
In humanity’s past, there was a war with a race of giants called the Zentradi. With this first fight against extraterrestrial life, the human race experienced a crisis that put them close to extinction, so they entrusted their future to the advancement towards the cosmos. In search of a new world, they began a journey to every part of the galaxy. Now, in the year 2059AD, the gigantic 25th Immigrant Fleet known as Macross Frontier is headed for the center of the galaxy. On this particular day, the famous idol Sheryl Nome arrives on the Macross Frontier for a concert, and five guys who are going to be participating in the show are getting ready. One of them, a teen named Alto, wishes he could pilot a Valkyrie instead of an EXGear suit even though the EXGears are the same as those of the military. As he’s getting dressed by the concert hall, Alto encounters a girl named Ranka Lee who had gotten lost while trying to find her way to the concert after having gotten a ticket through her brother. Even though he’s angry with her for initially thinking that he’s a girl, Alto helps dry her wet clothes with the rockets on his EXGear and then shows her the way to the hall. To show her gratitude, Ranka invites Alto to the Chinese restaurant where she works, but for now, she rushes off to see the concert.

Unbeknownst to them, an emergency situation is developing outside the Macross Frontier: an enemy force has appeared and is taking out everything the military sends at it. The situation becomes so dire that military command contacts the Frontier President about it, and when an emergency message is broadcast across the fleet telling everyone to find shelter, it interrupts the concert too. Ranka’s brother Ozma, an ace pilot of the private military provider group S.M.S, is scrambled into action and soon finds himself in a heated battle against the enemy fighters. Though he and his wingmen fare decently and manage to take out some of their opponents, the other pilots aren’t so lucky. The larger enemies quickly blow their way through the defense fleet and head straight for the ship where the civilian population is. Alto meanwhile tries to confront Sheryl – who’s being whisked away to safety under heavy guard – for escaping while others are being left behind. Since arguing there accomplishes nothing, he flies up in his EXGear suit and watches as an alien creature lands and starts wreaking havoc. It soon notices him though and shoots at him, clipping the wing of his suit and sending him falling. Alto is saved when a Valkyrie VF-25 flies in and begins battling with the alien.

Unfortunately, the alien creature grabs onto the Valkyrie and forces its pilot to eject in his EXGear. Unfazed by the pilot’s rifle fire, the creature grabs and kills him by crushing him. It then turns its sights on Ranka who had fallen in the streets earlier and was slow to get back up. Realizing that his EXGear can work with the damaged Valkyrie, Alto jumps in and starts it up. Before the creature can do anything to Ranka, Alto saves her by distracting the alien with the Valkyrie’s guns.

ED Sequence

ED: 「愛・おぼえていますか」 (Ai – Oboeteimasuka) by 中島愛 (Nakajima Megumi)
The ED is a modern version of the title song from the Macross movie (see the original here).


You’ll have to pardon my language, but holy shit that was amazing. The music (by Yoko Kanno), the animation, the battles – everything was so incredible, and I can’t begin to fathom how much money was spent on this. It was movie-level quality. The first half did a good job introducing the story and characters (even for someone like me who’s not intimately familiar with the franchise, this was very easy to get into), but it was the entire second half that had me on the edge of my seat. I don’t think a single episode has hooked me as quickly as this did in a long while – at least not since RXJ anyway. And from the look of the preview, there doesn’t seem to be a distinct drop of quality for the second episode either. I’d say Macross Frontier has easily shot up to the top of my list of most anticipated shows for the Spring 2008 – maybe even more than GEASS.


  1. //A big production to be sure, but we’ve seen bigger, even from Macross.//

    Seeing that Macross Plus had the biggest budget of ANY anime at the time, despite it being only a 4 episode ova, no shit. This is pretty damn good for an actual tv series.

  2. To foot: I think the main character is the blue/purple-haired guy. The one with long hair. And I think the main supporting characters are the long blonde girl and the short green-haired girl.

    I think I will be watching this show. I hope it continues its pace.

  3. In case anyone needs it:
    Blue Haired Protagonist that is commonly teased about looking like a girl: Alto
    Green Haired Energetic Female Lead: Ranka
    Whatever-hair-color-she-damn-well-pleases Pop Idol: Sheryl

  4. //its listed as the sequel to macross 7 so is basara and crew going to be singing again//

    Don’t think so for 2 reasons: 1. This series is set 14 years after Macross 7 and 2. It’s set on a different colony ship.

  5. Nah, i just watched it and id say its quite good just as you say, but i have to completely disagree with you about it being better than Geass. Geass is definitely better IMO, and I certainly hope it will have the same impression on me about its second season.

  6. bakaneko: Not Brief 25, it’s VF-25. I assume you watched the first sub that came out – I heard it had…less than perfect translations.

    gytg: Series, but it doesn’t start for real until April. This was just a preview episode.

    X: I didn’t say it was better than GEASS. I said I’m looking forward to it more than GEASS – there’s a difference. And even then I qualified it with a “maybe.”

  7. //but it did glued me to the seat from when that “Brief 25″ started engaging that “monster” to the end of the episode.//

    The Seiyan fansub is pretty lousy translation wise, what he actually said was “VF-25” not “Brief 25”

    //is it ova or series?//

    Full Series

  8. Yeah, just watched the sub yesterday night while my mother was at the Mass; the quality was so right off the roof I even had a hard time deciding whether this was an OVA or a real TV series. Definitely a must-watch, on par with HQ series like Ghost in the Shell; I just hope they keep the animation on par, considering that this is the first ep and naturally prologues boast a higher animation quality to sink hooks in the audience. I have high hopes for this, despite the fact that I’ve only watched Macross Zero and none of the other series.

    I had a few good laughs here and there, especially with the main char (Alto) who kept teased because he looked like a girl with his long hair. I sense we’ll get that joke a few more times along the road.

    Well, anyway, I was wondering what show I’d follow now since most other series seemed a bit boring IMHO…but I guess I just found my newest pick! 😀 *cheers up*

  9. mikemil828: Green Haired Energetic Female Lead: Ranka

    Mmmm, while info sites previously listed Ranka as being above Sheril, the episode cast lsit in the ED credits list Sheril as being above Ranka. So if we were to go by the rule for order of the cast list for character importance (which has yet to fail, even in GSD they knocked Shinn Asuka down the cast list int he last few episodes and replaced his spot with Kira Yamato to show that they had officially ditched Shinn as the main character of GSD), then it would seem Sheril is the main heroine here. I wouldn’t mind this much…./if/ Ranka is still the one who gets Alto in the end. Hey, they say that most, if not all, mecha fans are lolicons. 😛

    Oh yes, I’m looking forward to this series more than Geass, and also like its first episode more than Geass’. 😛

  10. thanks for the info Omni, looking forward for the series, looks like whenever there is new gundam series there will be macross series following.

    hopefully there will be vf-19 or same looking valkyrie( my favorite valkyrie)

  11. //Mmmm, while info sites previously listed Ranka as being above Sheril, the episode cast lsit in the ED credits list Sheril as being above Ranka….//

    Whatever, they are both female leads in a series that is going to be “a small love triangle against the backdrop of great battles” typical of Macross.

  12. Visually, this is great but
    1. I found much to dislike in all the characters, and I despise the main male character’s line to Sheryl, for it made no sense, and he was endangering many people with his stupid rants.
    2. Give me back original Minmay and Ai! Oboete Imasuka?
    3. Too formulaic as I could easily predict, ‘so concert scene? check. Now we need one of the enemy to break through.’
    4. the nature of the enemy is absurd. If it is the Zentradi(remember that vast majority of Zentradi still may not know of existence of Earth), or the enemy of Zentradi, pace of technical advance just doesn’t fit what we saw before. If it is someone new, why the world such zenocidal fellow with no desire of communication? Even Zentradi tried communication first, although several mutual misunderstanding lead to hostilities, and eventually peaceful dialogue was established.
    5. My wife found female characters very lacking.

  13. //Visually, this is great but, blah blah blah blah//

    I hate it when otaku try and find things to nitpick about. Complaining about there being concerts in Macross is like complaining about how a Gundam Series always starts with a Gundam jack (something the gundam folks do a lot, oddly), that’s just the way the show is.

    //the nature of the enemy is absurd.//
    You don’t find 40 foot giants with a desperate need for some bubblegum pop music absurd?

  14. FUCK YEAH!

    I kept checking the title if it was an OAV or a series. That good.

    Best line was when the Pop Idol said “Baka.”
    This probably means a non-sentimental, no teary-eyed, no anti-war slogans and no emo.

    In your “3. Too formulaic…” This is an 25th anniversary anime, meant to HONOR the past Macross animes and for the future. Of course it’s gonna be familiar.

  15. @mikemil828
    >>. I hate it when otaku try and find things to nitpick about.

    Most of the point was made by my wife, who cannot be classified as otaku by any definition I know of. I wrote those here because I agreed with her and wanted to share the view.

    >>> that’s just the way the show is.

    But it doesn’t have to be that way. What is wrong with starting the show with the main protagonist already in the army? There are countless ways to get the mecha to the hero, and too much of one thing is never good

    >>> You don’t find 40 foot giants with a desperate need for some bubblegum pop music absurd?

    I believe you are just being sarcastic, thus won’t ‘lecture’ you about the original series being more than just a promotion clip for music CD. One thing Gundam tries, although not with much believability, is that the opposing sides do try some form of diplomatic solution first. What I lament is how often no attempts of dialog ever takes place in scifi genre. Knowing how much of advance in human science and technology was due to trading of ideas between different cultures, I agree with many serious thinkers that sufficiently advanced civilization cannot arise without emphasis on diversity and exchange of different ideas. A Xenophobic civilization usually condemns itself to extinction, thus any space faring race would be extremely be unlikely to be hostile from the initial contact. For an enemy race to just appear out of nothing and start going on killing spree just doesn’t make a series believable nor enjoyable to me. It also reminds me of what Japan did in Nanking ( )


    >>> This is an 25th anniversary anime, meant to HONOR the past Macross animes and for the future.

    I would be hesitant to call reusing the same structure, ‘honoring.’ It feels more like milking the money from anyone who still is fan of original Macross series. Mentioning of Skull squadron is honoring in my point of view. Using ‘Ai, Oboete Imasuka?’ for the ED is honoring, again in my eyes. Keeping the VF tag for the Valkyries sounds like honoring, in my ears. Using the same story board with just the character name and minor details changed? I call that blind faith in old commercial formula.

  16. I was wondering if this would get bogged and i am glad it did.

    It was the most fabulous and fluent animation for mecha transformation and fight i have seen. That is how real mecha should look like. What else? I big cliffhanger done perfectly exactly where it should go. It is just the same as telling people, you still want more right?!

    Wah! I never yelled for cliffhanger excitements for long.

  17. “What is wrong with starting the show with the main protagonist already in the army?”

    Actually, there is a LOT wrong with this. You are not looking at it from a plot perspective; Macross 25, like all SciFi set in the future, has many futuristic aspects that needed explaining to the audience. One of these would be how the army and war machines function. By having a newbie introduced in the army as a main character, he could ask questions that audiences would ask, like who is in charge, how does the weapons work, social networks, etc.

    Granted, this isn’t the first Macross TV series. But none the less the timejump meant reestablishing a new setting.

    (An example is like how Luke Skywalker of Star Wars had to “find out” what a Jedi really is, thus also informing the audience in the process.)

    On the other hand, when this plot device isn’t used, you get strange scenes like when one person spent several minutes explaining how hyperdrive works in minute detail, even though the engineer who was being talked to already understands Hyperdrive backwards…

    Vallen Chaos Valiant
  18. now for some less talked abt insider(backseater) info:

    Q What ever happened to Hayase Misa’s 1st Expedition Fleet – Megaload(also written as Megalord)01?

    A according to historical records thru Macross Plus and Macross 7 period (1994-)>

    – Earth lost contact with Hayase’s Fleet in the year 2016 as it jorneyed toward the centre of the Galaxy. This prompted a complete rethink of the various fleets’ effectiveness in self-defence which led to the new Macross Battle/City configuration 1st seen in ‘7.

    Q If Maximillian’s Fleet is the Seventh – which fleet is this(Frontier)?

    A according to official sites – this is the Eleventh Fleet (11th)

    Q so why the hoo-hahh? where’s the catch?

    A Watch the scene when the President dials 505-505 (SOS-SOS) and says “…yatsura ga kitta …” (they’ve shown up)>

    – prolly they had been expecting this all this while since 2016 (Hayase’s Fleet only left in 2012. see FlashBack 2012) but hopefully not in their lifetime. this makes me want to watch it more – if only more on the ‘disappearance’ of Hayase’s Fleet can be answered.

  19. Guys, as it’s been said this is a 25th aniversery deal, Macross F ties into the ORIGINAL Macross more than the others, even that little bit at the start which shows Hikaru, Roy, Misa and Minmei etc.

    The VF-25 is a mix of the VF1, 19 and 22, so even the new mecha ties into the old series well.

    And as with the Original, and Mac+ there is going to be a love triangle, which is a trademark for macross anyways, that and large space battles. Now I don’t think the cast/credit order means much for this show, but the characters do tie into there Macross Originals a bit.

    I mean our young energetic idol wanna-be Renka, works at A CHINESE RESTERANT *cough* Minmei *cough* And as with the start of the first Macross show, our main character not yet official pilot (still in school) ends up in the middle of a fight. Just like what Hikaru went through basically.

    I’m a big Macross fan, and while I do like Geass, I’d take new macross over Geass s2 anyday. Yes, i’d watch both though, and I’m not going to debate which one is better or not and why. My own opinion is that if MacF is as big/epic and full of a good, but not over-the-top love triangle/romance like the original, add in the new great looking animation, then we’ve got a winner hands down.

    It’s hard to see the other pop-idol as the 2nd love interest though, but I suppose it’s early. Maybe i’m just hoping for or expecting a Misa like female officer again, oh, and older also. =)

  20. @Vallen Chaos Valiant

    >>> On the other hand, when this plot device isn’t used, you get strange scenes like when one person spent several minutes explaining how hyperdrive works in minute detail, even though the engineer who was being talked to already understands Hyperdrive backwards…

    Let’s see, there was Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek, AT Votoms, Simoun, and Firefly. If you move on to books, there also is Forever War, Mutineer’s Moon, and many others. I have seen or read science fiction where the explanation phase was well integrated into the plot even though the main characters already in the army. Knowing the history of Japanese animation, the plot device is more of justification of why such a young boy must be in the army, as they need the main character to be near the age of 6-8th grade boys, the key target audience. More than once have I read condemnation of such a glorification of Child soldiers in various essays/monologue on animated series.

  21. Well for me this was one of three shows I was awaiting in this season…NOt as ood as geass, but still, greatness…

    I really think that the way BSG explained the technology and stuff can work in anime. Yes he is a prof, ace, genius, veteran, whatever it needs to be….Anime always can use flashbacks to a certain time (like how he got into there and so on). Technology can be explained on the way even without flashbacks…

    Unknown Voice
  22. Move over pretenders, Macross is back!

    “If it is someone new, why the world such zenocidal fellow with no desire of communication? Even Zentradi tried communication first, although several mutual misunderstanding lead to hostilities, and eventually peaceful dialogue was established.”

    If you want to know why I suggest you look at Sheryl’s last name and see where that might fit with the rest of the series.

  23. Oh and for people saying this isn’t as good as Geass, be objective and compare the first episodes only. This shits all over Geass in terms of first episode and this is coming from someone who has Geass in his top ten tv series.

  24. go-men. mis(take) on my part with regard to what the president said> it should be “tsui ni yatsura ga kimashita” – ‘they’ have shown up in the end. the vid i got had the entire seiyuu segment and preview sequence left out. stupid Q-R… bleh so anyone with the complete 50 min SP please put it up….

  25. hmm.

    @maglor > for history’s sake – Japan is the only ‘vassal state to have actually broken away from China’s rule after winning decisively in battle at sea during the last days of Ching Dynasty China ‘incidently throwing the 2nd last Chinese Emporer’s grip on his realm into doubt indefinitely’.

    …>> bringing up BSG and the rest is unfair in the least as we are looking at Unknown beings (non-human) other than zentran or meltran now. despite having gained access to zentran data on known alien lifeforms… Outer Space is still a cold place to be…
    historically when David slayed Goliath he was still a ‘kid’

    anyhow merry x’mas people … do spend some good time with family and friends.

  26. Cool! With music by Kanno Yoko! ^^

    Tho I dun like some of the naming styles of the characters!

    The main character reminded me of Himura Kenshin because the similarity of their samurai-like hairstyle!

  27. Guy’s, it’s anime; a cartoon. It’s genre and plot say more about the perspectives and prejudices of the storytellers than it does about the real life. Anybody who thinks it means anything in real life is NOT an adult.

    There is NO REASON to get this serious about it.

    Enjoy the show!

  28. @tonbo

    >>> for history’s sake – Japan is the only ‘vassal state to have actually broken away from China’s rule after winning decisively in battle at sea during the last days of Ching Dynasty China ‘incidently throwing the 2nd last Chinese Emporer’s grip on his realm into doubt indefinitely’.

    Did I say that???

  29. //Most of the point was made by my wife, who cannot be classified as otaku by any definition I know of. I wrote those here because I agreed with her and wanted to share the view.//

    Do I give a shit what your wife thinks about Macross? No I do not thank you very much. Your wife is a person, not an argument.

    //I believe you are just being sarcastic, thus won’t ‘lecture’ you about the original series being more than just a promotion clip for music CD.//

    No I’m being completely serious, Having a bunch of space faring aliens that attack with little provocation is no more absurd than 40 foot giants that can be stopped in their tracks by a pop singer.

    Anyway by looking at your comments it looks like you have become what I like to call a ‘jaded macross fan’ and absolutely will not like this series even if it becomes the greatest mecha show in the 21 century. And you’d probably be better off simply watching reruns of the original show.

  30. Reminds me to EP1 of Macross(TV)
    Skull leader With Yellow Color (Looks like Roy Focker)
    Nyan Nyan Chinese Restaurant (Francise?)
    Ranka’s Part-time job is same as Minmay.
    Alto have same situation as Hikaru help Minmay use Valkyrie to help Ranka.

  31. #
    mikemil828 at 3:24 pm on December 25th, 2007

    //Do I give a shit what your wife thinks about Macross? No I do not thank you very much. Your wife is a person, not an argument.//

    For someone who doesn’t care about what my wife thinks about this particular pilot episode, you sure are making lot of fuss about opinions my wife and I share.

    //No I’m being completely serious, Having a bunch of space faring aliens that attack with little provocation is no more absurd than 40 foot giants that can be stopped in their tracks by a pop singer.//

    Giants being stopped by music was probably inspired by Orpheus legend, but it was not something that occurred commonly in anime worlds of 70s and 80s. Xenocidal Alien aggression plot device has been, and still is, used again, and again, and again. What is wrong with hoping for something that isn’t overused?

    //Anyway by looking at your comments it looks like you have become what I like to call a ‘jaded macross fan’ and absolutely will not like this series even if it becomes the greatest mecha show in the 21 century. And you’d probably be better off simply watching reruns of the original show.//

    My lament, in another word can be summed up this way as well: ” Why couldn’t they divert mere fraction of budget used on visual element to non-visual elements? ” The pilot episode of Macross 25 was not without novel elements, thus I plan to keep watching the series. If they introduce somethings I like, I may end up praising the series. Is it hard for you to consider that I keep an open mind about the series at least until the half way point? I mentioned things I wish to have been better, for I felt most people got blinded by the visual element and was ignoring many problematic areas which could have been taken care of with much less money than the amount that was spent on the visual. For a series that is supposed to hook new generations to Macross enterprise, there was too many things from the past that might please the old fans but won’t register with the youngsters, thus I am bothered, for I still like Macross, by the considerable possibility that this series will pay even less attention to plots and dialog as the series progress, being content with rehashing of old dialog and plots.

  32. Looks like a great show. I love the little angry garbage collector bot, my favorite little homage to DYRL.

    Looks like some relatives to that alien from Macross Zero are after a descendant of the Nome family?

    doctor awesome
  33. yes sir, any new macross series is a good series, very high quality first episode, so who do you think is the main female character? i think its the female officer with the mole on the chin, at least i hope so 🙂

  34. There are quite a few shots/scenes that look like homages to the old series. The hands in the shape of an airplane, that is from Macross Plus. The end of the episode where Alto is shooting in the G configuration, thats from the original Macross Episode 1 ending. I know there were a couple more, I just can’t remember them now.

  35. Oh God! Oh God!! Absolutetly beautiful.
    I don’t give a rat’s ass about anyone’s complaint on this new Macross.
    Considering how DIRECT the tie-ins are I would speculate a closure on the mystery behind the disappearance of the MEGAROAD. After all, they ARE going to the Galactic Center. The same place they lost the MEGAROAD. Given the fact that Sheryl’s plane came out of fold suggests they CAN and ARE able to get support from Earth.
    I sooo wanna see the original cast even if its 50years in the future.
    Wonder if any of them is gonna be alive?

  36. //For someone who doesn’t care about what my wife thinks about this particular pilot episode, you sure are making lot of fuss about opinions my wife and I share.//

    Actually I don’t really care about your opinions, I’m just seeing how irritated you’d get by someone questioning you. Odd pastime of a guy with a little much time on his hands I admit. Don’t like it, don’t reply.

    //Xenocidal Alien aggression plot device has been, and still is, used again, and again, and again. What is wrong with hoping for something that isn’t overused?//

    It’s relatively overused is because it’s a bit more realistic based on our own history, Music sure didn’t help europe and china repel the Mongols, did it?

    //Is it hard for you to consider that I keep an open mind about the series at least until the half way point?//

    It is kinda hard seeing that you have pretty much made up your mind on all the characters (you dislike them). A state of affairs that is unlikely to improve much.

    //For a series that is supposed to hook new generations to Macross enterprise, there was too many things from the past that might please the old fans but won’t register with the youngsters.//

    Are you really sure about that? Gundam Seed is nearly a carbon copy of the original gundam, and despite the moaning from ‘jaded gundam fans’ about how it won’t register to the newbs and so forth, in the end it ended up being the opposite with those newer to the series liking it and being perfectly capable of registering it, and the old hands pretty much hating it for ‘lack of originality’ among other things. Who cares besides the old guys that this show references the series in general? It’s quite original for those new to the series, and it’s certainly not going to hurt them to not know that the hand flying bit references Macross Plus.

  37. Omni: Yeah, I saw that, that its airing in Spring 2008. I was hoping for a concrete date.

    But boy, this special airing of the first episode is cruel! I’ve watched it 4 times already! I can’t wait to see more. I just really hope it does not turn out like Macross Zero (great animation, great music IMO, but poor plot execution).

  38. I watched it cause of the good review given and I honostly didnt think it was that great, but thats just me and my slight distaste for mech/military anime. So if youre into that, you’ll love this, but if youre not then as far as the first episode its just about the same as the rest but a little bit better with its quality in the animation.

  39. omshit—

    I just had to jump up and scream the f——ing sensation out of my eager anticipation for the next release!; but sadly, it won’t be due until ——— of 2008.

    I agree with you guys. Macross 25th universary really had me in my seat, I haven’t been transfixed to the screen for quite sometime. I’m really excited about where Macross Frontier’s story will be heading in the near future. Cheers!

  40. @Saru, …

    I don’t think you have to be into mecha to get a feel for the story. I, myself, am just like you—I think… The reason being, I also have a major dislike towards [ugly ]mechas. But on second thought, I might hate their designs (gundam==powerRanger), but when it comes to aero battles without mecha-jets-morph-to-power-ranger-combat-suits, I become hypnotize. So, I might be a little less ill-natured towards mecha, but the fact is, most anime fans might be drawn to it as did I. Why? i think it might be that macross’ stories, most of the time, have a tad bit of human-relationship (romance,” to be exact) and makes the plot’s development more interesting.

    That doesn’t mean Gundam is less more enjoyable. *reminisces… ah, good ole’ days*

  41. heh we’re looking at the evolution of TV anime now… i was just completing 1st yr of Grade school when the original series debuted in late 1982 Japan. despite getting itself mixed up in some chop sock story called Robot0ch … all of us still managed to get to see the original and were able to give the creators due credit. [sorry @maglor – i meant to illustrate the Japanese having a solid reference to draw frm with regard to small force against seemingly overwhelming odds. its not some overused plot line.]

  42. #
    mikemil828 at 2:26 am on December 26th, 2007

    //Actually I don’t really care about your opinions, I’m just seeing how irritated you’d get by someone questioning you. Odd pastime of a guy with a little much time on his hands I admit. Don’t like it, don’t reply.//

    Actually, I’m not irratated. I’m amused.

    //It’s relatively overused is because it’s a bit more realistic based on our own history, Music sure didn’t help europe and china repel the Mongols, did it?//

    But in end, it is the European and Chinese Culture that has triumphed and thriving today.

    //It is kinda hard seeing that you have pretty much made up your mind on all the characters (you dislike them). A state of affairs that is unlikely to improve much.//

    All I am saying is that I was not pleased with the 3% that was shown to us so far.

    // Are you really sure about that? Gundam Seed is nearly a carbon copy of the original gundam, and despite the moaning from ‘jaded gundam fans’ about how it won’t register to the newbs and so forth, in the end it ended up being the opposite with those newer to the series liking it and being perfectly capable of registering it, and the old hands pretty much hating it for ‘lack of originality’ among other things. Who cares besides the old guys that this show references the series in general? It’s quite original for those new to the series, and it’s certainly not going to hurt them to not know that the hand flying bit references Macross Plus.//

    Do you mean old guys are not entitled to opinion?

  43. i for one never fully understood the GEASS craze, but this series has be crawling on my knees and wishing it were April already!

    also, is it me or does the voice that comes on to announce the emergency situation sound suspiciously like the “generic low-pitched voice” in Lucky Star? (the scene where Ranka’s brother spits his drink out cause he’s shocked he saw Ranka on tv)

  44. This one episode is starting to make me think of becoming a Macross fan.

    What does “Gundam Jack” mean (my ability to google is pathetic)?

    Ok, so my first anime series was Gundam Wing (There are still aspects of that series that leave me scratching my head).
    And as much as I enjoyed anime, few have left me with an immense sense of enjoyment at the beginning and at the end, though a lot of other anime have been quite pleasurable to watch.

    The few that have:
    Gundam Wing, Black Lagoon, Gundam Project 0083, Ghost in the Shell

    The recent ones:
    Project Geass: started out real well, but as it near the end, the rigour slipped (I’m not talking about the arcs), in episode 23 before Lelouch’s curse activated, his cave-in to Euphemia was so contrived, it went totally against the simple understanding that the Empire would crush all obstacles, even Euphemia, if an alternative center of power ever became viable.

    Gundam 00: Not that I don’t appreciate the character development, or the turn to a timeline that I can relate to and a political situation that draw parallels. But it detracts from the one simple fact that Gundam pilots are the absolute benchmark in mobile suit battle. They can be fighting for different sides, beliefs, (madness) even in different suits, but locked in a fight, the survival instincts of the Gundam pilot comes out supreme, only the very best (maybe one to two) can rival the innate desire for victory.

    Actually, my real question: Is the Macross series worth watching?

  45. This episodes reminds us all of just why we love Macross so much really. The Itano Circus looks just as beautiful as ever.

    However, from first appearances, I do not like Sheryl at all. The songs she’s done in episode 1 are okay, but she’s no Fire Bomber, and certainly no Minmei so far (Minmei will always be the best in my opinion; the character pretty much launched Mari Iijima’s career). Her off stage personality is far from likable, reeking of arrogance and apathy for those around her. Sure she’s going to have some ridiculous flop down the road, but still, not a good first start. The ED being a cover of Do You Remember Love just goes to show how lasting Minmei’s presence is and how memorable her songs were to the series as a whole- liked the original better, but was still a nice nostalgic fangasm.

    I don’t see any Zentradi though, which is disappointing- they’ve been highly integrated into humanity since the ending arcs of the first Macross show, so it feels almost out of place to me to not see any dark green hair and pointed ears. Last time I checked, just about all of the colony fleets had large numbers of regular Zentradi ships to act as escorts (Megaroad 1 having an entire fleet escorting it) and even the Battle 7 had Zentradi staffing (Exedol probably being about as veteran as you could get aside from Vrlitwhai himself). Then again, it’s only episode 1, there’s still time for them to show up.

    I’m also still hoping a Jenius will enter the series sooner or later. There were like, 7 Jenius daughters and one adoption and we’ve only seen three of those 7 daughters in series iirc (Komilia, Emilia, and Mylene).

  46. Merry christmas and a HAPPY NEW YEAR for randomc comunity!! And you omni for more one year from keeping a nice and fabulous updated anime blog!!

    I really have to say something about macross:
    I am a very good fan of this series for a long time, but this MOVIE like quality has put me on a paralized-laughable state while watching this pearl!! SATTELITE no mina san you already had me hocked up with aquarion and other wonderfull projects from your studio….but….this time I am out of words to express my feelings….even animes like Hellsing OVA from geneon and the last naruto shippuden movie…are beaten very very easyly with MACROSS FRONTIER…I am serious talking here….I have 31 years old(more than 23 watching animes)also I live in Brazil….and I´VE NEVER SEEN SOMETHING LIKE THIS…even from my beloved companies like Kyoto animation , production I.G or from Geneon….this is a pure state of art that blends 2D animation with a 3D CG that sometimes gives you the impression that they created the 2X3D…AMAZING…JUST AMAZING…you want to hear more ok….AMAZING, WONDERFULL, INCREDIBLE, STUNNING, I LOVE YOU GUYS FROM SATTELITE YOU GAVE ME THE FEELING THAT I WAS WATCHING THE ” NEXTGEN ANIMATION “(I thought: I have a PS3 and I am dribbling with an anime that is not even in a High definition format)!!

    Tensai Otaku
  47. PS: omni I am sorry but cold geass Has been passed in animation quality a long time ago…and compare this nextgen movie ( MACROSS FRONTIER )with a series that doesn´t beat even aquarion is nonsense!!But I know your just protecting your next season with a nice plot….and also the fans here… ^_^( I am also one of them)

    Tensai Otaku
  48. If you’re new to the franchise and are interested in some back-story without a massive time investment you could watch the following:

    Macross: Do You Remember Love (Excellent film retelling of the original TV series story)

    Macross Plus (4 Part OAV, it’s a side story, but definitely worth watching if you haven’t already)

    Macross Zero (5 Part OAV prequel, there is a lot of speculation on Macrossworld that Frontier is going to tie into the open ending of this series)

    Macross Dynamite 7 (4 Part OAV, it’s a Macross 7 side story. Lighthearted and fun, good if you want a taste of Macross 7’s *ahem*… uniqueness without having to sit through 50 episodes)

    If you have a bit more time on your hands, I highly recommend the original TV series; it’s fasntastic! Just make sure to avoid the Robotech butchery.

  49. Well ou have to give Macross series credits, they animations by leaps and bouns ever since they made Macross Plus (which was in 1994), one of the best mecha anime OVA’s ever, you just gotta love Isamu Alva Dyson! Although Macross 7 didn’t have the anime quality as the latter it still was a great storyline. Macross Zero made a unprecedented leaps and bounds in CGI upon it’s release and now we have Macross Frontier, it’s destined to be another good one.

    Some comments on the actual episode… was it me or did the map clearly showed Eden (god i really hope there is a Dyson in this series)?

    Second did Alto and his group tried to pull Isamu’s patented “Pertrosaur Swoop”?

  50. @mikemil828 & Maglor debate:

    lol! Thanks for keeping me entertained. 😉

    I’m one of those old hands, and i have to say that their is a lot of valid points of the “Jaded Macross Fan”. But while I agree with his points, doesn’t stop me from re-watching the episode eight times (and still counting).

    That after all this time, and after all these criticism, the episode is still entertaining, gripping and really really makes me tear up and scream in excitement.

    My head tells me it has problems, but my hearts loves it.

    My point is that sometimes, when something touch you so much like macross, especially when you can remember exactly what you were doing at the time when you watched the various series, it adds to the dimension of Macross.

    So please you two, please continue to debate the finer points of Macross frontier so that i don’t have to bother thinking too much so i can just sit here and drool all over my TV.

    With beer in one hand.

    Oh, and maybe the missus in the other. (if i’m sneaky) 😉


    *rocks to cheesy FULL-GAR HOT BLOOD bubblegum pop & Mecha awesome battles in the background*


  51. Watch the first Macross series as young kid, nicknamed as Robotech in American, but well I didn’t watch the whole as Toonami didn’t continued it more. But this is the first show that got me enough to love and to keep me interested in anime alot in my life. Well as I watched Macross Plus movies, did like as well, but as their 25th Anniversity for 2008, thsi should be a good for them and this probably the year that anime will make or break for anime in 2008. Nice animation on the first episode that really keep my interest on this show but damn we need more science fiction shows in battles between Ailens vs Humans, we need more dammitt and one day we may probably have an Halo anime.

  52. “Me”,

    I thought Sheryl was rather mature and collected; there’s a difference between apathy and a measured disposition. Minmei certainly has her place in this series’ history, but I like the change. I hope they don’t turn her into the one-dimensional character you’re thinking about.

    I also wouldn’t want to see this genre slip into the self-righteous anti-war lectures which have plagued a hundred different animes (like Gundam).

    And there is NO WAY this quality is going to last the entire series. The only way it could last is if the producers planned for an enourmous revenue windfall from another source outside of Japan. As we all know, they’re not that bright; more accurately, they’re risk averse which is why we’re watching this on fansubs rather than on a US network. Since they’re still restricted to the same budgetary/logistical/technological constraints (more or less), look for this to drop off before episode 4.

    Of course, if they don’t fall into the damned clichés (like the ones mentioned above), if the story and the characters rock,

    I - WON’T - CARE!!!.

  53. The most terrible part of this anime is that we might be waiting 6 months before episode 2 gets out. DOes anyone know if this is another OVA or not? Macross is known to no longer go for series but rather OVA with crazy CGI qualities…

  54. amazing~~ though i don’t really understand what was happening after that bit with the alien owning everyone and ripping mecha to bits and squishing people to pools of blood. Yeah…anyway, was that alien thing the same kind of alien as the other aliens which attacked earlier (as in earlier in their quick history lesson at the beginning?)

    It was really pretty. Though that pop idol person should stop changing her hair colour because it confused me so much. First it was blond, then it was pinkish, and then it was blue and green and ZOMG!

  55. Im finally excited again~ Dont get me wrong there was fairly good anime this season but nothing that really popped out. Gundam 00 is still building up and Macross seems to thrust you right into it. Im loving episode one, looking foward to EP2.

  56. better than expected! I havent seen the other ones, but
    I still really like this one. With all the bad shows this season,
    this one is probaly the top #1 for me for now…well until winter
    season is over…I’ll be sure to watch more!

  57. omfg this is the most anticipated show for spring it’s final
    yes even more than geass and that’s something mate
    but i wish they wouldn’t have showed it to us since now i’ll be all antsy for it now :[

  58. I think the Geass comparison is apt, as the series composition to Macross Frontier is being handled by the same screenwriter as Code Geass (which had me cautiously optimistic about this show since I heard that, aside from being a fan of original Macross since before Robotech came out–which made me cautiously pessimistic about a new TV series after Macross 7).

  59. I absolutely loved the first episode.

    They’ve paid homage to each of the past series, ova’s, or movies in honor of the 25th Anniversary. It’s wonderful to see a brand new Macross tv series in Japan after ten years, this is probably the top show I’ll be looking foward to since I’m such a big fan of the franchise. Big West must’ve dropped a ton of dough for this and it shows in spades, the character designs could use a bit of work but that’s hardly a problem.

    April seems sooooooooo far away now.

  60. If any of you are old enough to remember the original Macross, the animation was top notch as well! Even the DYRL has a ton of missiles and explosions in the final battle. haha

    Hope this will usher in a new generation of Macross fans!

  61. This is an ANIME, so stop being so serious about the whole thing! Give a chance man, we can’t always compare one anie to another! I’m a geass fan myself, but I don’t mind enjoying other anime as well.
    About the animation quality, I can’t say nothing, because it’s trully fantastic! I’ve never seen anything like this (although not enough to make me a macross fan, but it’s only my opinion). About the plot, I don’t know, it’s too early to decide, but obviously it won’t be as complicated as Code Geass.
    It’s only a business strategy to hang this until April, so it will compete with Code Geass and other waiting-list anime like Kyou Kara Maoh! 3rd season, and others.

  62. i hope there’ll be no over-emphasization of music like in Macross 7. Sorry to say but i was super disappointed with Macross 7 (to no offense of their fans) and almost to the extend of hating it. Thank God there were Zero and now Frontier (by the look of it)to really get me hooked back with Macross.

  63. oh my god, the first episode was AMAZING. out of all anime series I have watched, I’ve never been hooked so much by a single episode, at least not since the big geass cliffhanger. but damn, I fell in love with this series already

  64. Since I’ve always thought Code Geass to be extremely overhyped, I have to say it makes more sense to compare the Macross Franchise to the Gundam Franchise since they both have an incredibly long history.

    Code Geass is a freakin’ soap opera in comparison >__>

    Second episode of Frontier airs today, WOOT!

  65. i called this series Mo’e and got yelled at…. Ah… BUT THERE ARE MOE CHARACTERS IN THIS!! That pink girlie boy , the cute green hair girl with the puppy ears hair,and the former Kabuki actor

  66. It looks awesome granted, seems like a bit of a rip-off of Gundam 00 and Code Geass (1) + R2

    What with the mecha and all, plus the tragic storyline

    PLUS, Mecha Animes are increasing quickly, people have noticed that from the likes of Code Geass and Gundam 00

    Its a pity though, the numbers of normal, shounen and shoujo, is drastically dropping, along with Shounen Jump cutting manga titles from their weekly publications…

    real shame, but this still looks good, ill check it out

  67. Yes the intro quality is definitely out there, but for me a long-time fan, I didn’t really dig macross 7. This at a first glance seems to be trying to follow the classic storyline of a boy-genius who becomes an ace pilot during an emergency. I thought Macross Plus and Macross Zero broke that trend. Right now it seems like Macross Frontier is content to use the original as a template instead of paving the way like the last two OAVs.


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