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BLACK LAGOON is getting a third series. Kyou no Go no Ni is also getting a television anime (instead of more OVAs). ef – a tale of melodies anime has been announced for this Fall season. Umineko no Naku Koro ni is getting an anime. Shounen manga Kuroshitsuji is getting an anime. Mystery/supernatural novel series Mouryou no Hako is getting an anime that’ll be produced by Madhouse and will have character designs done by CLAMP. Love adventure game Akane Iro ni Somaru Saka will be getting an anime this Fall. This series is going to have a truckload of voice talent, including the likes of Hirano Aya, Kugimiya Rie, Inoue Marina, and Tanaka Rie. Image at left courtesy of サツキ on pixiv (account needed to access)….and yes, I have been reading Toradora! recently |
A third season for Black Lagoon?
aint that toraxdora at the pic?
ToraDora! 😮
Awesome to hear a new adaption of FMA. XD
If the FMA leak is confirmed(ish), this raises the chances that the Darker Than Black leak, which was in th esame document, will also be confirmed.
Fuck yeah, more Black Lagoon!
Yes! More Black Lagoon! Awesome series!
I’m really looking forward to the new announced anime, especially Kuroshitsuji and Kyou no Go no Ni and the new Full Metal Alchemist series, I assume that DTB 2 will also be confirmed in the next few days?
new FMA and BLACK LAGOON???? awesome!!!!
btw…can’t wait for Tales of the Abyss anime…hope they retain the plot twist made in the game…
BLACK LAGOON iz back for a 3rd, yea boi
What’s the big Gundam 00 spoiler? Since I can’t read Japanese it’s kinda hard. 😛
regarding the new gundam00 spolers…
Black lagoon!
Searches for Engrish OP song
Any1 seen Xam’d from PSN? I actually shelled out for the first episode and so far I like it( <3 BONES ). But $4 for a half-hour episode with a 24 hour limit, I think I’m gonna go broke.
WTF? so lockon is not dead afterall???? or is that his brother with the same name?
I thought the OVAs for Kyo no5no2 already covered most of the 1 volume manga. Are there more volumes I don’t know about?
Like the ToraDora pic…. read up to the second volume only, but love it.
Do we really need another FMA series.
Oo, its tora dora
nah…Lockon is DEFINITELY dead…..that new Lockon is probably his twin brother…Lyle Dylandy
All this news is great, but I wish we got a bit more information about DTB2. Like say, if it’s coming out next spring or what. Or if production has even started. Digging all the 00 info though.
darm it… ;d
I looked at TEH WEBSITE!!!!!!!111!!!@*@&#*@&!*(*
Now I’m sad ;_;
you got my hopes up with the toradora pic.
no news about that anime adaption 🙁
I hope that Darker than BLACK gets a continuation.
Oooh! So let see here… Full Metal Alchemist, Tales of the Abyss, perhaps Darker than Black, and Toradora! Can’t wait! After those, perhaps Akane, Black Lagoon, and Ef. Of course, Gundum 00 is in there too.
Darker than black 2 and FMA 2 HOPES HOPES HOPES HOPES HOPES HOPES HOPES HOPES HOPES HOPES HOPES HOPES HOPES HOPES HOPES bones i give you over 9000 karma points! please!
yay for BLACK LAGON XXD the only anime I might watch ^^
is there any news for full metal panic ;__; I was waiting for a new season for more than one a year now T^T
it surprise me that they wanna turn Kuroshitsuji series into an anime… should be interesting looking at how the manga goes ^^ looking forward to it
obviously i can’t wait for ef ~ a tale of melodies ~
its good to see Kyou no Go no Ni turning into a series rather than OVA all great news i guess ^^
Oh if that’s the gundam 00 spoiler then it’s nothing new atm. I knew about that for quite some time.
A 2nd DtB season would be great.
But my real question is what a new FMA would be like? Are they somehow going to make it like the movie and ending of the first series never happend? So a “alternate retelling” that matches with the manga this time? I just don’t know how you’d do it now that they’ve got that movie out and everything.
But I’m happy to see more FMA also, the manga story is way better, and Winry is <3! <3 I TELL YOU!!!!!
so wait… was the big spoiler that the new gundam00 has two GN drives? i heard people already was able to see it in the preview commercial released last week.
OMG, manga based Fullmetal Alchemist? i’m definitely looking forward to that =D
Thanks for tell everyone all this info. I hope you keep up the good work on The Daily Dose.
is Tales of the Abyss gonna be a TV series rather than an OVA?
BTW, remember that “Lockon Stratos” is just a code name.
OOOooooooOOOOO I’ve always been a fan of Ef and Higurashi. Can’t wait to see Umineko and the new ef.
I don’t really think the world needs more FMA. Especially considering about half of the anime was following the manga. I guess it depends on how they do it.
Third Black Lagoon?
Are they talking about a FMA reboot, or a continuation of the current plot of the anime?
thanks for the daily dose 🙂 this one helped a lot.
[10:50] “Love adventure game Akane Iro ni Somaru Saka will be getting an anime this Fall. This series is going to have a truckload of voice talent, including the likes of Hirano Aya, Kugimiya Rie, Inoue Marina, and Tanaka Rie.”
[10:51] i’ll watch it!
[10:51] i still have the HCG set of that game i downloaded a long time ago =)
[10:51] :D:D:D:D
[10:52] Kugimiya Rie… count me in
[10:52] lol
[10:53] i am usually not a big fan of H-game-turning-into-anime
[10:53] but i have the HCG set of this game
[10:53] xDD
[10:59] so who said downloading HCG sets is unethical? it’s great advertisement tool =P
Definitely waiting for Black Butler (Kuroshitsuji) and Umineko. Black Lagoon3 and DTB2 also sound bloody good~
For once, life is excellence!
Can’t wait for Toradora and Index >,<, I anticipate these being the best shows for me next season. Hoping Kyou no Go no Ni and BL will be good as well. It’s just TOO much good stuff coming out next season, can’t wait to see your(Omni’s) Fall’s preview.
Another FMA series? That’s kind of depressing. I liked the way the anime ended it. :\ I wonder how they’ll go about doing it…
This is the best daily dose ever. FMA2?!! More black lagoon?!!
Keep up the great work.
I wonder about the new FMA series I wonder if they’ll start over from the beginning or branch off from where they separated from the manga.
Kyou no Go no Ni getting an anime!? Kick ass. One of the most hilarious OVAs in anime history.
wow!thank you for the great news ! looking forward to Umineko no Naku Koro ni,Kyou no Go no Ni and kuroshitsuji , i’m really happy , and it looks like black lagoon is a good anime ?_? never watched it ! guess i’ll give it try * if i find it that is * , FMA again YAY :DDD …
when you said that for the best don’t look the official website of Gundam 00 that’s makes me really want to open the website ^_^;
but i can control it
Kuroshitsuji and tales of abyss is getting anime!!!!
at last my hope already granted
i’m so happy if FMA have a second season
any idea if darker than black 2 was confirmed as true as stated in the leaked document? xD that would make my year
yeah we want DTB season 2!!!
Gundam 00
Lockon is dead and he is not coming back. So that picture of him has to be someone else.
BLACK LAGOON!!! Hellz yeah, and what are they going to base FMA on?
BLACK LAGOOOOOOON HOLLLY SHITTTT this is like my favorite anime omg omg omg omg ogm
Black Lagoon returns! OH YEAH!!!
New FMA?! more OH YEAH!!!
The FMA news shocked me the most!!! I love that anime sooo much I can watch it dubbed and be satisfied. I love how Ed sounds in the dub even if it does kind of remind me of a squeaky mouse sometimes….
For those freaking out about the 00 spoilers let me say something:
The “Meister name” are just codenames”
So lets not jump to conclussions after all this ČspoilerŠ lockon is the BROTHER
Sweet, Umineko.
I never saw Gundam 00 before but I don’t want it to replace CODE GEASS R2 D:
It did one time already :] (ie in the time between R1 and R2)
Please bones!! make Darker than Black 2.. please please
And im so happy about black lagoon… love it
Damn it! i knew about the Gundam 00 spoilers already… still I’m more than ready to watch the 2nd season. About the other new series, the only one I’m also waiting is Black Lagoon III, more Roberta FTW!
this is all great news.
black lagoon~~~~~! yyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaa!
Black Lagoon, yes, yes YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS! 😀
Curiosity got the better of me on Gundam 00… but I suppose it’s not that much of a surprise for those who were watching the series before.
More Fullmetal Alcehmist? You serious?……best.daily.dose.ever.
I hope they use the manga story – it’s much more interesting.
Hey Omni! Are you by any chance going to blog Xam’d: Lost Memories? It’s available in the Playstation Network right now, and it’s one of the rare anime series the premiered BEFORE the Japanese.
FMA !!! 😀
An Umineko anime, at last!
I cant wait >w<
Darker Than Black? FMA? *swoons*
Finally a manga adaption of FMA. That would own my anime soul.
Yes purleez let there be DtB 2. Looking forward to see the animated Kuroshitsuji in the Fall.
B L A C K L A GO O O O O O O O O NN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
p.s= i just came on myself. good night
Umineko! YES!!!!
finally umineko! i’ve waited for this for so long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
when will it be aired? need it badly!
Yeah woo new FMA
I’m really excited about Kuroshitsuji @_@ Just picked it up the other day and it’s really great!
Well, the warning had the reverse effect on me and I clicked the link…
no more gurren lagann music videos?
Tales of the Abyss? YESSS! LUKE AND TEAR!!
FMA and Black Lagoon 😀
Now that’s something to look forward too!
if you want to know the spoiler then check the list of MS then the characters…
FMA!!!!!!!! THANK YOU GOD, I AM HAPPY FOR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wow abyss + fma? great 😀