「SEASON’S CALL」 by HYDE is Blood+’s second opening song. I’ve been waiting to see this ever since the disappoint that was the PV of Mika Nakashima’s 「CRY NO MORE」. 「SEASON’S CALL」’s PV, which is shot in the desert, simply features Hyde and his band performing the song, with one part near the end where they mix it up with some blue color. Not a bad PV, but not terribly exciting. I still enjoyed it because I got to hear the full song, which I’m liking more and more each time I listen to it.


  1. I liked the PV to Aozora no Namida better, but I’ve grown not to like Takahashi Hitomi’s singing in general after hearing several bad live performances (which I realize occurs quite often for Japanese singers).

  2. omni: yeah, i know what you mean O_O.. i just listened to hitomi’s live performance of aozora no namida and it was… ear piercing (understatement)…..
    i wonder how they get into their “singing mode” when they record the cd cuz cd version and live performance sounds completely different. @@

  3. “i wonder how they get into their “singing mode” when they record the cd cuz cd version and live performance sounds completely different. @@”

    They just redo the recording until it’s flawless. Live performances can’t be helped because you can’t redo it.

  4. It’s all digital mastering….vocal airbrushing; not rehearsal. But with Hyde, he has the talent. Hitomi needs vocal lessons bad. But then again, Hitomi is very very very young and Hyde is an accomplished artist.

  5. takahashi is awesome. its just shes new and that. and its really different and complicated singing live those kinda songs which needed to be perfect and need lots of high and loud vocals. heh. i got her album. its ok addicting more like. i havent heard this song but i’ll try to get it later. i loved the pv of aozora no namida though. and hyde should NOT be compared to Michael…


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