-This is the preview special for Ayakashi Ayashi, which is the show replacing Blood+ in the coveted Saturday evening timeslot.
-It’s not quite as exciting as the CODE GEASS preview, but still pretty good. Plenty of laughs between the hosts Amano Hiroyuki, Kumada Youko, and comedian Udo Suzuki. They are later joined by writer and critic Karasawa Shunichi and calligrapher Mori Daiei, who wrote the title. Most of the series-related stuff was explained by Yamazaki Vanilla (whose voice I found a bit annoying).
-They showed roughly 3 to 4 minutes worth of scattered footage of the anime, a good chunk of it centered around a battle between the main characters and the Youi monsters. The animation didn’t look stunning like the first episode of Ouran (which is the freshest BONES series on memory), but it’s hard to tell because the style is different and because this is only the preview. I’ll reserve production quality judgment until I see a few episodes of the series.
-Much of the series has to do with the main character Ryuudou Yukiatsu’s usage of power from words/characters (called Ayagami) to fight the Youi monsters in this Tenpo period. There might be a lot of etymology in this series, which is something that excites me as a person who’s always looking to learn more.
-They played a good deal of the opening song, Ryuusei Miracle by ikimono-gakari, and also a bit of the ending song Winding Road by Porno Graffiti. Actually, the PV for Winding Road is out, so you can hear the full song already (watch it on YouTube).
-Ayakashi Ayashi starts next Saturday evening at 18:00 JST. Please look forward to it 🙂

-On a related note, is it just me or is the hype for this series extraordinarily low for a show that’s going to be succeeding the timeslot that belonged to Gundam SEED/Destiny, Full Metal Alchemist, and Blood+?


  1. Ya, I just wanted to gouge my ears out with a pen after hearing that hostess and her nails-on-a-chalkboard voice after a while, lol. The show does have an interesting premise; using the power of words to unleash various spells and magical attacks by hour main hero seems pretty cool. It’s actually refreshing to see the hero not have to resort to a sword as many other anime set in the medieval-late 1800s time period of Japan. From his lack of swords, we can at least surmise that he isn’t a true samurai (or gave up his swords), but will be drawn into the political maneuverings and conspiracies of samurai, it seems. As it stands, he seems more like a calligraphy artist than anything else. The monster designs are really odd, I think. That one screenshot with the buck nekkid dude seems really wrong, too, lol. The animation quality appears solid though not particularly draw-dropping, but here’s to hoping the production values remain consistent throughout the series. I also didn’t really understand that swimsuit pinup, but hey, whatever attracts more attention to the show. 🙂


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