Vipers Creed, a series about members of a private military company after a great war, will be coming January 2009. It will be directed by Appleseed director Aramaki Shinji.
If you find anything that you think I should mention on any particular day’s Daily Dose, please send me (not Omni) an email with the words “ANIME NEWS” somewhere in the subject line.
CODE GEASS Halloween artwork at left courtesy of つき on pixiv (account needed to access).
Thanks for the awsome news Sixthdawn. Are you going to blog any anime shows? 😀
I would usually be happy about any good anime coming to the US and being aired on TV, but the fact that Code Geass has been shoved to a 5am time slot for the past 2 months and will continue to be in that time slot for R2 cancels that good feeling out. Oh well, at least it means the DVDs will be coming out soon.
I really don’t know at the moment whether I will be blogging shows or not, that’s something that I really don’t know as I’m restricted in time.
Also, Code Geass will be airing 5:00AM EST, or 2:00 AM PST on Sundays.
hah code geass gets treated like shit on AS. this sucks. they got r2 to america fairly quickly. musta been a rush job for all the dubbers. eat shit, shitty licensing.
Ummmm…..just use your PVR or VCR and record it if it comes on too late. I agree that’s kind of like a death slot, but in an age where recording a program is a button press away it shouldn’t matter too much….should it?
HAPPY HALLOWEEN INDEED YALL!!!! a nigga should be out in the club with his ninja outfit doing his TWO STEP!! but is stuck at work instead ,god bless laptops.. and god bless the DAILY DOSE!! and kudos to ADULT SWIM for bring new religion to fresh minds
Great that you are helpinq Omni with this, Random Curiosity is a really good blog and it’s really tough for Omni to keep it up to the standard like this, so would you consider helping him with one or 2 shows?
I’m normally against dubs (because they’re usually done poorly), but I think the CODE GEASS R2 one is actually half-decent. It could’ve been a lot worse.
They even pronounce Geass properly as “Gi-as” and not “Gee-s”.
could you add some personal words to your daily doses. Like what news got you excited or your opinion on one of the items. To me most of the stuff i see or bulletpoints i know not very much about. So it would be nice to see your “short” opinion on some of the stuff mentioned. Saying short since it still is the daily dose and the format probably doesn’t allow for too much of a personal touch. Still some more personal touch would be appreciated
Before this discussion gets too far, I want to make it clear that Sixthdawn signed on just to do Daily Doses. He’s not a replacement for Divine, and he’s said that he doesn’t have the time to do anything else, so please don’t try to pressure him into it. I am currently still in the process of trying to find another regular series blogger.
A new Kozue Amano series?! This is something I will definitely keep an eye on.
It’s true that they are keeping the pronunciation consistent, but the proper term for the Celtic mythological curse is “geis” pronounced “geesh”.
man they totally murdered rakshata. this is the first time ive seen dubbed geass and man she is the worst. rakshata is suppose to be in her mid 30’s and they made sound like a little kid.
Umm…. Adult swim CUT Code Geass after the 1st season ended. They announced that they would be doing that a good while back after they moved it to the 5:0 am slot.
Took a look at that 15 Bishoujo Hyouryuuki website, and the girls are hot enough for me to want to check it out (especially the girl in the Chinese Dress – somehow I’ve developed a thing for that fashion).
Omni and I discussed that and he stated that he wanted to keep the Daily Dose strictly informative. I may however comment on a few things like I did with the previous Daily Dose, but aside from that we’re not going to derive from this format. If your short on information on a particular series, I always give some sort of reference that you can read for yourself as well.
Thank [as]’s new CEO who hates anime. The only reason he didn’t cut Geass and Moribito after he got the job is because [as] already paid money for the rights to air them. He put Bleach and FMA re-runs on at 11 since they get ratings, and shoved all the other anime to their “Graveyard Slot” until their run is over, then they’ll get cut as well. So don’t expect [as] to be getting any more anime as long as the new guy is CEO, all we’ll get is shit like Assy McGee and Tim & Eric.
A.S. shoulda got rights for gundam 00. thats way better than that ass mcfukshit, and tim and eric: retarded. good job for ani-mondays on scifi thats currently airing gurren lagann and when thats over gundam 00 first season dubbed. i wonder how butchered itll be.
I gave up watching Gurren Lagann on the Sci-Fi channel after episode 4. That dub was epic fail, Bandai ruined Kamina. I agree completely though, I think [as] should of gotten both Lagann and Gundam 00. If they got them, they would probably be at a 5am time slot right now though <_<
# Vipers Creed, a series about members of a private military company after a great war, will be coming January 2009. It will be directed by Appleseed director Aramaki Shinji.
Its synopsis and storyline concept made me smell my favorite game (I won’t be telling unless if anyone asks… hint: conflict between that private military and government military)…
# Shipwreck harem story 15 Bishoujo Hyouryuuki, created by Tsuyokiss creator Takahiro and Kuroda Kazuya, will be getting an OVA.
Interesting… definitely going to be in my hitlist.
# The Yoku Wakaru Gendai Mahō light novels will be getting animated.
Same for 15 Bishoujo.
# The Yoku Wakaru Gendai Mahō light novels will be getting animated.
Something new for me, but nevertheless priority is the same as the two above.
Thanks for the awsome news Sixthdawn. Are you going to blog any anime shows? 😀
Second!! >__>
Happy Halloween y’all.
Dude, nice idea.
Hey Sixthdawn, you planning on picking up any shows Divine left on?
Happy Halloween 😉
What time will the english trailer of CODE GEASS R2 air? I looked on my Tv schedule, but it’s not there?
Vipers Creed seems interesting
OMG like the pic!
I would usually be happy about any good anime coming to the US and being aired on TV, but the fact that Code Geass has been shoved to a 5am time slot for the past 2 months and will continue to be in that time slot for R2 cancels that good feeling out. Oh well, at least it means the DVDs will be coming out soon.
As always C.C. and Lelouch pics are awesome!!! CCxLL/RR FTW!
Currently R2 is airing on the [as] Video section. Catch it while you can.
I really don’t know at the moment whether I will be blogging shows or not, that’s something that I really don’t know as I’m restricted in time.
Also, Code Geass will be airing 5:00AM EST, or 2:00 AM PST on Sundays.
hah code geass gets treated like shit on AS. this sucks. they got r2 to america fairly quickly. musta been a rush job for all the dubbers. eat shit, shitty licensing.
Ummmm…..just use your PVR or VCR and record it if it comes on too late. I agree that’s kind of like a death slot, but in an age where recording a program is a button press away it shouldn’t matter too much….should it?
HAPPY HALLOWEEN INDEED YALL!!!! a nigga should be out in the club with his ninja outfit doing his TWO STEP!! but is stuck at work instead ,god bless laptops.. and god bless the DAILY DOSE!! and kudos to ADULT SWIM for bring new religion to fresh minds
Whoo, Higurashi.
Man, I wish I could see the first one. Just to see how good/bad it was.
Great that you are helpinq Omni with this, Random Curiosity is a really good blog and it’s really tough for Omni to keep it up to the standard like this, so would you consider helping him with one or 2 shows?
amanchu?? is it good?
I’m normally against dubs (because they’re usually done poorly), but I think the CODE GEASS R2 one is actually half-decent. It could’ve been a lot worse.
They even pronounce Geass properly as “Gi-as” and not “Gee-s”.
could you add some personal words to your daily doses. Like what news got you excited or your opinion on one of the items. To me most of the stuff i see or bulletpoints i know not very much about. So it would be nice to see your “short” opinion on some of the stuff mentioned. Saying short since it still is the daily dose and the format probably doesn’t allow for too much of a personal touch. Still some more personal touch would be appreciated
I saw the R2 dubs recently. And i must say they were very good.
Before this discussion gets too far, I want to make it clear that Sixthdawn signed on just to do Daily Doses. He’s not a replacement for Divine, and he’s said that he doesn’t have the time to do anything else, so please don’t try to pressure him into it. I am currently still in the process of trying to find another regular series blogger.
A new Kozue Amano series?! This is something I will definitely keep an eye on.
It’s true that they are keeping the pronunciation consistent, but the proper term for the Celtic mythological curse is “geis” pronounced “geesh”.
man they totally murdered rakshata. this is the first time ive seen dubbed geass and man she is the worst. rakshata is suppose to be in her mid 30’s and they made sound like a little kid.
thanks for the daily dose.
Umm…. Adult swim CUT Code Geass after the 1st season ended. They announced that they would be doing that a good while back after they moved it to the 5:0 am slot.
Took a look at that 15 Bishoujo Hyouryuuki website, and the girls are hot enough for me to want to check it out (especially the girl in the Chinese Dress – somehow I’ve developed a thing for that fashion).
Shinji Aramaki is a very good director. The action scenes of Appleseed movies are one of the best of all times.
Omni and I discussed that and he stated that he wanted to keep the Daily Dose strictly informative. I may however comment on a few things like I did with the previous Daily Dose, but aside from that we’re not going to derive from this format. If your short on information on a particular series, I always give some sort of reference that you can read for yourself as well.
Thank [as]’s new CEO who hates anime. The only reason he didn’t cut Geass and Moribito after he got the job is because [as] already paid money for the rights to air them. He put Bleach and FMA re-runs on at 11 since they get ratings, and shoved all the other anime to their “Graveyard Slot” until their run is over, then they’ll get cut as well. So don’t expect [as] to be getting any more anime as long as the new guy is CEO, all we’ll get is shit like Assy McGee and Tim & Eric.
A.S. shoulda got rights for gundam 00. thats way better than that ass mcfukshit, and tim and eric: retarded. good job for ani-mondays on scifi thats currently airing gurren lagann and when thats over gundam 00 first season dubbed. i wonder how butchered itll be.
Hudson’s lies continue.
I gave up watching Gurren Lagann on the Sci-Fi channel after episode 4. That dub was epic fail, Bandai ruined Kamina. I agree completely though, I think [as] should of gotten both Lagann and Gundam 00. If they got them, they would probably be at a 5am time slot right now though <_<
# Vipers Creed, a series about members of a private military company after a great war, will be coming January 2009. It will be directed by Appleseed director Aramaki Shinji.
Its synopsis and storyline concept made me smell my favorite game (I won’t be telling unless if anyone asks… hint: conflict between that private military and government military)…
# Shipwreck harem story 15 Bishoujo Hyouryuuki, created by Tsuyokiss creator Takahiro and Kuroda Kazuya, will be getting an OVA.
Interesting… definitely going to be in my hitlist.
# The Yoku Wakaru Gendai Mahō light novels will be getting animated.
Same for 15 Bishoujo.
# The Yoku Wakaru Gendai Mahō light novels will be getting animated.
Something new for me, but nevertheless priority is the same as the two above.
Oops, sorry for double-post. Just to note that I made a mistake regarding the Yoku Wakaru Gendai Mahou novels…