[flv:heidi_Yokan_PV.mp4 550 310]

I wouldn’t have known that the ending theme to Kaichou wa Maid-sama was performed by a visual kei rock band had I not seen this PV, so that sort of goes to show how much an artist’s appearance really matters to me. I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not into the visual kei look whatsoever despite how the flamboyant fad caught on since the 1980s, but that doesn’t prevent me from enjoying heidi‘s seventh single and major debut release “Yokan” either. When I first heard this song three months ago with the badass Usui Takumi-centered ending sequence, the lead in to the first verse immediately caught my attention. (Well that, and the shirtless Usui that came with it.) I still didn’t think much of the song after that, but it gradually grew on me more and more over the weeks. What I found most impressive was their vocalist Yoshihiko’s range, which you can sort of get a feel for in this song before he starts singing his lungs out. One of the other two songs on this single, “Kodama”, gives off a better impression of his singing ability when he’s not doing that, which to me sounds a lot better in comparison. In any case, this single was released back on May 26th and along with the limited edition is the PV you see above. Enjoy.


  1. Okay.. I have to admit, I haven’t skipped the ending once. Then again, I watch anime usually in private.. (Unless it’s not embarrassing or too colorful. lol)

    Okay two things..
    1.) The lead singer is scary.
    2.) What is it with Japanese music videos and couches?
    3.) Female Drummer ftw. (If that’s a she.. If not, curses.)
    4.) Where do they buy their clothes!?!? Dx

    1. lol your response to Divine’s answer is so funny.

      1.)I think the lead singer is pretty entertaining. I mean he’s rockin it out, and he doesn’t even have a mike stand. 😀
      2.) Haha good point about couches. O.o

      The band look was a lot different from what I had imagined when I heard the song.
      Ty for the video Divine! 🙂

  2. FAIL.
    I’ve seen this video a few days ago. I really love heidi. they are definitely one of my favorite bands. However I don’t follow any news about them so I didn’t know it’s a song for this anime.
    It’s disturbing why such an awesome band would make a song for such a stupid and poor series… They’re batter than this! I’m displeased, a lot.
    Btw, I don’t care how they look like, I love their music. And i never actually thought of them as visual kei band, rather indie, basing on their music.

      1. Yeah, it’s really cool to be called a troll, you know?
        What’s wrong with Kaichou? Well, let’s just say i prefer anime which are on the higher intellectual level, not 12-years-old-oriented, and that’s what this one is. Sorry, but the amount of stupidity here is just lethal.

      2. Okay, scratch that. Again I listened a bit too much from my friend and let her opinion affect mine. Despite unattractive poster, trailer and summary, the anime is not as stupid as one may think. So, yes, I take some of that back.

  3. Real life trap ftw!!! =D (oh God… what’s wrong with me? XD)

    I really like this song, moreso than the opening. But that’s just me. Then again, I never felt this song matched the series.

  4. so if they were made by kei… could they be… Boys Dead Monster… haha im kidding there is only one Dead Monster and that is Girls Dead Monster from Angel Beats! … oh how much i love it


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