
The first thing that Hohenheim brings up upon seeing Ed is how he heard about the failed human transmutation. He also accuses Ed of burning down their old house because Ed was running away from bad memories and wanted to hide what he had done. Despite this contentious meeting though, he goes with Ed back to Pinako’s place, and later that night, he enters Ed’s room and almost pats a sleeping Ed on the head. He then asks Pinako if it was really his wife in terms of her physical features that his sons transmuted, and Pinako is surprised at the implication that it wasn’t Trisha. This shocks Ed as well since he had been secretly trying to listen in. Back in Central, Winry gets mad at Ling for suggesting that Al’s body is really convenient. She can still remember how, back when he first got it, Al had realized that his armored body couldn’t sleep.

At around the same time, Ed has a nightmare where he’s accused of being responsible for putting Al in that body. He wakes up to Pinako yelling to him about his father leaving, but he doesn’t see Hohenheim off. Hohenheim pockets a picture of the entire Elric family before heading out, and he also warns Pinako to run away to another country because something bad will happen soon in this one. Later that day, Ed has Pinako take him to where she buried the corpse of the failed transmutation. Despite his mental determination, Ed’s body revolts and he’s greatly pained as he tries to dig it back up. He soldiers on though and eventually succeeds in digging up what’s left of the corpse. Inspecting it confirms what Hohenheim had been implying – that it wasn’t Trisha – and Ed now believes that Al can return to his original body.

In light of this, Ed calls Izumi to see if what she transmuted was actually her child, but she doesn’t answer him and hangs up. Before leaving Resembool, he visits the graves of Winry’s parents and tells Pinako what he found out about them. Pinako also reveals that Trisha’s last request was to tell Hohenheim that she couldn’t keep her promise with him and that she’s sorry. Pinako doesn’t know what the promise was referring to though, and she had forgotten to pass the message along to Hohenheim. Ed then takes a train back to Central and is surprised to find part of Al’s armor missing. After transmuting it back to normal, he tells his brother about what he found out concerning the corpse and how he’s confident that Al can get his body back. Since he was able to get Al’s soul from the other side of the Gate, then that means they can get the body back too.

Along these lines, Al remembers that back when he was inside the Truth, he saw himself. He also remembers being able to see out from inside the creature that they transmuted, but his soul hadn’t been permanently fixed onto it. Ed then gets a call from Izumi because she had confirmed that what she transmuted wasn’t her child, and she thanks him. Sharing similar sentiments, Al admits that he had blamed himself for what happened, and he’s now relieved to know that he hadn’t actually killed his mother. Al also doesn’t want Ed burdening only himself with the responsibility of getting his body back. Recounting how his feelings about living with this body have changed, Al declares that he doesn’t want nights alone anymore. The two brothers are thus determined to get Al’s body back from the Truth, and, watching them from behind, Winry notices how big Ed’s back is.


Hohenheim’s appearance wasn’t quite as great as I’d hoped it’d be since he wasn’t around for very long. He veered between being soft-spoken and creepy, and he disappeared again as quickly as he appeared, so I’m still not quite sure what to make of him. I’m not ready to call him a villain, but he seems cognizant though of what’s going on in terms of the overarching plot concerning the entire country. The rest of the episode felt like a long-winded way to figure out that Al’s body still exists on the other side of the Gate, which didn’t seem like a very big revelation to me, but it was nice at least to see them work Izumi into it and for the brothers to be back together. I don’t know if their determination is going to amount to anything though because returning to the Gate isn’t such an easy endeavor.

On a different note, I assume Winry’s line at the end is the start of her noticing him more as a man and potential romantic interest. It was a nice way to end the episode, and it makes me think that this particular aspect is going to get more focus in the near future. Speaking of which, there is no new episode of FMA next week thanks to the 12th IAAF World Championships in Athletics. Episode 21 will air August 30th, 2009. Also, the official site announced a few days ago that Sukima Switch will be singing the third OP, and I’ve very excited about that because I love their music.


  1. Eh, for some reason, the digging scene didn’t have as much impact as it did in the manga.

    There is a lot of overexplaining, too, in this part of the manga. And people said the first series was melodramatic, that bit with Al at the end made me roll my eyes, not feel for him. But, I’m sure some will disagree.

    What I’m really interested in is what unfolds next, based on what I’ve read in spoilers for the next couple of episodes.

  2. Winry looking at Ed from behind is the start of it all. If I remember correctly, a large back is seen as a sign of maturity or maturing. She’s looking at his back realising it’s bigger than she remembers thus he is no longer a child. Somebody correct me if I’m wrong but thats how I had that explained to me when it came up in the manga.

  3. … where are all the hospital scenes with Roy, Hawkeye, Havoc, etc? Alphonse should have paid them a visit before meeting up with Ed again.

    This could be a complete deal-breaker for me.

  4. @ Hamsterfactor

    I heard that the hospital scenes will be in the next episode (at least some of them). But with the change in time line I am guessing Al will not be in these scenes.

  5. What I dont understand is if the mother al and ed created was not their real mother than who was it and how did the create it if the used the reamain of the mother. Same with Izumi.

  6. @Dragonite

    the point is you cannot bring the dead back to life ever. Izumi and Ed/Al created a body but they could not recreate the actual person. They didn’t create anyone. The episode should have told you that Al’s soul had been attached to the thing they created and that is why it moved.

  7. Not only was it important to find out whether or not Al’s body still existed, Ed also confirmed that he didn’t create Al from nothing because of Al’s memory of the two of them fighting over who got to marry Winry. Ed didn’t remember that, but Al did. If the only memories Al had were the same as Ed’s then they ran the risk of Ed giving the soul he attached to the armor memories, etc. There wouldn’t have been a way to prove that the soul in the armor was Al. It was also a big thing to find out that they didn’t kill their mother–the same with their sensei. She found out she didn’t kill her own child.

    I’m a little sad that they left out the walk from the cemetery back to the house between Ed and his father. His father mentions that Ed looks a lot like him, etc, and makes a note about the way he wears his hair. Ed gets angry and braids his hair so he isn’t anything like his father.

  8. @ Kim & Hamsterfactor

    Spoilers, so don’t read if you don’t want to.

    [spoiler]I looked at the manga volumes 10 & 11 and I was unable to find the part where Al or Ed and Al go to visit them in the hospital. With that, looking at the preview, I don’t think they go to the hospital. I do know that Mustang went to talk to Havoc and Havoc basically told Mustang he couldn’t do anything anymore because his legs didn’t work. Havoc decides to retire and Mustang insists that no one has said he wouldn’t heal (be able to walk again).

    And just like in the preview scene for the next episode, Ed meets with Mustang OUTSIDE of the hospital (leaning against his car).

    It’s true the timeline is a little screwed up in some portions, but I think you’ve completely confused a few parts.[/spoiler]

  9. @ ileana

    Seconded. >_< I feel your pain. It looks like they may only get to the end of vol 11, though, which could mean either they’re slowing down (cross your heart, love) or perchance stuffing in a bit more Gluttony-whoopin’ we’ve missed before Bradley shows (double cross your heart!) ?

  10. Actually the series usually averages 2 chapters per episode, and this was the first two chapters of Volume 11, the next episode should include the hospital visit, the battle with Scar, and the planning of how to capture a homunculi.

    Charred Knight
  11. Eh, bit of a slow episode, though that’s forgiven considering last week’s. Also, what’s up with the eyebrow waggling? I can’t help but laugh when a sad moment comes up, and the eyebrows wriggle like caterpillars.

  12. Great to hear about the new opening and who it will be by.

    The episode itself was okay, but we can’t expect it to keep up the awesomeness that was last episode. Winry and Ed ftw, btw.

  13. Whoever mentioned earlier about Ed changing how he wears his hair, Thank you.
    I just re-watched some of it, and at the beginning before he speaks to Hoenheim, he just is wearing it as a Pony tail. Throughout the rest of the episode it was braided.

    Nifty fact. :]

  14. OOooh, so the Scar/Ed and Envy/people from Xing battles take place in the NEXT episode. Phew, and I thought they were missing the most entertaining parts.

    Wow, that was a serious oversight on my part.

  15. I didn’t like how Hohenheim was presented in this.

    He seemed cold and rude. If you’ve read the manga, you would know that not once ever is cold or rude to anyone, at most he does get serious or stern (but that’s only against enemies). He’s probably the most gentle and kind hearted person in the story. So I was really disappointed in that.

  16. @Cornwiggle

    You kidding? Sure we get to see a more gentle side of him LATER in the story but at this point he was presented the same way in the manga. Even some lines like the “you wewre running away” one were more evil snd creepy in the manga.

    I dont like his voice though, I prefer his VA from the first anime.
    Funny how his antenna still is up even though it’s soaking wet. XD

  17. Read this chapter and then watch this anime.

    In the manga, Hoheinheim isn’t mean or cold. In fact he wants to talk to Ed, but it’s Ed who’s “Don’t talk to me”

    But in this, he’s like “What did you do my house? You were running.”

    He’s just so cold.

    When we first see him in the manga, he’s at Pinako’s door “Pinako…my house is gone”

    That’s pure Hohenheim personality right there. You can just see it on his face and hear him saying it “…where’s my house?” And he never is that cold in the manga like he is in the anime with “Why did you burn down my house?”
    In the manga, it’s more like “So…I see you burned down the house”

    He’s a softspoken guy.

  18. I almost didn’t get about Winry’s line about Ed’s back. At first I thought Ed has a hump on his back but it seemed normal when he was walking so as others pointed out Winry is starting to have feelings for Ed but man what a fetish eh? You get attracted to backs, as for me I get attracted to foreheads LOL!

  19. @Cornwiggle: I agree with the fact about Hohenheim!

    @panaghoy88: It’s not a fetish. She’s not attracted to his back in particular. She’s just noticing that he’s a ‘man’ now and not a ‘little boy’ anymore. Think of it as a metaphor. 🙂

    This episode might have seem somewhat slow and overdramatic, but it’s one of the most significant moments in so many ways.

  20. So far FMA Brotherhood is shaping up to be quite a bit different from the first series. With this latest revelation involving human transmutation, I’m guessing this also applies to the homunculi and that they aren’t really based on or look like anyone who’s previously lived either. Just soul-less, empty, “blank” bodies that are able to act human and move simply because they have pieces of philosopher’s stone in them.

    I’m conflicted about this because the homunculi in the first anime were much more interesting/identifiable and could be empathized with (Envy, Lust, and Wrath in particular) because they had existing connections to the human characters (Envy hating his dad Hohenheim and jealous of his half-brothers, Lust and her ties with Scar and his brother, Wrath with Izumi, etc.). Their actions/emotions and motivations in the first series made sense and were understandable.

    Here, they’re just monsters, plain and simple (even Greed, who was a lot more interesting in the first series but, of course, we haven’t seen the future iterations of the manga in the Brotherhood anime yet.).

  21. @ Reiter

    The homunculus are not soulless. Quite the opposite in fact. They are composed of the philosopher stone and what is that made of?

    But really think of them as manifestations of the sins they represent.

  22. I think Winry commenting on Ed’s back was supposed to happen at a different point…

    Show Spoiler ▼

  23. Sniveling-episode (can be ’cause I’ve caught a cold…)

    I missed a couple of detailes here and there, from the almighty manga (I expect the big things Show Spoiler ▼

    to come in the next (two) episode.), like the whole meaning of the “you’ve got the early memories so we know that’s really you in the armor, Al”-philosophy: the new memories is stored where? And that Ed added “I really want to see you smiling. That’s it.” after Al says he don’t want to spend the nights alone anymore. And Hohenheim-jokes (You’re quite famous in Central. The Smallest Alchemist in history?, and the hair-thing…), and Prince!Ling. And the statement that the brothers will keep on fighting, but will not accept anyone being killed because of them!

    oooh! episode 22 or 23, IT will happen!! *swooning like the Al-lover I am!*


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