「前奏曲」 (Zensoukyoku)


Next Episode:
「ポルカ 雷鳴と雷光」 (Poruka, Raimei to Raikou)
“Polka, Raimei and Raikou)

As hinted by the title, this episode served as a prelude to the Raimei/Raikou sub-plot, which will undoubtedly pick up as the siblings square off next time. Aside from that, it seems like our poor Yoite only has several months left to live, given how he uses his Kira jutsu so liberally. In particular, the adverse effects of the jutsu have already taken a toll on his body (more specifically, his hands), so I guess that explains why he wears gloves all the time. Despite a relatively dialogue intensive episode, I found this one particularly interesting as Miharu finally made it clear to Kumohira that he plans to use the Shinrabanshou for Yoite’s sake. To add a further twist to this, Kumohira’s declaration that he would kill Miharu if he tried to use the hijutsu contradicted his earlier words to him about becoming stronger than anyone else, becoming the Ruler of Nabari, and personally not wanted to kill anyone while protecting Miharu. I guess in the last case, that doesn’t involve Miharu himself. There were also a few more hints about what happened that night when Kumohira ran away with Miharu on his back, which involved the Shinrabanshou and the loss of everyone’s memories, except for Kumohira’s. I still see this as the main twist of the series, so I’m keen on finding out more about that. Next time, Raimei and Raikou perform a samurai polka dance (err… fight)!


– Rokujou Miharu (六条 壬晴) / Kugimiya Rie (釘宮 理恵)
– Yoite (宵風) / Saiga Mitsuki (斎賀 みつき)
– Kumohira Thobari Durandal (雲平・帷・デュランダル) / Namikawa Daisuke (浪川 大輔)
– Aizawa Kouichi (相澤 虹一) / Hino Satoshi (日野 聡)
– Shimizu Raimei (清水 雷鳴) / Fujimura Ayumi (藤村 歩)
– Yukimi Kazuhiko (雪見 和彦) / Tsuda Kenjirou (津田 健次郎)
– Hattori Toujuurou (服部 柊十郎) / Nakata Jouji (中田 譲治)
– Ichiki (一季) / Amano Yuri (天野 由梨)
– Seki Hanabusa (関 英) / Mitsuishi Kotono (三石 琴乃)
– Shimizu Raikou (清水 雷光) / Suwabe Junichi (諏訪部 順一)
– Meguro Gau (目黒 俄雨) / Okamoto Nobuhiko (岡本 信彦)
– Amatatsu Kazuho (天立 和穂) / Kano Yui (鹿野 優以)
– Saraba (サラバ) / Watanabe Akeno (渡辺 明乃)
– Minami Juuji (南 十字) / Koyama Kimiko (こやま きみこ)
– Shiratama (シラタマ) / Shindou Kei (真堂 圭)
– Shimizu Iroku (清水 伊肋) / Take Tora (武 虎)
– Tanaka Kyuugorou (田中 九五郎) / Sakai Keikou (酒井 敬幸)
– Reporter (記者) / Tasaka Hiroki (田坂 浩樹)


  1. -______- does it matter who’s first?
    anyways, fast as always, Divine, thanks! (I’ll check back later for summary, but it looks like the next two eps are focused on Raimei and Raikou)… And hopefully, Yoite is still hanging in there?!

  2. hello, i like to demonstrate my superiority complex by letting everyone know that i constantly skim this site just so i can be the very first one to post on a thread. I love my life.

  3. Yoite! Jeez, I never knew his hands were black, I thought they were just burnt. I feel so bad for him. His life really sucks. I also am excited for more Raikou, he’s so cute. But I’m most excited about what happens to Yoite and Miharu next. It’s cute. Anyway, thanks for the blog! Keep it up. ^_^

  4. @Julius: Well said. Couldn’t have said it better than myself.

    I mean, for gawd’s sake, don’t even leave a comment if it has nothing at all to do with the main post itself!!!!

    That said, this week’s ep. leaves me wondering whether Kumohira would really do something so drastic to Miharu as for using the shinrabanshou for Yoite.


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