OP Sequence

OP: 「slow」 by 清春 (Kiyoharu)
Watch the OP! Mirror 1 Mirror 2 (15.6MB, XviD)

ED Sequence

ED: 「カーネーション」 (Carnation) by 清春 (Kiyoharu)
Watch the ED! Mirror 1 Mirror 2 (15.3MB, XviD)
Maybe it’s just me not being used to Kiyoharu’s singing, but I feel like the OP and the ED sound too similar. The OP animation was a disappointment because it was just recycled images from the episode. The ED had a dancing human anatomy model, but was otherwise fairly boring.

-Nabeshin’s new series! The afro director makes an appearance in the Road-to-Being-a-Lady segment.
-Unfortunately, the first episode never reaches the point of hilarity for me; it’s merely amusing.
-I really can’t stand the character designs – they just don’t appeal to me. The saving grace is that a lot of the episode had much more bearable simplified and chibi versions of the characters.
-It bothered me the entire episode that Yukinojou’s girly face just doesn’t seem to match his voice.
-If only they could make Sunako look more like this instead of this. But I guess that’s the whole point of the series – to turn her into a lady.


  1. My sis and I are big fans of the manga. We got very excited when we first heard that the anime is coming out, but when we saw the preview we turned skeptical. Somehow the character design doesnt translate well from the manga to the anime. But we’re still going to give this a try. Go Kyohei!!

  2. Hm….somewhat, it seems a bit weird, but also a little bit interesting. I was very excided when i heard that Tomokazu Sugita is doing the voice for one of them~~ But, the anime looks a boring in my eyes. Are you going to blog this?

  3. to Ori, Japanese title, ‘Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge’, it’s known as ‘Wallflower’ in US, ‘My Fair Lady’ in Singapore and also Perfect Girl Evolution as scanlations by AnimeWaves

    Anyways, I’m a big fan of the manga … surprised that Kiyoharu’s singing BOTH the OP and ED, the author of PGE must be crying tears of joy lol [she’s a biggg fan of Kiyoharu]. Manz, can’t wait to see it …

  4. I thought the animation was a bit lacking, but I might have had too high expectations. I’ll definitely still be following this, the story is fun and I’d like to see if they end up having a real OP.

  5. I dont know, I would give it a chance at least until about episode 3. I remember when I first read the manga i wasn’t TO impressed with it after the first chapter but as I kept on going I got hooked! So I say definately want to give it a try.

  6. D.gray-man 01 – Interesting and a very good animation + HAGANE LIKE TOO 😉 = + 10
    Death note 01 – Interesting and a very good animation + I really like the main caracter´s agression style to buit an utopia 😀 = + 10
    Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge 01 – Interesting and the animation is nice too + comedy and the ouran style on it too = 9
    Ghost hunter 01 – I like the main caracter arogance and really thought they would be holding weapons like the ghostbusters 😉 , but thanks good is more a reality style + animation nice = 9
    Shounen Onmyouji 01 – kogenta would be jealous from this anime, the animation is really nice and konami is really investing in animes now days so for the ones that really like this style i recomend it too = 9
    RED GARDEN 01 – Very interesting concept for caracter design and the animation is nice at some times too + the BLOOD + style story = 8

    So that´s it people all aproved and my tuesday is getting better and better!!

  7. At first, I couldn’t get myself to like this series either. However, this show could be one of those series that you have to watch/read a bit more to enjoy. I’ll try to read the manga again and watch a few episodes.

  8. Today all post a review after I see:
    Negima!? 😀 😀
    Busou Renkin 😆
    Souten no Ken 😆
    Yoake mae yori ruriiro na Crescent Love 😀
    Super Robot Taisen OG – Divine Wars 😉

    this -> Ginga Tetsudou Monogatari ~Eien e no Bunkiten~ I never watch but I know it´s a good anime too( My brother doesn´t like this one 😉 )

  9. The manga of this series is absolutely amazing! I admit that I too am a little skeptical about the character designs but I’m willing to give this a try and see how it goes.

  10. The character design isn’t the greatest, and I for one have to say that I can not get used to the fact that Ranmaru has bright red hair, I always thought he was blond.
    The story really gets fun a little later on, and it does have a lot of simularities to Ouran in the sense of making fun of the shoujo premises. I am hooked on the manga, so I am watching it! Hope Omni will keep blogging it too!

  11. I’m a huge huge fan of the manga and you don’t know how syched I was finding out there making it into an anime, yay! I have to wait until the subtitles come in, but oh well.

  12. Well, I was interested to see this coz I really like the manga, but the character design is really kinda off, pretty different from the manga but what bugs me the most is that most of the voices don’t fit the characters!!! I think I pretty much only agreed with the choice of voice actor for Kyohei…. The rest were really WEIRD, especially Ranmaru and Sunako…

  13. the drawing should be drawn a little better. but it is a good anime, and i can’t wait till the next episode to come out. when is it gonna come out? boku anime daiiiiiiiisukiiiiiii.

  14. I simply LOVE this anime!! the manga is awesome too!! it’s unfortunate that youtube only has upto episode 19…
    i highly recomend this anime/manga to all who are in need of some good laughs. ^_^

  15. hello to all as they estan ueno to my east drawing very it is amused and it cheers but I like but the boys jajaja is that they are well pretty; Good P jiijiijiji but if they have but notivias of this please drawing that warns my msn to me is lunita_22_08@? I hope that they agregen ps to me good cuidense good bye agregenme to know much and please but of this drawing . 😛

  16. hello to all as they estan ueno to my east drawing very it is amused and it cheers but I like but the boys jajaja is that they are well pretty; Good P jiijiijiji but if they have but notivias of this please drawing that warns my msn to me is lunita_22_08@? I hope that they agregen ps to me good cuidense good bye agregenme to know much and please but of this drawing

  17. i really like this manga! … i realize im zunako too….. i always watch this my day was not complete!…. im not afraid of blood dahil kay zunako!……. i know that im not alone in the dark place like her!…..we have differents common,,,, i hope maging real people c zunako…. nice writer! & author the director! hellow po……… sa inyong lahat!. na bumubuo kay zunako…… at nag palaki kay zunako ha…… keep up the good work!…… good bless u po…… advance merry x–mas po……..

  18. i can tell you that i am a harry potter fanatic but this manga realy hooked my attention…….
    i realy like anime stuffs elpecialy this “yamato nadeshiko”
    till next time!
    muchas gracias!!!

    Lea Naral

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