Amagami SS – 22

「絢辻詞編 第二章 ウラガワ」 (Ayatsuji Tsukasa-hen Dai Nishou – Uragawa)
“Ayatsuji Tsukasa Chapter 2 – The Other Side”

Imagine my surprise when the other side of Tsukasa turned out to be more tsundere than anything else. And here I thought only Kaoru would be filling in that stereotype in this series. Tsukasa is a lot scarier with the way she threatens Junichi into keeping her secret, but there’s something kinky about the way she goes about it as well.

Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai – 09

「大きな壁の中と外」 (Ookina Kabe no Naka to Soto)
“Inside and Outside the Large Wall”

If there’s a book girl that needs to be played, Hanazawa Kana is poised for the task regardless of whether or not the series is titled Bungaku Shoujo. For this first episode of Shiomiya Shiori’s arc, we didn’t really get to see too much of the girl behind that quiet, intellectual, and shy exterior though. In lieu, there was a fair bit of spillover from Elsie’s episode last time, which I rather enjoyed given all of her quirky interactions with Keima.

Shinryaku! Ika Musume – 09

Ika’s glammed up like a porcelain doll and ready to make mankind fall for her.

(Pinpon Dasshu Shinai ka? / Meiku Shinai ka? / Himitsu Heiki Janai ka?)
“Won’t You Doorbell Dash? / Won’t You Put on Makeup? / Isn’t That a Secret Weapon?”

For whatever reason, this series isn’t getting nearly as much attention as it should be among English-speaking fans, so I thought I’d spark some more interest by having Ika Musume invade Random Curiosity in the form of a banner. Those who have stopped by the IRC channel have already heard me go on and on about this series, so for everyone else who hasn’t been checking out this little gem of the season, I’ll say the same thing I’ve been saying there. Go watch Ika Musume! (…and Samurai Girls.) You know what they say, once you go squid girl, you can never go back (…or something like that).