「謀略の夜」 (Bouryaku no Yoru)
“Night of Stratagems”

The episode title said it all, so I don’t think anyone should be terribly disappointed that the action dialed back this week in favor of more exposition. It’s not like more exposition is ever a bad thing when it comes to Fate/Zero, but Kiritsugu did blow up a building to make sure everyone’s paying attention. The extreme measures he employs when going after other Masters directly easily make up for the lack of a Servant battle this time around, as they’re a valid tactic that’s crossed my mind ever since Fate/stay night, but were never really used out of “anime convenience”. The Servants are always concerned about protecting their Masters, but no one ever seems to target the Masters and force their Servants to defend them.

Back in the First Holy Grail War, the rule may have been to only go after Servants and spare the Masters from any needless bloodshed, but I doubt that’s the case anymore when Masters are conspiring together and using underhanded tactics to get the jump on the competition. It’s common knowledge that taking out a Master will unbind their Servant from this world, so between trying to kill a Heroic Spirit and a human, going after the much more vulnerable option makes the most logical sense. I presume most Masters don’t because of the unwritten code of honor between mages that Tokiomi and Kirei talked about in the first episode, but it’s ironic how they singled out Kiritsugu’s assassination methods — which go out of the way to ensure innocent lives aren’t killed (with proper building implosion too) — when the two of them are working with the Church, who’s assigned Kirei’s father as the judge. (Talk about a massive conflict of interest.)

Anyway, while it says a lot when a professional hitman is arguable one of the most rule-abiding Masters, it does make for a much more interesting war when we have Caster mistaking Saber for Jeanne d’Arc (a.k.a. Joan of Arc) and Kayneth’s mana-supplying fiancée Sola-Ui Nuada-Re Sophia-Ri (Toyoguchi Megumi) falling for Lancer because of his “love spot”. In Caster’s case, if you’re going to tell me you foresaw that he wouldn’t believe that Saber’s King Arthur even after she gave her real name and that he was going to round up sacrificial children with Ryuunosuke in defiance to God because I “spoiled” how he’s going to mistaken her as Joan of Arc, then I’m going to have to very politely call “bullshit” on ruining your viewing experience to that degree. 😛

In all seriousness, I for one had no idea a mistaken identity would lead to this, so unless you’re psychic enough to see that far (but not the mistaken identity itself), I still stand by how that bit of information was more of a teaser than a spoiler (which is the main reason I threw it out there). As for Sola-Ui, her uncontrollable attraction toward Lancer should make for an interesting dynamic with Kayneth, now that the latter’s picked up on why she’s so respectful of Lancer. I’m going to assume they all survived the building’s collapse simply because Sola-Ui was just introduced and Lancer likely has a bigger role than what we’ve seen, though Kiritsugu could probably easily confirm Kayneth’s death by asking Saber if her wound has healed. (That is, if unbinding Lancer and his Gae Buidhe from this world is enough to relinquish the curse.)

Last but definitely not least — judging from how most of the second half was devoted to it — is Kirei’s ever-changing perspective on the war thanks to Gilgamesh. The premise for this prequel mentioned that Kirei would find a new purpose to being selected as a Master once he sets his sights on Kiritsugu, and now it’s finally been foreshadowed with Gilgamesh’s suggestion to find out what drives the other Masters. His talk about “joy” and growing interest in Kirei over Tokiomi also echoed the same sentiment that I have with Kiritsugu and Saber, where I feel there’s a clear mismatch in the personalities and/or ideals of the Masters and Servants in this war. (I gather I’m not the only one who’s thought about how much better off Kiritsugu would be if he summoned Assassin.) The difference is, Gilgamesh looks like he’s scouting out a potential candidate to jump ship to since he clearly doesn’t like Tokiomi’s shrewd approach. As those who have seen Fate/stay night will recall, breaking contracts between Servants and Masters and reforming new ones is definitely possible.

While I don’t have a concrete idea where this is headed, I do have some possibilities in mind from some tidbits that I’ve come across (which I won’t mention here). All I can be sure of is that the interactions between Kirei, Tokiomi, and Gilgamesh will be something to keep an eye on as Kirei learns more about Kiritsugu. Thus far, Kirei’s been nothing but a loyal pupil to Tokiomi — doing whatever he asks of him — but the question remains on whether he would follow orders so obediently if he had aspirations of his own. The show is heavily implying that the answer would be no, but until we see what that translates to, it serves as nothing more additional foreshadowing for the time being. The same goes for how Kirei recognized that Kiritsugu will come to save Maiya, which probably means he’ll target her to exploit one of Kiritsugu’s weaknesses if the opportunity were to present itself. While it sounds like there will be a temporary alliance to eliminate Ryuunosuke and Caster for their murderous conduct, it’s only natural to suspect that someone will try to capitalize on this chance, especially when the preview makes it sound like Kiritsugu will be cornered next time.

* Interestingly enough, there was also a bit of talk about obtaining the Holy Grail to reach Root, i.e. Akasha, the center of the universe outside the realm of time from where everything originates, which is a shared concept in the Type-Moon universe. (The same idea is used in Kara no Kyoukai.)
* Iri’s got some mad drifting skills in her Mercedes-Benz 300SL, even though it looked like she was going to get Saber and herself killed.




    1. Even people who watched might not know that, since it was shown in only one route, the one that was never animated.

      Other than that, Iris driving skills are awesome. And people in the other grail wars did target the masters. It just wasn’t as overblown in Fate/Stay Night, because the Assassin of that game… couldn’t do it. Caster almost killed Shirou for example. And since the masters know they are targets, they use countermeasures to avoid being killed. Attacking them would be unwise, unless you’re like Kiritsugu, and thinks outside the box enough to do something like what he did.

      1. @kinni
        “Even people who watched might not know that, since it was shown in only one route, the one that was never animated.”

        Well, like what Kirei himself admitted in his dying words in FSN, ‘he got weaker”. In more than one way, I think.

      1. Anyone else think that Irisviel should have just ran over Caster like roadkill?

        That would have been much simpler, since Caster would not dare attack the car with Saber inside.

    2. if you look at the cg for fate stay night you will find Kirei using those swords. I am very certain it is in the Heaven’s Feel route. So even if you watched the anime (loosely based on Fate) or Unlimited Blade Works you won’t see it.

      Incidentally, in Heaven’s Feel Kirei died very fast in the scenario, thus playing a very small role in it.

  1. I’m impressed with how ufotable managed to get through nearly sixty pages of almost pure exposition and little action in a single episode. I’d highly recommend the novels for anyone who wants to get an even better feel for the characters or a better understanding of everything going on.

    1. I’m impressed with how ufotable managed to get through nearly sixty pages of almost pure exposition and little action in a single episode.

      And… is that a good thing, or a bad thing? (As in, did they miss important details?)

      1. I think it’s a good thing! IMHO, they managed to get through the ‘major’ events like Kiritsugu bombing Kayneth’s hotel, Caster’s confrontation with Saber, and Kirei’s interaction with Gilgamesh (which I thought was the most important event of this episode) without sacrificing the subplots such as the Kayneth team love triangle (which comes into play later on) and Kirei’s fight with Maiya. A big chunk of the part of the second novel this episode covered was character based exposition which I thought was adapted quite well.
        Basically, it takes a good studio and great staff to be able to pull all that off in one episode while keeping it natural and without a rushed feeling. I know that some things had to be shortened a bit or cut out from the broadcast due to censoring/time constraints, like Kirei v. Maiya, but that’s what the BD set will be for 😀

    1. I prefer more talking than more action, but I’m pretty sure it’s gonna have a lot of action that does not seem to go anywhere, for I doubt that they’re gonna kill a lot of important characters in the 1st season

    1. It involves the Fifth Holy Grail War that starts prematurely, only 10 years after this one, and follows Kiritsugu’s adopted son, Shirou, who ends up summoning the same Saber. The same key families are involved, except it’s their descendants that get involved. Many of them are seen as only children in Fate/Zero, e.g. Tohsaka Rin, Matou Sakura, Illyasviel von Einzbern.

      (Normally, the Holy Grail War takes place every 60 years.)

      1. I seriously don’t recommend you to watch Fate/stay night anime… it was pretty much… mediocre. If you want to know about it, if you can read the Visual Novel as it was fully translated years ago.

      2. I wholeheartedly agree with yokushi. I watched 5 eps of Fate/stay night and i was bored to death. I started playing the VN (currently on Day 9 of Fate…damn long dialogues!) and it’s so much better! First VN i’ve ever played too.

    2. Fate stay night is how a plain looking guy gets laid by hot girls like Saber, Rin, and Sakura… Joking, but it is true anyway. It’s pretty much the effects Zero had on the children such as Shirou, Rin, and Sakura, who are the main characters of FSN. Along with Saber who becomes Shirous servant.

    1. There’s also “it does make for a much more interesting more interesting war when we have Caster mistaking Saber for Jeanne d’Arc” Paragraph 3 line 2

      Double “more interesting”

  2. Initial D anyone?

    Confirming the kill with Saber would have been smart but he had no time – saving his woman etc. Maybe he’ll confirm it off-screen and then realise it was unsuccessful.

      1. If I read correctly, it was supposed to be a girl that got an “operation” Divine and that she was alive in a huge pain, unless maybe I read it wrong. Anyway, this just shows how Studeo Deen seriously cut out some parts that would be deemed too grotesque. Interestedly, the girl was supposed to be alive yet we didn’t hear a scream or something.

    1. Like it was said when caster first appeared…

      …The rashness of whatever was happening on the upper floor easily stimulated imagination even without witnessing it.

      So… some people might have noticed it and some might not have, it just depends on their “imagination”.

    2. Erm, it’s ufotable, Inc that animated this series, not DEEN… DEEN was responsible for F/SN.
      And they’re planning to capture the gruesome “piano scenes” in the Blu-Ray disc collection. Remember that the anime is being shown by the mass public, not to mention the presence of a time limit… so yes, they cut that bit out.

  3. I speak for myself when I say this, but you don’t need to keep defending yourself on the Joan of Arc bit. I don’t think it matters too much and it actually made it make a bit more sense, since Caster’s crazy talk was a little confusing.

  4. Aside from Irisviel driving like she’s in Initial D, I’m more impressed that Gilgamesh managed to hold a conversation without getting pissed and acting like a condescending jerkass.

      1. Maybe its cus most of his appearances other than Fate/Zero had him corrupted or deaded by the Holy Grail’s unfortunate inhabitant. I also think that someone like Gilgamesh would have seen it all more enough to be above trivial squabbling… at least to people standing below him.

        Deus Ex Machina
      2. Gilgamesh was naturally an arrogant prick when he was alive, so the gods sent him a rival who could match him physically in order to humble him.

        This guy Enkidu became his best friend, after a close grappling match. They both had many adventures together. After Enkidu died from some curse from the gods, since they killed a sacred bull, Gilgamesh wandered the world in grief, seeking out the secret for immortality. He failed.

        The story should demonstrate that Gilgamesh is a lot deeper than a shallow prick. Then again, perhaps the Holy Grail summoned Gilgamesh before he met Enkidu?

  5. Saber should have taken the opportunity to slice Caster in half while he was blabbering. Yes, her left hand is sealed but it didn’t look like Caster saw the first strike coming anyway. If she was cunning enough, she could even play along and pretend to be Jeanne d’Arc, then take out Caster by surprise. I guess we have her code of honor and probably “anime convenience” in the way.
    I wished Kirei didn’t interrupt Kiritsugu’s and Maiya’s plan. It would have been nice to see them follow through with the assassination.

    Seishun Otoko
      1. They are called Black Keys and they are special weapons for executors of the Church. Ciel in Tsukihime uses them also. As for where he hides them, they are formed of paper…magic paper…yea, like in “Read or Die”, lol.

  6. Yes, Iri’s driving skill is amazing…… It is funny how she said that it will be dangers if a hired professional is driving instead of her. Also, did anyone notice she drives on the wrong line? Or may be the driving system is different in wherever-place she is at?

  7. I wonder if the DVD version will show what Ryuunosuke was doing. Reading about that in the LN tickled me a bit in the depths of my mind. *cue evil laugh* =P

    I did really quite enjoy watching Kiritsugu blow up the building right after El Melloi described all the elaborate setups in the atelier.

  8. I was really impressed by Kiritsugu this episode. Him blowing up that building was totally not what i expected. I like how he smartly targets the masters, without really showing himself in the open much. Hes a damn one man army without even using his servant!!
    This show doesn’t even need that much action to be great!! The story telling is outstanding to me…

  9. Awesome episode to follow on from lots of action from last week! I am glad we are seeing a lot more plot development on multiple fronts. Its great to see Gilgamesh’s character being develop further and he is not just a simple condescending jerk lol.

  10. Great episode
    It’s a shame though that I read the novel.. now I know what is going to happen till the very end and some of the surprise is gone 🙂

    Thank God that Guilty Crown is a completely original creation 🙂

  11. Interesting how easily you can mistake Saber for the actual Joan of Arc servant. I still think it was painfully stupid for Saber to spare Caster. Thanks to your knightly code, you just condemned more children to a horrid death. Great job Saber!

    Also its blatantly obvious that the “organs” scene was censored, especially since they kept going back to same shot of the pillars. Guess its too graphic for TV, so maybe it will be on Blu-ray.

    Kiritsugu’s bombing was hilarious, even on the book. Its always awesome how he can just take a giant dump on well-laid plans plans with a pragmatic approach.

    1. As for me, I originally though that Saber was actually Joan of Arc during the Fate/Stay Night days. It was only during the middle episodes when they began hinting that I begun to realize that Saber was actually King Arthur, it really confuses me back then on how the series actually replaces King Arthur with a woman.

      Anyways, that was early 2007.

      1. they arent the only ones.
        umineko also has someone called “arturia pendragon”. it leads to people connecting the series to each other, which is certainly possible due to how very hax and mind screwing powers(time manipulation, casualty ratings, etc.)

    2. Hey, don’t blame Saber for not acting on knowledge she didn’t even have. She had no idea that Caster wasn’t just nutty, but a completely insane child-murdering psychopath, with a Master more than willing to let him indulge.

      She already said that next time they meet she’s going to kick his ass good.

  12. I felt that the first scene was a bit out of place,..well it sure did made the introduction of Caster to the other servants noteworthy, also Irisviel sure has good driving skills.

    I remember when Lancer asked Saber the reason for hiding her blade was because it will reveal her true identity, but since knightly code of honor are strict, they have to name themselves when the others reveal their name, I don’t see a point for Saber to hide her blade anymore (Unless she has other reasons).

    1. “I remember when Lancer asked Saber the reason for hiding her blade was because it will reveal her true identity, but since knightly code of honor are strict, they have to name themselves when the others reveal their name, I don’t see a point for Saber to hide her blade anymore (Unless she has other reasons).”

      – This in relation to Saber revealing her true identity when Caster introduced himself to her.

    2. Aside from any tactical advantage from her opponent not knowing how long Excalibur is, from my understanding, Saber is only revealing her true identity to the person before her. She doesn’t intend to reveal it to everyone who’s eavesdropping, even though she’s probably aware that it’ll get out that way.

  13. So Gilgamesh doesn’t have naturally spiky hair? Then are we to assume that Babylonians invented hair gel?

    Poor Archibald… Right after he tries to impress his wife by explaining the floor he made to trap Saber, Kuritsugu blows it up. That guy is so whipped.

    1. @Moeronic

      Points up if you realized that FSN Archer is the faker of Gilgamesh, in not just his weaponry, but also in his hairstyle as well. Must be the same hair gel they’re using.

  14. I loled at Iri showing her driving skills off to her new girlfriend.

    Also whats with Master’s wives/significant other getting nicked by their servant? Both Kiritsugu and Kayneth have this problem.

  15. “In Caster’s case, if you’re going to tell me you foresaw that he wouldn’t believe that Saber’s King Arthur even after she gave her real name and that he was going to round up sacrificial children with Ryuunosuke in defiance to God because I “spoiled” how he’s going to mistaken her as Joan of Arc, then I’m going to have to very politely call “bullshit” on ruining your viewing experience to that degree.”

    -Seriously dude? Are you still going to argue about this? Did you actually read what people wrote before? If so you completely misunderstood the argument there. Give it a rest.

    1. Considering the epically unnecessary maelstrom about having spoilers (in the reviews themselves) that occurred in the comments of the first few episodes, just from referencing the ‘Saber is mistaken for Jeanne d’Arc’ subplot and speculating about Berserker’s true identity, I think Divine is allowed some level of frustration and/or defensiveness ^^;

    2. I have already stopped a moment to see it, and all I’ve seen is someone who keeps bringing up the same dead argument week after week. People complained that you gave spoilers on your blog, and you said they weren’t spoilers. Fine, point made, argument over. Is it really necessary to keep bring it up week after week with “What I ‘teased’ last episode was revealed in the 1st 5 minutes,” or “You can leave if you don’t like the way I write,” or “if you think I spoiled you that’s ‘bullshit.'” Personally I never really cared about the spoils in the first place, I already knew them from reading the novels. It’s how it was handled after the complaints that was very uncharacteristic. What I posted in week 2 was to give a logic point of view as opposed to all the annoying whiners, but that didn’t seem to register.

      It’s your blog obviously, and you can write whatever you want, that’s your right, but it’s also the reader’s right to comment, and frankly, from my point of view, all I see is childish behavior from a blogger I had the utmost respect. Anyways, you seem pretty dead set on your point of view, so I’ll stop talking about this even if you keep bringing it up in future posts again. Seems like most people are already choosing to ignore those parts of the posts.

    3. Rather than ignoring that part of my post, it could very well be that most people simply don’t see a reason to get upset over me bringing it up again in a semi-sarcastic manner when it’s relevant. I think it would be even more uncharacteristic if I pretended like that other post never happened when the plot development in question finally came up in the show itself.

      If I’ve lost your respect for quickly addressing the issue one last time before moving on, then I’m okay with that because I’d lose more respect for myself if I couldn’t defend my approach on blogging. Those who don’t take responsibility for what they’ve said are far worse in my mind, especially on the Internet where people can hide under the guise of anonymity. Much like how you disagree with how I’m handling this, I disagree with being called “childish”. I also find it odd that you feel so strongly about it, since you aren’t even the intended audience for this follow-up remark.

      Anyway, this is all I care to say about this matter going forward. I don’t intend to reply to any more comments about it, because I’ve said everything that I wanted to.

  16. Looks like Caster is a prime candidate to get killed off early now that Tokiomi and friends have set their sights on him.

    I’m in love with Iri, I lol’d at her driving and Saber sweating bullets in the passenger seat.

    Since Kayneth is aware of Lancer’s mole seducing his fiance, why doesn’t he do anything about it? Saber’s pure magic aura had no problem cancelling the effect, so I imagine there should be some spell to suppress his ability on his fiance.

    Based on how F/SN plays out, I’m guessing that the wheel’s of Kirei’s probable betrayal of Tokiomi has been put in motion after this episode.

    Also how did Kirei find Maiya? It seems that an assassin wasn’t tracking her, so Kirei must havhe somehow gotten her location by himself.

  17. And to think that Sola-Ui’s seiyuu would be this awesome. Her personality is awesome too.

    It’s the first time I actually witnessed Kirei almost capturing Maiya if she were not that fast. XD

    Speaking of which… I’m quite disappointed that—
    Show Spoiler ▼

    1. Show Spoiler ▼

    2. Unlike the other servants, Saber Show Spoiler ▼

    3. Bah, too much jargon in there.

      In layman’s terms,

      Show Spoiler ▼

  18. I suppose Sola-Ui supplies Lancer’s Mana in the old-fashioned way rather than the unorthodox way of “fluid exchange”. Though seeing as how Sola-Ui is enamoured by Lancer’s love charm, I get the feeling she probably wouldn’t mind supplying her mana to Lancer through that option as well. 😉


    The nervous look on Saber here concerning Iri’s reckless driving is just too funny. lol

    Kinny Riddle
  19. I can’t believe how Archer transforms from Hot in his golden armor to HOOTT in casual clothing without hair gel. Moreover how he manages to actually handle a conversation with the sharp-mouthed Kirei without getting mad and opening his gate of babylon especially when Kirei addresses him as a mere servant. Wow.
    I’m getting the vibe that Archer kind of want Kirei to betray Tokiomi, though.
    As for Sola-Ui (what’s with the elaborate name!?), maybe she is really attracted to Lancer, even without the love spot? I mean, come on. A legendary, hot knight versus a grumpy, annoying lecture (or teacher?). Kayneth seems to be a very capable magician, but he doesn’t seem to know how to utilize it, at least against Kiritsugu as shown in this episode.

  20. oh well…
    1.dropped a skyscraper on him 😛 Kiritsugu certainly does not hesitate to use biggest weapon available
    2.they never have found the body – unless Saber’s wound suddenly heals, I’d be wary of scratching off lancer – he might be trying to do a last stand even if his master(s) are dead and he is running out of prana?
    3.even evil (mage) has its standards – I assume Caster is going to be dead soon
    4.massively multiplayer conflict of interests – church and its judge of the war
    5.I completely understand Caster for once, for back then watching FSN I’ve mistaken Saber for Jeanne too, until her real self was shown.
    6.Gilgamesh the Epicurean and Kirei in search of a purpose – certainly an interesting duo to watch. Bonus points for Kirei for being able to spot Maya’s vantage point and using certain very familar weapon – it appears church has some standard armament training…

  21. god I cannot even describe how good this show is anymore. considering that I have watched fate stay night and I am aware of how this show will end, this show is incredibly intense and interesting.

    like I said from last time, Lancer’s legend is probably going to be repeated here. Kayneth is going to get jealous of Lancer probably and kill him. Maybe Sora-UI is going to die protecting him or something like that.

    On the short term I think Saber is going to kill Caster. she is the only one who can appropriately kill him; plus her would balances out the serial killer master who is probably a bad magi.

    Also I thought the terminology that permeates all Type-Moon franchise is called ‘origin’? That is at least what the wiki says.

  22. There’s one I realised about this series, that it’s really slow moving. Not in a bad way but it’s really well plotted. When I look in other series they’re like rushing it over. I really like this series.

    1. She also gets wounded by the cursed spear of a Lancer in both her first fights and mauled by Berserkers, and then there’s Gil. She was saved 3 times last Ep, it’s like she’s a magnet for bad luck.

      1. you’re forgetting she’s got ridiculous luck stats to begin with. She not only survives all of that, she comes out of it fighting. Any other servant (aside from maybe archer) would have eaten it after all of that.

  23. lol Iri’s expression while drifting is priceless. It was so out of place and unexpected.

    I do agree with Divine. Having Assassin as a servant would be much more fitting for Kiritsugu. But I guess if Kirei ended up with Saber, her and Gilgamesh probably would’ve been unstoppable as a combo.

    It was great seeing him blow up the hotel after Kayneth was bragging about all the magical defenses in the building. I’d feel bad for Kayneth if I didnt already know what he’ll be doing in the future. Lancer servants cant seem to catch a break. Honorably knight class always ending up with douchy masters.

  24. Judging by Irisviel’s reference car as toy,and the style of that cool car, I got the feeling that Kiritsugu had spoiled her rotten, no wonder Ilya become like that in Fate Stay Night….
    Also, did Iri had a driver license in that place?

  25. Great Ep. It looks like everything is established and we now know what really happened and how it continue to Fate/Stay.

    Btw Divine any chance you could add an edit button if it is not too much trouble. I made so many mistake due to my crappy keyboard. I know there is a preview button but you know how it is quick typing simple mistakes.

  26. It kinda sucks that this episode totally missed out on some important details such as how Kiritsugu was ruminating on how he had gotten soft when he was looking at the mother-child pair after the bombing. In the past, he would have BOMBED the entire building even with the people in it to get rid of Kayneth.

    Awesome drifting XD. Even the Mighty Saber was looking worried there

    1. I don’t know, but I guess they will cover it later, same like…for example,when they skipped a very important thing in prologue, when the story told that Ilya is a homonculus. They told it in the next few episodes

  27. Like what Lancer said about himself, his mole is a double-edged sword. It’s quite jarring that he didn’t even bother to take precautions against his mole, like perhaps, wearing an Assassin mask? He unintentionally raised the flag for more problems…

  28. After this episode, I pitied Kayneth a lot. The reasons:

    1. He was jeered by Rider and Sola-Ui even though he’s pragmatic as a magician (not revealing his identity unless necessary).
    2. He couldn’t kill Saber off like he had wanted, despite after wasting a precious command seal and acquiring the aid of the Berserker.
    3. His much elaborated trap in the hotel, which was his pride, was denied crushingly by a even more pragmatic Kiritsugu, and that’s after he had proclaimed superiority in his magic.
    4. Sola-Ui, perhaps the only one he couldn’t hold his head against, became infatuated with Lancer, who somehow hadn’t bothered to deal with his mole.

  29. Why Shiro Emiya not like his dad? With his power to craft, he could have easily make bombs and just troll his way to righteous victory in the 5th Grail war.

    The only similarity I can see between Shiro and Kiritsugu is how they have two women by their side… and Saber.

    In other news:

    Kayneth and Sola are gone. Just like that. NTR’d husband and wavering wife dies in implosion.

    Iris is a secret character for Initial D 4th Stage

    BlueBeard! Wrong game!

    The Moondoggie
    1. Correction: Shirou had four women by his side(if to count a certain Servant in HF route).

      Also participants had 50 years to prepare for 4th war.

      The fifth happened after only 10, with all families yet to recover, most of successors still teenagers and town still not completely rebuilt.

      Also shirou’s psychological state would not let him do those things. He had an entirelly different goal at the start of the game than Kiritsugu did(that is, to be able to emulate the happiness Kiritsugu seemingly felt having saved Shirou). Then there’s also the fact that Shirou did not really know THIS Kiritsugu. The Kiritsugu Shirou met was kinder, more “broken” man and Shirou tried to emulate that man’s ideals throughout he game, taking different approaches to that in every route.

      Nevertheless, I’d say Shirou was just as smart, capable of planning quite intricate plans of action in the middle of battle (hence what eventually led to eye of truth in future shirou). I’d say “Mind of Steel” ending shirou is arguably more ruthless than Kiritsugu.

  30. It’s funny because Sola has the magical power capable of resisting Lancers love spot. The only way it would work on her is if she let it work on herself.

    Also Gil has a drinking problem. So much alcohol.

  31. So, Saber just gives away her true identity to the slimeball Caster, but not to Lancer who she respects? VAT.
    Still, good episode. I’m definitely going to rewatch FSN before FZ 2. I’ve forgotten almost all of it. It would be so sick if FSN got an ufotable remake.
    And I know this isn’t new, but Kirei’s Araya Souren voice is just amazing. Bring on the KnK similarities!

    1. She named herself out of her code of honor because Bluebeard has named himself before her.

      Lancer did not. They found out each other’s identity through their battle regardless.

    1. Fate is quite popular in Japan so Im sure it’ll do well. Hell, look at the quality.

      Unfortunately I dont share the same sentiment for Heavens Feel. A lot of people calls it the best route in the VN but I think its the worst. It was just so boring for 50% of the entire route and only got interesting when Kirei went GAR and the climax.

      Fate/Hollow Ataraxia would be what I’d rather see next on the list. UBW wont happen because they made a movie out of it rather than a series.

      1. I told you my reason for hating that route is because it was boring. 80% of the entire route was listening to Sakura whining.

        As I said, it didnt get good till Kirei started taking action and the climax of the route. Everything else was either listening to Sakura crying nonstop or watching every single servant getting shafted with no action or spotlight.

        So why would I want to watch it animated when half the episodes will be watching Shirou telling Sakura to lay down in bed? Yeah ok…

  32. Iskandar never cease to amaze me…..it is interesting to see him trying to fit-in in the modern world. I LOL when he is willing to battle a Servant just so he can get his XXXL pants and with such a serious face too!
    I like the battle music this time, it tops all the others so far, and it really gets me in the mood. Lancer and Saber is going to kick ass.
    However, the cliffhanger kills me, why, WHY?! WHY does it has to end when Kiritsugu is about to fire?!
    Again, the animation is wonderful as always.
    Also, why did Kiritsugu call out his name before shooting? Isn’t it easier to just shoot? The waiting is painful….


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