As they’re sorting the harvest, Ikuto realizes that Suzu is… well, a dumb bimbo. As with most female stereotypes, Suzu is completely incompetent at math, which of course brings up the subject of school. Ikuto has been sneaking out to be a math teacher at the Airantou school without Suzu’s knowledge, and now seemed like high time to stick her in a class.

But not so fast – they tried before, with catastrophic results. Suzu leveled the entire class in her fit to escape studying (benkyou iyaaaaa~), so a plan was necessary. With Ikuto as the main player and everyone else as support, they gradually lure her through closed roads and under construction bridges to a trap… which lands them right in the classroom.

Suzu starts freaking out, and manages to escape the school. Ikuto can’t let a woman have the upper hand! He runs her down (well, he’s running and she’s kinda teleporting no jutsu around) and gives her the tickle treatment (only thing missing afterwards was a cigarette) – eventually with some sappy coercing she realizes she was just being selfish (as all women stereotypically are) and agrees to go to school with everyone.

Meanwhile, a message in a bottle slowly drifts towards Airantou…


Entertaining episode. The strange thing was the animation – the style was still recognizable as typical Nagasarete, but it was distinctly different, from the new faces Suzu would make (like the puffy cheek one) to the somewhat awkward movement at times. It wasn’t really better or worse – just different – which could be a good thing or a bad thing depending on your preferences. Personally, I don’t mind it much as it’s not distracting enough to be a bother, but this lack of consistency has shown through in other forms throughout the series, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.

And there’s something strangely sexy about Suzu getting her feet tickled… for someone who’s so handy around the island, she sure has nice feet…….



  1. lol
    back to school
    check wikipedia, they say it should be end at 26 esp
    but anyway cant blame suzu for not wanting go to school, check the manga if u want to
    i wonder if the bottle really reach…

  2. Mmm…no. This is quite a ways MORE sexist than Maburaho.

    The premise for Maburaho is fairly normal (for a harem), it’s just that the execution was atrocious. It wasn’t any more sexist than say Da Crapo, Ai Yori Aoshi, or any other harem where girls like a guy FOR NO BLOODY REASON.

    Nagasarete Airantou on the other hand is just plain sexist as in “bitch get back in the kitchen and make me a sandwich” level of misogyny.

  3. I think it was really just a joke, the sexist remark. Besides, in this case, I’m letting it slide because, technically, the people on Airantou are supposed to be a century behind modern Japan. Besides, all harem anime have the “Kitchen Girl” and the “Tomboy.” While the male character are inept at all things (both in and out of the kitchen). Well, save Shirou from FSN, who is the only one I can recall off the top of my head who is capable of preparing a good meal on his own. And I’ll be the first to admit, I wouldn’t mind if my wife work while all I had to do was the house work (I’m a guy, I’ll only vacuum and scrub what will be seen by the guests). Hell, I’m a better cook than every girl I’ve ever dated, I might as well bring something to the table (literally), besides my witty personality and utter disappointment in the sack. But, in my defense, I don’t have a wife and if I did, I know she’d cheat on me with my imaginary best friend.

  4. At least the girls on the island are getting a good education on math, spelling with kanji and current events. Of course Mei Mei is the smartest since she is only girl that has been to a school in Japan.

  5. Hell, I’m a better cook than every girl I’ve ever dated, I might as well bring something to the table (literally), besides my witty personality and utter disappointment in the sack. But, in my defense, I don’t have a wife and if I did, I know she’d cheat on me with my imaginary best friend.



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