「やさしさに包まれたなら The story continues, as long as there is someone out there, who believes in my existence.」 (Yasashisa ni Tsutsumareta Nara)
“Wrapped in Kindness The story continues, as long as there is someone out there, who believes in my existence.”

And then there were five. We were arguably getting on time for a character death, but throwing three out in one episode? And the poster girl at that? Well, that’s just cruel. No denying Re:Creators knows how to make a show of it though, after weeks of buildup we are finally seeing all that effort start paying off.

Out of all the deaths here, Alice’s is probably the least surprising. She was a turncoat, fighting mostly for vengeance, and trying to solo to the most OP creation of them all. Opinions on Altair’s grand plan (that’s not so grand) aside, it’s hard denying she’s all but a creator herself now, between casually cause-effect switching—somewhere Magane is pissed for being one upped—and tossing out a wild collection of epic grin faces. Seriously, those grins. Out of everyone else, Alice made the most sense for a victim of this perfect twin-tailed storm. Colour me surprised then when Celestia then decides one death is not enough and has Rui eliminate her alongside Charon in an ending for the ages. Really, Celestia? Sure it was foreshadowed throughout the episode (see Celestia’s repeated defense of the guy), but damn, taking away your main fighter over a lackey is pretty tragic no matter how you look at it. While there’s always room for a resurrection (*cough* Meteora), I would be disappointed if the show went this route considering all paths currently point towards Souta doing the Altair beat down.

Once getting past the shock and awe of sacrifice, the main take away for me this week was the focus on personal change. We have seen this theme played up before (i.e. changes in creation attitude, the talk of heroes this episode), but with Altair apparently unbeatable, it’s likely the answer to defeating her. This is where Souta and his creation comes into play. If Altair cannot be beaten physically, she must be bested mentally, and the best way is by publically deconstructing her worldview (i.e. getting the audience to side against her). Simply have Souta conjure up a foil to Altair (ex. the original, flowery Altair), have it compete for the audience’s attention, and suddenly the military princess isn’t so strong. Everyone loves a happy ending, and there’s no better one than reconciliation between quarrelling “siblings”—Altair would have a very difficult time keeping the audience supportive once their thirst for violence disappears, and guaranteed a few more deaths with satiate that want. Of course it could still all boil down to a final physical fight between outrageously OP characters, but I’d like to think Re:Creators has a little more in mind than that. Considering how hard the show wants to emphasize the tribulations and pleasures of creation, it only makes using those emotions to draw a close to this story.

Getting to the final stage, however, will be interesting with the number of characters left, Souta still sitting on the sidelines, and one shark toothed maid nowhere to be seen. Death may have been prevalent this week, but I doubt we’ve seen the last of it just yet. With three episodes remaining, there’s plenty of time for Re:Creators to twist a few more hearts.


  1. Alice got run through with the damage from her own lance? Now where have I heard that idea before… Should Magane involve herself in this fight at any point, I could see her turning that one back around on Altair.

    As for Celesia, ballsy move if they carry through with it but I’m not going to give blind faith to that cliffhanger. Resurrection/respawn is definitely not implausible, and I won’t assume she and/or Charon are actually dead since we’ve seen that “disappear in a flash” thing more than enough times to know better. XD

    1. I’ll be pissed if she’s still alive after that lol, she already had one run in with death, two would be pushing things too much at this stage IMO. Now bringing her back after Altair is beaten, that I can live with.

    2. “Alice got run through with the damage from her own lance? Now where have I heard that idea before… Should Magane involve herself in this fight at any point, I could see her turning that one back around on Altair.”

      In memory of 00001 to 10031. A moment of silence for the fallen Sisters.

      Velvet Scarlantina
      1. I think the closest to that power was the one used by avenger(angra mainyu/fate hollow ataraxia) the damage wasn’t reflected, altair was still get stabbed but the wound magically swapped to alicetaria herself, say misaka,misaka as she posing with know-it-all looks :p

    1. Never underestimate the power of fan discs: Nanoha was but a minor character in Triangle Heart 3, became a generic magical girl in the fan disc, then morphed into the White Devil we all know and love. 😛

      Magnus Tancred
  2. I was always under impression that Celesia was the MC of her story, quite surprising that Charon was actual MC, Although there signs of that in the 1st ending (the part with the cosplayers) I didn’t realize that it was the case till Rui giving him the lecture on being the hero) XD

  3. LOL Altair keeps happily munching on the fourth wall, though it’s a bit annoying to see her switch from ‘charismatic villain’ (no wonder she can get approval) to ‘raving psycho’ just like that – is this the start of a villainous breakdown?
    Also, does it feel like Yuuya raised a death flag here?

    Okay, raise your hand if you think the epilogue will involve Celesia having a cup of coffee in her world…

    Weird D
    1. I like that part about her, it means that there won’t a generic defeat by power of friendship and it would seem unlikely that she’d be defeated by simple talk no jutsu as she’s very well aware that audience approval is what’s going to take to beat her 😕

      1. *random loud-mouthed brat in orange* : “I don’t go back on my word, it’s my…”
        *SPLAT* (Altair blows brat’s head off)
        *Altair* : “Damn he was annoying.”
        *Audience* : “FINALLY!!” (approval skyrockets)

        Weird D
    2. Not sure it was a raving psycho moment, more of an expression of her feelings. Altair strongly desires getting retribution for Setsuna, it would make sense she would be furious at others for looking down on that. And yes, Yuuya certainly is top of the list for likely deaths. Only question is if it’s before or after Blitz 😛

  4. http://images.randomc.net/Re%20Creators/Re%20Creators%20-%2019%20-%20Large%2015.jpg
    This week indeed, has been very painful.
    While i was eagerly expecting this week’s episode, now i want it to go away. Take these broken pieces of my heart Hiroe! I dont need this pain. They didnt resurrect Mamika, so i doubt they are able to do so for Celestia too. Its really a crazy goodbyes *sobs*
    Celestia was my first best girl, and will always be best girl. I started to pick up this anime because of her as well, who knew they suddenly butcher three characters in one episode!Goddd! Both knights are out now, its not fair. You will be missed.

    Onion warrior
  5. Could the in-universe audience start rejecting Altair’s OP-ness even now? I can imagine those from the Vogelchevalier and Alicetaria fandom are already calling Bullsh*t on how some OC can dispose of their favourite leads with such ease.
    And if Yuuya and Shou die at Altair’s hand, I can only imagine her being massively rejected by all the angry fangirls…

    1. Unlikely.
      Aliceteria failed because Altair’s acceptance was higher than Alice’s. And knowing the kind of story Alice is from, a lot of her fans may even see this as a fitting end.
      Vogelchevalier fans have nothing to complain about. Altair did not kill the two heroes, and as Matsubara said Charon was fully in-character, which got accepted long ago. If anything, this will make their fans emotional and hopeful that their many story ends on a brighter note.
      If Yuuja and Shou die while making some lines that excite the Fujoshi hearts, it too will be accepted. The male fans are likely fond of the darker elements of the story so they too may be fine with it.

      But in general, if acceptance fell, it would fall for this story. After all, the writers are to be faulted, not some nonexistent fictional character whom they stole from a poor dead writer.
      In other words, worst that could happen would be the collapse of the Bird Cage… which would be defeat for the heroes.

      Lord Nayrael
      1. But in general, if acceptance fell, it would fall for this story. After all, the writers are to be faulted, not some nonexistent fictional character whom they stole from a poor dead writer.
        In other words, worst that could happen would be the collapse of the Bird Cage… which would be defeat for the heroes.

        That is a point that many people worrying about Altair’s OPness and the levels of acceptance are forgetting: it’s not Altair who needs the acceptance, but the heroes. She was already invincible beforehand; that’s why our protagonists needed this complex trap to give them an audience-approved miracle.

        -If the acceptance for the heroes’ plan is not high enough, Altair wins.

        -If she succeeds in using the audience’s acceptance to power herself up even more, Altair wins.

        -If the audience’s acceptance crumbles, the Bird Cage is no more and Altair wins.

    2. As others mention, it’s not so much her acceptance as the others. Altair’s abilities won’t go anywhere, if she is to beaten you have to either overpower her or underwrite her. The former is the simplest choice, but the latter is likely where the show is heading. As Altair’s powers are based on many single people imagining ideas, simply have a “new” Altair come up (Souta’s creation) which does the same, but on a much larger scale. Altair cannot win against herself, especially if her ability-generating fans switch over the new one.

      Unless Magane just lies Altair into defeat, that’s always possible too lol.

  6. I’m happy that Charon ended up not being brainwashed. Still, he sadly became an “Alicetaria 2.0” and Selesia and company remained “Selessia and Company 2.0”: a hero sick and tired of the crap they’re going through is taken in by the Big Bad and no one is able to point out what is wrong with them.

    For some reason, instead of repeating the point that Altair is trying to destroy everything in existence (and they have proof, finally!) and that would be reason enough to stop her, they go back to the fame simplistic arguments about the relationship between Creations and Creators. It’s not the first time I’ve felt that the writers of Re:Creators seem hellbent on trying to prove that rebelling against the Creator is morally wrong… unless you’re Blitz.

    Take Selesia’s defense in this episode: she said that she believed that Matsubara would give Charon and her the golden ending despite all the suffering they go through. And she’s right, narratively speaking. But is that morally right? If I were a secondary character whose destiny is to suffer and/or die to make the story more interesting, or a hero who really cares about that instead of spousing a Protagonist-Centered Morality, why should I approve of my Creator? Because the Really Cool Guys will get the happy ending I’ll never see?

    It was cruelly lampshaded by none other than Altair herself. When she killed Alicetaria, she said: “What a grand ending. It’s the deepest desire of every knight, Alicetaria. But how unfortunate. This place isn’t your story. You aren’t the main character in this world. You’re just a supporting role”.

    1. It’s not the first time I’ve felt that the writers of Re:Creators seem hellbent on trying to prove that rebelling against the Creator is morally wrong… unless you’re Blitz.

      Take Selesia’s defense in this episode: she said that she believed that Matsubara would give Charon and her the golden ending despite all the suffering they go through. And she’s right, narratively speaking. But is that morally right? If I were a secondary character whose destiny is to suffer and/or die to make the story more interesting, or a hero who really cares about that instead of spousing a Protagonist-Centered Morality, why should I approve of my Creator? Because the Really Cool Guys will get the happy ending I’ll never see?

      That issue is already somewhat addressed by Blitz and the answer is: you’re free to not approve. Blitz was a supporting character in his story and he got screwed over. What did he do? Well, he took it out on his creator and only stopped when he got what he wanted. Morally speaking, it’s complicated. If you’re a creation, is it wrong to beat or kill your mortal creator for screwing up your life or killing good characters? Well, it really depends on whether or not the creator realized that s/he actually created sentient life forms and worlds where they live in when s/he make his/her stories. If s/he didn’t, I don’t think the creator deserves all the blame for all your (and every other good characters’) suffering up to this point. For all s/he know, s/he only did harm to fictional characters on paper or on-screen. That’s not a crime or a sin by any stretch of the imagination. What the creator will do once s/he knows that you’re actually a living sentient creation is the more important matter. In Re:Creators, it’s likely that all this “creation came into being”-event is just a one-off phenomenon and after all this are over, all the living creations will be gone and continue to only be non-living characters on papers or on-screen which are free to be “tortured” again for the sake of the story.

      Also, there’s no law or sin that govern authors/writers who can actually created living universes. That’s the realm of gods. Now the question is: how do you govern mortal gods with the power of actual creation whose livelihood depends on the popularity of their created worlds which include making living characters suffer or killing them? That’s a whole new can of worms. Will the government suddenly order them to make their created worlds to have a happily-ever-after endings and then stop writing and provided those creators with non-creator jobs? If every creator has that god-power of creation, will the government ban all new and on-going fictional stories altogether? It’ll be quite complicated.

  7. With Celestia out, who takes out Altair? I mean, out of the characters who are left, we really don’t have anyone who would sufficiently have the means to do so.

    That’s basically what this bird cage is. We’re building up to the climatic finish, but we don’t actually have a character that’s left standing who can do that. Unless Celestia or Charon is still alive, which I don’t think works for the narrative right now.

    Unless they are setting up Shou to be the winner? I mean, of who’s let standing and at this point of the bird cage, she’s the only one left.

    Or is it possible that we’re setting this up for an Altair vs Altair show down? I’ve begun to wonder if what Souta isn’t about to do is try bringing Altair’s original self to life. Her story, her life and what her happy ending would be.

    It doesn’t even need to be something major. Just a short story about how it all happened. A little snippet of a soon to be published story. Hell, it could be even something that would mimic what Altair’s creator could do.

    With all these OP powers, once you’ve established something official, it will drastically limit her powers. She’ll retain a lot through the power of collective thought, but having something officially released will do that.

    That’s why I think she’ll have an official release, announced by Souta. And we’ll find out if you can resurrect the dead of “our” world. As I’m sure Souta’s not the one that’s going to be writing that. We know we can resurrect dead creations, so Celestia(and everyone else)’s death is shocking but not permanent. The audience is already accepting of people coming back to life, otherwise Blitz’s daughter wouldn’t’ve.

    It won’t happen during bird cage of course, since it wouldn’t make sense to have them be able to come back during the fight. That would hurt the overall narrative. But resurrections after that? You bet. Including Altair’s creator.

    Regardless of my speculation, I still wonder if the characters who are in our world will be able to go home or if this story is going shatter these characters from their original story and accidently bind them to our world. We are still getting a second season coming up and I think having some sort of accidental fall out from this would be interesting. Instead of the “okay, everything worked out, you remember this as just a dream”.

    Dorian S.
    1. You’ve pretty much come to the same idea I have: Souta’s going to try and create the original Altair and use that to underwrite the military version. It’s a fitting end too, as it atones for Setsuna, and has the fight play out through audience opinion, which is the whole point of the bird cage in the first place.

      Would be hilarious is Magane is the one who actually beats Altair. Ironic in way too, given Altair summoned her in the first place 😛

  8. This episode truly crushed my heart, not only Selesia was the main heroine of the story but also my favorite character, all for a guy was hardly qualify to be a hero in the first place, danm all the way to hell Charon!. Even so I cling to hope that it ill be souta who will revivie Selesi, after all Magane gave him what i suspect is one hell of a power last episode and the boy was truly atached to both Selesia and Meteora so i doubt he will let this story end this tragically, Como on Souta boy you cab do it!.

  9. Honestly I’d be surprised if Altair will let Selesia die. It seems like one of Altair’s main goals is to torment Selesia seeing as she’s the first link between Souta and her creator.

    That said something has been bugging me recently about the current logic of how the creations arrived. It’s supposed to be that mass audience approval brings over creations but that doesn’t really explain the logic behind Souta going into the anime and pulling back out Altair and Selesia.

    1. Altair was the one pulling out the creations from their worlds in the 1st place. Souta just got caught up in it.
      That said, it doesn’t explain how Altair herself was able to enter the real world. All we know was that she manifested right after Setsuna’s death, and appeared around Japan for a few months before putting her plan into action.

      1. But if you watch the first episode Altair’s claims to be pulling over people just doesn’t hold up when you look at Souta’s first interaction with her. I mean in the first episode she doesn’t just pull over Selsia, she’s there to kill Selsia in her own world. There’s obviously some sort of third party at work in the situation beyond Altair that’s affecting things.

    2. I’m not sure she wants to torment Celestia, it doesn’t fit with her main plan of destroying the world(s), and she’s had numerous opportunities to do so up until now. If Celestia is resurrected, it will be by the likes of Meteora or Souta.

      Also we don’t technically know how Altair brought each character over. It could be she travels to each world and recruits them there, or simply opens a portal the chosen one walks through. For all we know Altair was in Celestia’s world intending to find/take Charon, but wound up in the middle of a fight due to poor timing. Souta’s transfer is the weird one, and I don’t know if we will ever get an answer for it.

      1. Yeah but like I said episode 1 goes against where we are right now. Quick recap or relevant stuff

        Souta’s tablet resonates and pulls him into Selsia’s world to the surprise of Altair (she obviously had no part in this) who is battling Selsia. Souta’s tablet resonates again and just before Altair’s saber kills them they both teleport to the real world. Altair teleports back to the real world, say’s it’s curious that Selsia has been brought here, and then proclaims she’s the reason. At this point I think some people interpreted it as “Altair is bringing people over” but I think what’s actually being said is that Altair’s existence somehow unbalances things so that creations can materialize. It’s obvious when rewatching the scene that she had no part in bringing Selsia over, so she’s either blatantly lying when she says that she brought her over, or it’s just a poor interpretation of her wording.

        Anyways after that we learn something else interesting which is that both Altair and Meteora were brought over at the same time by some unknown force.

        So at this point we have 2 creations that manifested together for whatever reason, and Souta (most likely) jumping into Selsia’s story and dragging her back out. That all runs counter to the logic that Altair is out there picking people to bring over.

        Personally I think Altair was in Selsia’s world to kill her for whatever reason.

  10. A tough episode and it really hit me hard. That tells me the producers are doing a good job with me. I become more and more convinced that a review and rating of an individual episode can really harm a viewers perception of the over all work, especially longer stories 24 and plus where the format allows the story to world build more and use slower no action parts to build up a pay day once the action starts.

    Other problems are the concepts of good story that are popular right now have for too many became rules that always must be followed when in fact as TV Tropes states, “Tropes are not bad, not even the bad writing tropes are always bad” If you can’t have long exposition the types of stories you tell becomes more limited and hard sci-fi where lots of stuff has to be explained, and subject matter experts like Metora must be part of the story, is dead.

    1. which is why i solve this problem by re-watching string of episodes in one sitting to eliminate what i like to call, “the weekly-watching bias.” At times, i find myself appreciating the series even more that way while other times reaffirming the opinion i already had of a series. I think people should try doing that more often in order to build more solid opinions of things we watch. We tend to underestimate the immediate effect things may have on us without giving the time to digest and process information. We also overestimate our ability to recall information accurately so it would be best to make sure that the information we acquire has been consolidated effectively.

  11. How many think maybe Magane will save our Celestia from certain death?

    Anyway, my biggest concern was Charon. I was expecting him to say –“ Sorry Celestia, as you know I was going to betray you sooner or later and side with Avalon Brigade. So I am betraying you now to speed things up.”
    Recall Episode 3 where Mari mentioned in how Charon was going to betray Celestia anyway. From the looks of it that betrayal wasn’t some “long term” plan so Charon probably didn’t want to betray Celestia but something recently happened to make it occur, like maybe he got “tired” of fighting Avalon Brigade to the point where he wants to join them. Little sad that we won’t get to know his reasons, from the original story, on why he betrayed Celestia.

    On the side note, Hikayu Hoshikawa obviously has the most “overpowering” upgrade, practically on nuclear steroids; it’s like turning some normal girl into a werewolf or a super cyborg. I don’t suppose that she will do a “Spirit Bomb.”

    You got to admit. When an Author finds out that the fictional characters, he/she has created, comes to life then having the character die can take an emotional toll. Typically, when a fictional character dies then people wouldn’t mind, at least not too deeply, because that character “never truly existed.”
    So I would imagine that many authors, like Shiden Kanzaki, Asari Endō, and Gen Urobuchi would feel differently if their creations came to life and died……… or maybe not. Fun fact, Nobuhiro Watsuki did admit in how unhappy he was in regards to Himura Kenshin.

    I am sure that this is the one feature that Rui Kanoya wants to complain to his “gods” about Gigas Machina. The creators probably made Mad scientists who thought along the lines – “Mmmm, Gigas Machina happens to be humanity’s last hope. So we should arrange a scenario where the pilot also feels PAIN when damage is inflicted to Gigas Machina; we also need to make sure that the pilot bleeds a little and suffers broken bones when extensive damage occurs from any heroically reckless acts.” In real life, if we ever make giant robots, I would expect some safety features, that are meant to protect the pilot; Kanoya has the worst luck since he was stuck with crazy scientists.

    As for Sho Hakua, I was expecting him to still fight alongside Altair, since I find it unfair that Altair was losing allies. However, while Sho Hakua did wanted to kill his creator, obviously good old friendship managed to convince him.

    1. I am sure that this is the one feature that Rui Kanoya wants to complain to his “gods” about Gigas Machina. The creators probably made Mad scientists who thought along the lines – “Mmmm, Gigas Machina happens to be humanity’s last hope. So we should arrange a scenario where the pilot also feels PAIN when damage is inflicted to Gigas Machina; we also need to make sure that the pilot bleeds a little and suffers broken bones when extensive damage occurs from any heroically reckless acts.” In real life, if we ever make giant robots, I would expect some safety features, that are meant to protect the pilot; Kanoya has the worst luck since he was stuck with crazy scientists.

      In some stories, the mechas that the MCs pilot are so massive (Super Robot size) or have great power (or both) to the point where even the most advanced technology in the story can only afford to move the giant robot properly by linking it to the neural systems of the pilots or something along those lines. Sometimes, it’s also a spiritual thing where the pilots “become one with the mechas”. So, it’s not necessarily mad scientists who built them like that for the lulz. Most of the makers of those robots are sane scientists in the stories, but the robots simply demand so much. We see such trope in Evangelion, Rayearth, Mobile Fighter G Gundam and even the Hollywood movie Pacific Rim that paid homage to various mecha anime. Gigas Machina is certainly one of them.

      So yes, Rui could use a good talk with the scriptwriter(s) of his anime and ask them to ditch that damn trope :p

    2. Anyway, my biggest concern was Charon. I was expecting him to say –“ Sorry Celestia, as you know I was going to betray you sooner or later and side with Avalon Brigade. So I am betraying you now to speed things up.”

      It was Hydla who betrays them, not Charon. Charon is just starting to burn out due to the endless fighting, and accepts Altair’s plan since it provided an easy resolution to his story’s conflict.

      Magnus Tancred
      1. Ah I see, now I see the tricks. Thank you sir, much appreciated. Let me try this down here.
        It’s sort of interesting to note that each of the characters had repeatedly said “Altair is trying to destroy the world!” You would wonder if the “audience” (not us) have heard this. Right now, I think many people would like to the world to end in a story; often cases, people would root for the “cool villain” to win rather than to have a “cliche heroic ending,” so I could imagine Altair is getting some supporters, I think. I am not sure how many people are rooting for Altair after everything she has done.
        Random thought, I think Altair has the Mystic Eyes (type-moon) if we look at her pupils.

  12. Wow, this episode was one heavy load. Half way through I was already thinking “shouldn’t the ending be starting by now”. Which I still love so much to see every time btw.

    Anyway, this was certainly an episode that showed the writers knew what they were doing. Doing so much without making it seem like a mess. Felt like a movie. Certainly takes serious guts to kill off the poster girl like that with still more episodes to go (Although Meteora probs was the real poster girl anyway). Although the drama before Selesia’s did feel a bit overused and dragged out. But once it actually did happen, top notch.

    Alicetaria’s dead was pretty much the only way it could’ve gone for her, which is already saddening by itself. Her horse trying to catch up with her and her creator’s wail really added the finishing touches.

    Especially the latter shows one aspect of Re:Creators. That characters really come alive at some point. At first, you just write how a character works, deciding everything for it. But then it becomes more like a character would have already done those things if left to run its course, so you’re just describing it. I think that’s one thing Re:Creators is trying to show. Just how alive characters can get.

  13. Hoping that they won’t raise the dead! So, if they don’t, are we heading for a Magane & Souta duo. Other than them I can’t see anyone bringing Altair down; the million movements of her Hollopsicon make her quite unbeatable… unless someone bends reality… some shark toothed someone.
    That would be cool as hell.

    1. I´m 99% sure Selesia will come back and 100% sure it will be Souta who resurrects her, he sure said he wanted that kind of development even if the audience belives is lame and Magane just gave him the power to do so. I would be very surprised if Magane enters the fray, she´s like to cause chaous for her own amusement but she ñike the spectator role in this battle far more that´s why she help Souta even whne he said that kind of power was an insult to the audience, but at this point he won´t care anymore, Selesia was the closest to him of the group so I think he will refuse this insane development with all his might.

  14. Don’t want Selesia to die, but don’t really want her to be resurrected AGAIN.
    Oh, the dilemma…

    Just wondering, why don’t those mechs have ejection systems? No need to kill the pilot if you just need to destroy the mech.

    1. Charon is the only toi blame for this mess, that selfish bastard is a txtbook example of what a hero must never be! Tired of fighting the forces of evil? Then you pick the wrong job my friend, being a hero means always stand up even when your body is torn apart, keep fighting even when nobody has your back, keep dreamong even if no one thanks you for a job well done and when you fall to the ground you pick up ypur sword and you do it all over again! because it is the right thing to do.


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