I hadn’t listened to much SunSet Swish between when they did Bleach’s ED My Pace until very recently. But ever since I first heard Mosaic Kakera from the online promo over a month ago, I’ve been listening to some form of the song (either from the promo or the tv-sized anime ED) over and over again. It’s definitely my favorite of the four GEASS OP/EDs so far. The PV mostly shows the band vocalist Saeki Daisuke walking in front of a background where various pieces of world landmarks appear, though it also has some interesting kaleidescope parts. Seeing it and hearing the full song just completely brightened my day (thanks Whispered.Hope!) because it feels like I’ve been waiting forever.
SunSet Swish’s sixth single Mosaic Kakera is due out on February 28th, 2007.


  1. (sorry for double post, please delete the first one, the heart emoticon just cut off the message XD)

    Hmm… I don’t agree with you there. I found the previous ED better than the new one… Not only because it’s Ali Project but because I find that it fits the Geass mood (and especially the ED animation) better.
    But then again, you shouldn’t discuss tastes and colors 😉 The song itself is quite well made but I don’t like it, that’s all ^^

  2. The chorus for this song is really really good! 😀 I’m in the middle of watching Code Geass, and whilst I don’t think too much of the OPs (especially the second one at the moment >_


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