This is where I can be contacted if you need me.

As you know, Divine was a valuable contributor here at Random Curiosity, and since his departure Omni has been looking for someone to help out. I can only hope I’ll be of some service as a new team member here, and honestly I’m very much looking forward to working with all of you.

I’ve been a reader around here for a couple of years, and have been watching anime for much longer. Some of my first fan-subbed experiences from many years ago include timeless classics (Cowboy Bebop) as well as some things that were only magical the first time around (Love Hina). Since then I’ve seen a variety of shows from a variety of genres and tend to enjoy well produced, original, and creative stories the most. I can’t stand studios who can’t offer anything new, and I applaud those who go out of their way to be creative and make artistic advancements in the industry. Provided you have realistic expectations and an open mind, I find that most series can be enjoyed for what they succeed in, and forgiven for (a fraction of) their faults.

At this moment in time (in other words, subject to change, hopefully when you least expect it), some of my favorite anime includes: Ghost Hound, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, FLCL, and many others which I enjoy immensely but wouldn’t necessarily call a favorite. That is including, but not limited to: Black Lagoon, Ergo Proxy, Haruhi, Paranoia Agent, Dennou Coil, Natsume Yuujinchou, and a handful of others that I’m too embarrassed to mention here. I’m probably forgetting a few major series that I loved, and I certainly left out a lot of big names that I liked a lot but didn’t list here, but I hope you get a general picture of what I tend to enjoy the most.

This season I’ve been keeping up with far more series than usual. That list is almost guaranteed to shrink as the season continues, but I’m currently watching: Kannagi, Kuroshitsuji, Chaos;HEAd, Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae, Kurozuka, Kyou no Go no Ni, Michiko to Hatchin, Mouryou no Hako, Nodame Cantabile Paris-hen, Skip Beat!, Toradora!, and Vampire Knight Guilty. Some of these I only watch on TV for the sheer enjoyment, most I download and watch at my leisure. Obviously I cannot possibly write about all of these, nor would I want to (I probably won’t do Kurozuka, Mouryou, Michiko… and Skip Beat! has plenty of great bloggers already). But I am really excited about the prospect of writing about a few of them, so I hope you’ll indulge me as I take on a couple of these shows, as far as time allows. I’ll definitely be following Kuroshitsuji for starters, and hopefully Vampire Knight Guilty pretty soon as well.

Aside from anime, my other passions include language, which, combined with intense impatience allows me to watch most of my shows raw these days. I also keep up with a selection of manga, which delays the hunger. (Except those monthlies. If you think waiting a week is harsh…)

That’s about it as far as my general anime background is concerned. As far as my other personality quirks go, I’m sure you’ll discover them along the way.

Yoroshiku, ne~



  1. You’re embarrased to mention liking those kinds of anime? There’s nothing wrong with watching them. I personally have Kanon as a top ten favorite.

    Anyways, welcome aboard. I anticipate your upcoming posts.

  2. I’m already starting to like you ^^ no kidding. It would be most interesting to hear your comments on kuroshitsuji and mouryou no hako. I’m looking forward (and already getting excited) to read your posts ^^

  3. you know… so many other blogs are blogging mainstream series that I can’t help but ask you to blog those that are not.

    This includes: Casshern, Gai Rei Zero, Hatchin, Xamd (when it airs again)… and others

    We just really don’t need 500 bloggers blogging Gundam 00 and Vampire Knight – everyone watches it anyway, so why bother?

  4. “ince then I’ve seen a variety of shows from a variety of genres and tend to enjoy well produced, original, and creative stories the most. I can’t stand studios who can’t offer anything new, and I applaud those who go out of their way to be creative and make artistic advancements in the industry.”

    Signed, and welcome 🙂

  5. welcome friend!!!! I hope you do the job as well as divine did!!

    But one thing I ask of you!
    Please blog Casshern Sins!!!!
    It’s so good!

    But please Trillian do a job and make us proud friend!!!

    major payne
  6. Welcome!!! It is great to see new blogger~

    I really hope that you can blog Kuroshitsuji since it has been quite a fine anime so far, and it is one of the neglected series (I don’t know why… May be people think it is yaoi?)

  7. Hello and welcome! I’m so pleased you’ll be blogging Kuroshitsuji. It really isn’t getting enough attention. Loooks like you might be picking up Natsume Yuujinchou’s second season too? 😉

  8. Thanks for the warm welcome! I’m glad to see so many great responses. I promise to do my best, even if you don’t use scare tactics.

    The Minami-ke pic represents me at my finest, and also where you can contact me should the need arise.

  9. I have to admit I haven’t watched a single series that you mentioned.

    Oh.. wait. You watched Kanon (not 2006)! Yes I watched that too, way before the 2006 version!

    I’ll look forward to Kuroshitsuji (and see if I’ll start watching it)

  10. Welcome to RC! X3
    Awesome,you’re going to be blogging Kuroshitsuji~ I love it!!

    Among your list I’m watching Kuroshitsuji,Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae,Mouryou no Hako(?),Skip Beat!, Toradora!(?), and Vampire Knight Guilty.

    How about Casshern SINS like another just mentioned?It’s been awesome so far yet it doesn’t seem to have as many fans as it should.

  11. “Provided you have realistic expectations and an open mind, I find that most series can be enjoyed for what they succeed in, and forgiven for (a fraction of) their faults.”

    Just based on this line I think am going to enjoy your entries so welcome 🙂

    “(Except those monthlies. If you think waiting a week is harsh…)”

    Word…right now the majority of things am keeping up w/ are monthlies….

  12. Welcome. From what you’ve written it seems my taste in anime is a lot closer to yours than Omni’s so i’m definitely looking forward to your upcomming blogging. Hate to say this though but “Trillian” is a womans name if ‘Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy’ is to be believed :).

  13. your favorite shows are GREAT shows (especially dennou coil & lucky star XD )
    & your watching all the shows i’m interested in this season, w00t!
    i look forward to reading your entries ^^

  14. Nice to see some further aid for Omni.

    Your handle suggests you’re a female Douglas Adams fan too; with a username of Trillian (aka. Tricia Macmillian/Trillian from Hitchhikers Guide), which is cool. I hence expect at least 42 blog posts from you… 😀

    Of course, I could be hideously wrong if you’re not aware of those connotations…heh…

  15. @Harper: I kinda enjoy that it only “suggests” that I’m female. Keep it down, please. I don’t want to scare anyone away with my 3-D existence.

    @Reinkin: The only reason I didn’t see Gurren Lagann is due to technical problems at the time. But I BET I’d love it. (It’s one of my anime regrets.) I guess there’s still time…

    @Everyone: I’m really happy to see such a great response looking forward to Kuroshitsuji, so I hope you enjoy it!

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