「イベント」 (Ibento)

Character episode? Character episode! This week of Sore ga Seiyuu! focuses almost exclusively on Ichigo and her personal character growth. More attention had been on Futaba so far, and Rin looks like she’s doing comfortably, so I welcomed this exploration of Ichigo’s character develops her into more than just the tryhard cosplayer. I also think that Ichigo has the greatest potential for black comedy out of the three pastel protagonists. She sits at a good continuum between the unflinchingly miserable Futaba and the perennially cozy Rin. Her need to upkeep her Princess Peach Toadstool Strawberry or whatever persona makes for an amusing contrast with the harsh reality she has to deal with. Usually, getting sacked (partially by her own fault though it may be) and losing your lights is a horrific story of crippling poverty, but our overly pink heroine manages to turn it into laughs. And, of course, the good news that comes soon after also helps to balance the mood. There’s still room there to feel sorry for Ichigo, though. At least Futaba as Pipo got to be a roughly humanoid robot; Ichigo is stuck as a bacteriophage, not even a single-cell life-form. But, hey, any role in a hit RPG title with possible franchise potential is a good deal. Plus, she gets to work with some big stars.

That’s right, this week’s cameo is none other than the famed Horie Yui, the only 38-year-old allowed to call herself ‘Hocchan’. She’s one of those seiyuu I’ve been familiar with since her debut, so it warms my heart to know that she continues to do well with the one voice she has, even now. She’s also surprisingly frumpy in ‘real life’ (or perhaps not that surprising, considering her anime personae), though she does have an appropriate sparkles mode for the stage (unlike her cohort Tamura Yukari, who can’t turn it off). She’s definitely the most significant Seiyuu cameo so far, playing a rather major role in the episode (and not just having a song in the request corner, but singing the insert herself). Not only is she a mentor figure for Ichigo (I hear she does look out for newbies), she’s also an inspiration in her transformation from clumsy airhead to glamorous idol at will. Even moreso than the other guest appearances thus far, she’s the seiyuu that hopefuls want to be.

That’s right, Ichigo. If Hocchan can manage a good 86 variations of ‘uguu’ you can do as well with three boxes of ‘poro’. Make that material work.

Looking ahead ~ PV Filming

So, I guess that more or less wraps up Ichigo for now, in both her image problem and her relationship with her embarrassing family. The one advantage I think Ichigo has is her supportive father. I get the impression that Futaba’s parents less than approve of her life choices, while Rin probably has a stage mum in the wings somewhere. Ichigo’s father, though, is willing to let his daughter go while still standing behind her all the way. in fact, I half expected Ichigo’s first personal fanmail to have been from her dad, but I guess that would have ruined her moment.

For next week, the creepy producer has Earphone’s debut song lined up (will they just play the ED?) so now it’s time for them to get into full marketing mode. I guess the plan is, even if Sore ga Seiyuu! doesn’t manage to sell many anime BDs, they can at least still sell music. Hurrah for cross pollineating industries.

Full-length images: 16, 23.




  1. Even if they’re (probably) a little exaggerated for comedy, I love how the cameos are all “real.” And of course that means the Seiyuu deserve major props, cause sure they’re used to fans and press being all over them, but it still must be a little odd to be told to play yourself on a show.

    Ringlets done by a professional? Is the Ichigo dream beginning?! One reason I know I’d never want to be famous is I’d never be able to get on a stage like that, so good job, even if she was borderline delirious for all of it!

    1. I suppose it’s only a step removed from playing a version of yourself at a live event. It happens in Western TV as well.

      Also, fun fact: Asano Masumi, the mangaka of Sore ga Seiyuu!, used to be in a band/group/unit/whatever lead by Horie Yui (which I hear they’re getting back together temporarily), so maybe this episode draws from experience. It would also account for Hocchan’s relatively larger role.

  2. http://images.randomc.net/Sore%20ga%20Seiyuu!/Sore%20ga%20Seiyuu!%20-%2005%20-%20Large%2023.jpg


    The show within a show, Kuroneko of Eternya is a parody of Tales of Eternia, in which Hocchan has voiced a character before. As for the Kuroneko, it is likely a reference to her fan club, the Kuroneko Domei (Black Cat Alliance).


    And these are all real covers of her various CD releases, except with her animated persona.

    1. Its real life Hocchan, believe it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

      Just like how real life Yukarin sparkles non stop 24/7.

      So the answer is yes. Only because glasses looks great on her and Hocchan is savvy like that.

      Jokes aside, I dont know, sorry.

  3. Good, we still have an new Veteran Seiyuu of the Week. But the Main focus stay on our 3 Girls that want to achieve their Dream. It is a way full of Stones, and i am happy that this Anime to not Hide the Dark Sides and serious sides of the Seiyuu industry and Life. So it is not all sparkling like an Fairy tail.

    I like the mix. Please continue to entertain me, and show us a bit of the serious side of being an Seiyuu

  4. This episode was just as awesome as when Yukari Tamura was the guest seiyuu. I also liked how Horie Yui had a pretty long screentime in this episode. I just wonder if the real Horie-san is just as simple as the one depicted here. If you see like that you just wouldn’t believe at first that she’s a star. This actually reminded me of an article I read about seiyuu life not being easy:


    Yeah I know the anime is already depicting how hard it is to be a seiyuu but I wonder if that also applies to high profile ones like Horie Yui, who are pretty much celebrities locally and overseas.

  5. For next week, the creepy producer has Earphone’s debut song lined up (will they just play the ED?) so now it’s time for them to get into full marketing mode. I guess the plan is, even if Sore ga Seiyuu! doesn’t manage to sell many anime BDs, they can at least still sell music. Hurrah for cross pollineating industries.<

    Well they already have one extremely catchy song that just latches onto you ears and refuses to go away so they are well on their way to making their CD sales quota. ^^

  6. In fact, I half expected Ichigo’s first personal fanmail to have been from her dad, but I guess that would have ruined her moment.

    Glad I wasn’t the only one!

    Was nice to see one of the mega-seiyuu cameos be less of a cameo and more of a character. She was still herself (probably … an idealized version of herself, at least), but she did more than flit in and give some advice/inspire a lesson. Even if Hocchan only has the one voice. And even if Yukarin is waaay better.

    Fight me, Hocchan fans! >:

    (Just kidding, just kidding. She got 10x better once I saw Dog Days. Milhiiiii~!)

    1. I have a semi-related question for you, Stilts.

      Since you have watched Dog Days, do you happen to know when the OST (not the opening or ending) for the third season will be released? Also, do you know if the insert song in episode 11, the song of purification, will get a full release? In the past, all the insert songs by Horie Yui get a regular release soon after as singles, but not for this one.

      I have not been able to find any information about either of those.

  7. The lyrics in Hocchan’s song are themselves motivation for the newbies =3

    I’m not surprised with Hocchan being “frumpy” as Passerby puts irl =3. Seiyuu are, at the end of the day, normal folks with a performing job and it shouldn’t be a surprise for them to be like most of us =3. From obsessed gamers (I understand that Monster Hunter is very popular with the ladies) to folks with a lazy life style =3

  8. The song played the ending credits. Nostalgia overload,(but EVA OP is still better) I was shocked that they showcased one of the songs Yui Horie has over the past decade, (that song was released in 2001) Love destiny.

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