was. If he had failed, he would have died from exhaustion. I would have liked to see some sign or something at the end to signify that he was sealing it, but the events up to that point are pretty consistent with what we’ve seen so far.
As for Obito’s compatibility, remember that it’s never actually been stated that you have to be a baby to become a jinchuriki, it just helps if you’re younger. Mito was an aduly, while B and Kushina were 7-13 when they were sealed. Furthermore, Obito’s body is the same as the Sage’s, he’s got both Uchiha and Senju powers which makes him the perfect person to host it. The sage supposedly sealed the Juubi when he was a man, and suffered no ill effects, so if Obito did the same (using the same technique no less) there’s no reason he should be any worse a host than the sage. The implausible part is that he can use its power with little effort, though perhaps he’s not even using it yet…
It would be cool if Rin came back and was like, “Bitch, what are doing!? I didn’t ask for this shit!”
Orochimaru, I don’t suppose you can revive one more person? What is he doing by the way??!!! I understand he is looking for an old toad sage’s corpse, but isn’t he taking a while?
On the side note, isn’t Obito pulling off of something from Psyren.
she doesn’t need to
Naruto will use his ultimate technique, ‘Rin Harem Oiroke no Jutsu’ to Obito, resulting in ultimate nosebleed..
Definitely took me a couple reads to make sense of what was happening in this chapter. I don’t know that I’d say Kishimoto is doing too much because in the end, nothing is really happening. It’s just a sense of confining too much in each panel and certainly the similarities between Naruto and Minato don’t make things any easier. I feel as though their appearances should have differed a bit more to make these fights a bit simpler to follow but what’s done is done and here we are with Obito hitting God Tier levels.
It almost felt too easy for him to get there and obtain control just through Rin’s memory but in the end, it seems as though this might push things forward a bit so maybe it’s some good after all.
Just when I thought Obito got over Rin….. So it looks like being friendzoned can actuallly help you master the Juubi… lol
It’s not just you who has a hard time following along…
My best bet is that Naruto will tap into the power of all nine Tailed-Beasts to become something similar to the Sage of the Six Paths to match Obito’s newfound power.
The irony is that for most Shonen manga, Obito would be the protagonist in getting through some ultimate trial with the power of love or whatever. Gotta give props to Kishi for making the bad guy do it for once.
Naruto who is basically EXACTLY Obito already did that to gain a form almost IDENTICAL to Obito’s new one… TWICE…
OKAY. What is EXACTLY your point for BRINGING Naruto up in my COMMENT about an ANTAGONIST using the power of LOVE in a shonen SERIES…? I believe it MAY have something to do with your totally CAPITALIZED words, but perhaps I’m over-thinking things. And that you ONLY thought to reply on Naruto’s PARALLEL development happening TWICE already, which is totally normal, considering how I already said shonen protagonists DO IT a lot already.
Just seems odd your giving props for something that has been done twice in the same manga already resulting in transformations that look the same. I mean convergent story telling is all well and good but this is getting a bit lazy. Also not to mention various antagonists through the story have already done similar things such as Itachi, Sauske, and Nagato (who is another Naruto…). Seems slightly over reliant on tropes but it does really push the theme along.
I’m giving props for an antagonist doing it for once. Not sure how else to make it more clear.
nope you’re not the only one. What I find silly the fact that it only took Obito a few minutes to gain control over a power many times greater than that of both Gyuki and Kurama while Naruto had go through: 1. Had to become hulk angry to use the power and he had next to no control over it. 2. Had to fight Kurama inside his mind just to get a fraction of his chakra and would have lost had Minato not seen this beforehand and put a part of Kushina’s chakra in him AND 3. Had to have a very lengthy talk no jutsu with Kurama to finally get to give Naruto the full extent of his power yet we now have Obito who manages to gain full control just by thinking of his crush and now somehow even knows how to use all of Juubi’s abilities. Epic…but silly.
And finally the last thing that doesn’t sit right is Obito now looking like the Sage of the Six paths just because he had the Juubi sealed inside him, as far as I’m concenred the Sage of the Six Paths was legendary long before he resorted to sealing the Juubi inside himself, it wasn’t the monster that defined who he was.
obito is the chosen one, dude
nooo this falls under the “Bad Guy 101” again; bad guys can master shit a lot faster than main characters.
What bugs me is that the villains’ motivation has become idiotic and it really isn’t clear. A few chapters ago Obito argued that he had gotten over Rin’s death, but now it suddenly gives him the power to control the juubi. At the same time, Madara has lost all sense of purpose, and just wants to have an endless fight with the First Hokage (as both are immortal edo tensei zombies). Even a “stupid” statement like “I want to destroy this world just for the lulz” would suit better, rather than continuing to argue over a point of view which makes no sense even for a sociopath. I mean, Obito and Madara’s motivations aren’t even creepy or mind-breaking, they are just pathetic. It is obvious that Kishi wanted to create a plot that isn’t just about fights,and characters tearing apart each other, but something more complex. However, the situation he has created is too chaotic, and begins to be nonsensical. The story has already reached its climax, the time has come to finish the story properly, instead of prolonging it with more and more “twists”. I’m looking forward to see a good ending, but I’ve got to admit the recent chapters are getting me bored.
I think the twists are finally coming to an end I mean this transformation is basically identical to Naruto’s and the Fourth’s current transformations which leads me to believe the final final fight is just around the corner as all the convergent story lines have both figuratively and literally converged. Fallen Naruto is Fighting Good Naruto, both have gotten Sage of the Six Path style outfits and powers and all the players are on side. Also don’t forget Obito still has his “Moon’s Eye Plan” although it seems the Sharingan has taken a backseat to the Rinningan now…
Only question that is left open to me is Orochimaru and his plans… dude’s a snake you know he’s doing something.
The Friend Zone no Jutsu is strong with this one…
If anyone would like a delicious bowl of sakuga, check out tomorrow’s episode of Naruto. It’s Madara’s first appearance, and judging by the preview, seems it’ll be AwesomeNoJutsu time…
Anyone else tearing up when comparing the art style of the first chapters (e.g. the Chunin-exam) with the current one?
And it’s still not my final form.
Which will turn out to be Rin in a wicked twist of Kishimoto writing.
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They need to find a happy medium between Naruto, where the panels are absolutely packed with detail, and Bleach, where an entire page could be just two panels with one face in each against a white background.
I also agree that Naruto and his dad need some more differing characteristics to keep things clear (besides ‘whiskers’)
Hope u guys havent forgotten that kakashi is still inside obito’s dimension.
He’ll join the ranks of Yamato, Anko, and Kabuto.
…or he’ll magically come back at the last second and be the one to actually end everything.
Let’s not forget Samui and Atsui.
Secretly, Rin was Kakashi all along.
I hope this is where Obito’s evolution stops. Who wants another butterfly…
Madara still has his “trump” card. I think he may say something to break Obito’s will. Like, I have had this set up from the start. Madara most likely took Obito. Maybe he was watching during the fight when Obito first woke his sharingan, and decided he was going to take him. I find it strange that Zetsu was tracking Rin. This was all part of the plan to twist Obito’s mind. Or, it’s going to be some off the wall super trump card. Who knows.
I doubt that right now with the way things are for now I think MK(the author) has his hands full with Hashirama and Madara facing/off at the moment leaving Obito in his ten-tails form against Naruto, Sasuke and Minato with Orochimaru on the loose(for some reason I don’t trust his motives) and the return of the five kages etc etc I say that this war won’t be over anytime soon and I think Madara might get the chance to get all the tailed beasts including the eight tails(Gyuuki) and the nine tails(Kurama) but I suspect it would be in a distant future and not anytime soon.
As for Naruto and Minato, the have similar seals on their cloaks. Both horse shoe shaped, but they are facing opposite directions. Minato has black eyes. But I do agree that sometimes it is still hard to see the difference. Maybe Minato will give Naruto the other half of Kurama’s chakra, and what do you know a new power up.
i felt it ws d best manga ever
If Kishimoto added more of the grey color (shading) to his drawing, then it would have been easier for the readers to understand what’s drawn in many panels.
Kishi lost points with me for not having Obito say, “This is my ultimate form!”
I hate naruto now: remember when they acted like ninjas?
nostalgia for past naruto: yup, about 500+ chapters ago.
Madara has rinnegan. Can’t he do gedo rinne tensei on himself. Is that his trump card?
Probably need a new body to be rinne into?
So maybe he has some control over Obito from when he found and stitched up with 1st Hokage DNA? He will take over Obito’s body????
No he can’t. That’s why he needed Obito to do it. Madara isn’t alive so he can’t use that jutsu
WOW..can Obito GET any stronger!? someone needs to get goku.
We don’t just need Goku we need Vegeta, Gohan and Gotenks too.
What if someone Edo Tensei’s Rin? That would be real mindhax for Obito. If people manage to revive legendary ninja from the past I don’t see how one little medical-nin would be impossible to bring back
It would depend…the Summoner would have to have DNA from the person they intend to revive. I doubt Orochimaru or Tobirama would have any of Rin’s DNA on them.
I agree this chapter was packed full of action but not only that it was quite revealing on a few things, such as when obito underwent a transformation from not being insync with the jubbi to having full control. I say this cause in order to control a a tailed beast you have to first find something that fills the void in your soul from being a jinchuuriki and obito did that as you can see when the broken pieces of the picture reattached. The next reason I say he is in full control is because his body changed into somthing thats very similar to that of the sage the only exceptions is he has just one rinnagan and his cloak like thing is depicted slightly different from the OS wheras the os had only the nine tamoe and not a tamoe through the rinnagan on his back but the rest looks exacatly like him which leads me to believe that this is the final trasformation and the true battle is only beginning Spolier AlertOkay not this is the question we should all be asking would Madara really be fooled or tricked by Obito My answer is no not a chance and what is this trump card Madara has this is my theory okay remember when Madara found Obito he was very close to death and his entire right side was totally crushed so madara had to merge zetsu into him to really stop him from dying now what is zetsu? Zetsu is a combination of hashirama cells and Madara cells so basically form and life. In the previous chapter Madara tried to take control of obito but was unsuccessful, or so it seems but what if madara power just wasnt at the level to overpower him yet? I say that to say this why on the world would Madara want to fight hashirama when clearly he isn’t as strong as the jubbi? So this is my final hypothesis i think Madara is going to find some way to siphon Hashirama cells/chakra even futher to the point of being able to go in to hashirama sage mode where then he will use this power to take control of both the cells in obito and transform into him somehow which is really more of expelling obito’s conscience and inserting his making his hair significantly longer to show the change so what do you all think?
Minato isn’t hard to recognise. Just look at the eyes. They are always dark/black’ish. While naruto has normal eyes.