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「New World phase.1」
To put it simply, wars have been a major part of human history—fought for a multitude of reasons. Even now, there are battles being fought as we speak, the omnipresent specter of war still present through the ages. That much hasn’t changed. But as a quote from Metal Gear Solid touches upon perfectly:
“War (itself) has changed”
It’s true. Weapons and methodologies have changed—getting more lethal, more controlled, and de-emphasizing the human element. More importantly, privatization of various aspects have also begun to rise as private military contractors (companies) begin taking on more roles (see Blackwater in Iraq).
As we enter what looks to be the climax of Jormungand, we’re finally seeing the entirety of what this series was about all along: a commentary on wars, the weapons that sustain them, and how its change effects the world.
And with Kasper’s unveiling of HCLI’s Hekmatyar Global Grid system, not only do we see HCLI’s plan… we see the ultimate example of the privatization I mentioned previously, as well as what I can only describe as a commentary on a future we may face ourselves. Needless to say, it’s some darn powerful stuff. I mean, the notion itself—the complete privatization and monopolization of war—is the definition of grandiose, perhaps to a point where one can argue it dabbles into megalomania. Furthermore, it’s a system that pretty much eliminates any possible competition in terms of arms dealing against HCLI and will forcibly usher in a “new era” of sorts.
tl;dr – HCLI was already in the sights of a variety of adversaries to begin with, but this pretty much puts them in the sights of every single military in the world, every arms dealer and/or anyone else that dabbles in anything relating to war. As such, people will now either want in on the pie (Trovosky) or die trying to ensure HCLI can’t establish (or maintain) the system. Combined with people like Bookman who want to take advantage of the system for himself… and it makes for some darn intriguing future developments as all these respective powers try to assert their domination over war (and in ways, the entire world).
And as we’re on this topic, I must say that this was one of those developments entire series can revolve around. But as Jormungand shows once again, it’s no ordinary series. Because in the end, despite this huge development, the Hek-GG system isn’t even the biggest aspect of this episode, let alone the series! Rather, this distinction goes to the plan that shares this series’ name: Jormungand. The specific details are tantalizing as usual, but as Koko and Dr. Miami say, the final stages are approaching. And considering how despite the scope of the Hek-GG system, Koko isn’t the least bit interested, one really has to wonder what could possibly top the former. Whatever it is though, it wouldn’t be a exaggeration to say that its proper development and execution could lead to one of the best endings of any series this year.
Looking forward, there’s just a lot to like in terms of potential, and it’ll be a damn wild ride coming up. I knew from the start the second season was going to top the first… but I never could’ve expected this! Sadly though, as per usual, another week puts itself in between us and the next episode, which can’t come soon enough at this rate. It will be a whole “New World” indeed.
Some other key points:
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great episode. First
Finally, we’re getting some exposition on “Jormungand”.
I’m excited to see what Koko’s and Dr. Minami’s “plan-within-a-plan” really is… or rather, if it will eventually pit them against HCLI.
I’d kill to see a head-to-head between Kasper and Koko 🙂 Valmet and Chiquita XD
And of course, Jonah as a character is an exceptional juxtaposition of childish innocence and real world problems. His innate inquisitiveness coupled with his lack of general knowledge of “global politics/logistics” makes him the perfect POV for the audience XD
I’m so happy that animes such as Jormungand and Black Lagoon are being addressed. The world really is a big place and sometimes it takes a stark picture to “enlighten” people about it (especially those living in the first world).
Whatever it is it is bigger than trying to get monopoly on supplying wars everywhere.
A plan to end all wars, by enforcing some sort of PAX KOKO?
Satelites might be some sort of death ray?
That fight between Karen and Milde, especially when the song started really made my day. Nothing like beating each other “close” to death after eating sushi. (n_n’)
also does that mean Karen is a DFC? hehe looks like Dr. Miami is fine with it.
Lastly, the preview gives us a bit more information about koko, and maybe a bit more about the “plan”, if the words in there are any indication.
this “friendly fight” reminded me of Revy Vs Roberta in BL…
So I guess the system of Skynet has been setup and all that’s left is the killer robots?
Just as absurd as that, yes…but then again, that’s what makes it awesome, though…;)
the good doctor is working on it… on it “toy robot” factory…
so which series T you want…
I guess I’ll have to be the first on to use the word “Planception”. Finally getting a glimpse of the plan called Jormungand, seems like we’re getting some real action any time soon.
But what will it be?
What a preposterous notion. A premise that is conducive to Jormungand’s staple of high-octane spectacle, I’m sure, but one with very little basis in reality. The rise of Private Military Contractors (PMCs) and their sometimes controversial actions during recent wars has spawned an immense amount of international public furor on the matter calling for the strict regulation of the industry so as to prevent human rights abuses; a slew of academic papers were released during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan emphasizing the need to put a leash on PMCs. Due to acute public sensitivity on the matter, should human rights abuses by PMCs ever become widespread, it is far more plausible to believe that individual governments and the international community would bring the hammer down hard rather than allow things to spiral of control. And as for the monopolization of war by a single PMC and/or defense contractor, I don’t believe that it would be feasible even under existing anti-trust legislation; that any PMC/defense contractor would be allowed to succeed at establishing a monopoly at all is doubtful- and even if one is somehow formed, the FTC would break it apart almost immediately by mandating divestiture.
I love Jormungand as much as any other person, but I love it for what it is- that is, a solid high-octane action-adventure with protagonists of dubious morality. It is a fantastical rendition of a worst-case scenario world where conflict and arms proliferation have gone Guyver, and the kinds of people who would be at the helm of such a world- rather than any semblance of a reflection of reality. It emphasizes the importance of controlling war and its implements by showing us the dystopia that results when regulations and enforcement are inadequate, conveying its message (quite brilliantly) through the contrast of the absurd (against reality). Viewers would do well to remember that Jormungand is not meant to be a depiction of the author’s vision of our future; rather it is an artistic implement meant to incite an emotional response through the dramatic presentation of an unlikely disaster scenario, with the ultimate hope being to spur concrete action towards building a better tomorrow…
Uhh yeah, I think you took my quote a bit too seriously there. I merely mentioned a potential future, rather than “likely” or “future will happen” eh. I do know it’s unlikely, but it’s not necessarily impossible. The point is there are some of the elements of a changing battlefield present in the world that are present in Jormungand. And if there is some scenario where the government and various institutions fall apart… you just don’t know what could happen.
You say “artistic implement” rather than “vision of the future,” but when you mention “dramatic presentation of an unlikely disaster scenario,” does that not equate to a presentation of a potential future?
Anyway, the point is, I see where you’re going, but I just feel that the vision and artistic implement are one and the same in this case. The rest of the points I don’t disagree with, but the key distinction for me is that unlikely is not impossible.
Umm, I did say “unlikely” so I think we actually do agree on this matter. Nothing’s impossible after all, though I think we all agree that a world like Jormungand’s has an attenuated basis in reality at best (i.e. Is unlikely given current socio-political paradigms). It is preposterous in the sense that the probability of it actually occurring is very tiny. What I wrote was simply meant to be a general cautionary note against sensationalism which dismisses any notion that such a future is likely.
You misunderstand me, perhaps this was due to a lack of semantical clarity on my part; if so I apologize. What I meant to say by writing “the author’s vision of our future” was that the author doesn’t necessarily think that our world is headed in that direction. “Vision” here refers to the future that the author actually thinks current paradigms are liable to produce, i.e. the author is playing Moses and prophesying something- this tends to be reflected far more often in works of fiction that tread more closely with the likely products of current socio-political paradigms, works like Michael Crichton’s Next– rather than in more fantastical works like Jormungand. Certainly, the scenarios depicted in stories like Jormungand are possible futures, but they remain unlikely- and as such it is improbable that the author actually intended his/her story to be a vision/prophecy of the what our world will likely become in the near future. In other words, the author doesn’t necessarily think that what he wrote is actually going to happen, he/she is simply writing it as an artistic implement that evokes a positive emotional response from the reader/viewer by presenting to them the ugly, but unlikely extremes. The audience would do well to be mindful of this fact and not take such stories too seriously so that they do not fall into the opposite extreme of sensationalism and the dangers associated with it. As lorenzo89er said above, “…fiction is fiction and this is definitely more fantastical than reality lol.”- and audiences would do well for themselves to remember that…
Although actually when you think about it, the system they’re describing here is far more similar to what is actually going on with privatization in the security sector as a whole. Contrary to the publicity given to PMC’s like XE/Blackwater, logistics NOT combat/security is the area where the vast majority of privatization has occurred. In fact, things like food, basic communications, and other supplies have already been largely privatized at least in the US context. For example a company like Haliburton far dwarfs the revenues of most combat-oriented PMSC’s combined. At least in this regard this piece of fiction is admirably true-to-life and realistic.
Compare this with something like MGS4 where PMC’s are absurdly powerful to levels far far beyond anything we see today. Still, fiction is fiction and this is definitely more fantastical than reality lol.
PMCs can be a bane or a boon depending on how one uses them . Its more cost effective to just hire PMCs for logistics and training , since you only pay them , when you need them . As opposed to paying upkeep. I see PMCs as either a sword or a shield , all boils down to how one will use them.
Which is why I caution against sensationalism. Sensationalistic, extreme views of PMCs as amoral “mercenaries” or “Nazis” may very well lead to over-regulation of the industry to the point where this benefit of reduced costs is lost…
True arms merchants are as different from Jormungand portrayal as are pirates from BL…
nation states have pretty much monopoly on the big guns, since Louis 14th wrote on his siege canons “Ultima Ratio Regis” and brought down rebellious nobles castles.
TL;DR – anime =/= reality
So can anyone explain how Hek GG is supposed to work? Sure they got satellites, but that’s not especially revolutionary. Are they going to orbital drop supplies in, or something?
It’s revolutionary because they have a comprehensive satellite system that spans the entire globe. It allows for real-time tracking and monitoring of virtually every possible route for naval shipment and other details that enable HCLI to deliver supplies anywhere, anytime, and catered to any conflict scope.
Basically, HCLI can provide infinite supply lines to any military/PMC that’s fighting, which makes it vital that you either join them or stop them, or you’ll be outsupplied and thus outmatched at every turn if you’re fighting against someone who is being supplied by HCLI. Also, because no other arms dealer has this capability, this pretty much puts them out of business and gives HCLI a “monopoly on war” and its various profits, hence also the “new era.”
My understanding was that it isn’t revolutionary in the sense of it being a novel new technology, in actuality it is very similar to currently available SAT-NAV technologies. (It’s essentially the same thing as GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and COMPASS.). What is revolutionary about it is that it is the first ever globally comprehensive SAT-NAV network that is fully owned and operated by a private, non-governmental entity, that is HCLI- giving them free rein to use it as they please without any feature restrictions for reasons of “national security” or competition for bandwidth with the general public, and most importantly, with minimal governmental oversight…
I understood it as a comprehensive tracking and orbital drop system. They’re not monopolizing the industry, per se, but they’re going to be the ONLY ones able to get your weapons to you at lightning speed.
Which would revolutionize the industry to such an extent that suddenly Koko’s declaration she’s aiming for world peace doesn’t seem such bull anymore. Because if ~anyone~ can get weapons in a matter of hours, conflicts MUST be OVER in that timeframe, lest the opponent restocks and starts a real attrition war. The mere possiblity of this would dissude alot of military operations due to potential losses no longer being merely a possibility, but a certainty.
the best part:
Scarecrow just called Bookman, Fatman!!!!..that was hilarious!XDD
That was great, but we also can’t forget about Koko groping Valmet, once again. 😀
Did anyone listen carefully to Koko and Dr. Miami’s conversation? Only the two of them know Koko’s (their) plan.
I take that to mean that even Koko’s brother doesn’t know what
is — anyone feel the same on this?I also wonder, if there’ll be a conflict between them when he learns the details surrounding
?Yup, definitely seems like he doesn’t know at this point, which just makes it even more intriguing how it works out. 😀
it does my heart good when my small motherland is getting a bit of publicity. Welcome to the Philippines Kasper!
We straddle vital shipping lanes in S.E Asia ,so Im pretty sure HCLI has offices in the Makati business district lol.
A weapons expo in our country without leftist protesters outside? I think not!
Yeah I wonder that it can happen with them human rights activists camping out and protest…
…Bespectacled Kayneth El Melloi in the preview? XD
Aren’t they talking about 125 satellites up in orbit in this episode? I thought the launch we saw a few eps back was the 126th. I wonder if that will have any significance.
One satellite to rule them all? (Insert LOTR reference here). You’ll note one of them had Jormungand written on it… Hmmmm.
Yes yes yes! Tell me more about the new world Koko is going to make! MWAHAHAHAH.
Is it just me or is Hinoki(?) now working for the NSA? (From what I saw, anyway.)
He is now.
Quoting/paraphrasing Zephyr:
With the Hekmatyar Global Grid in place, people will now either:
– want in on the pie
– die trying to ensure HCLI can’t establish (or maintain) the system
– want to take advantage of the system for themselves
Then, where exactly does Hinoki fit into?
Good question. Really would depend on what the trump card is, because depending on what it is, it could fit in any of the three. NSA sure seems hell bent to destroy/prevent though.
Considering how Hinoki ordered his SR Team to start a fight with HCLI (knowing the SR Team will lose) and knowing his rep as a spymaster, I can’t help but wonder what exactly is his trump card. Or what’s his overall plan, for that matter. He’s just the type of guy who has “plans within plans,” so to speak. I guess we’ll find out in the remaining episodes?
I also had this thought: The last time we saw Hinoki, he was somewhere in the Bahamas with his wife and child after the SR Team was annihilated. He could have finally walked away from the “world” he used to live in, but I guess he just can’t resist playing the game of espionage.
Great starter for a grand arc.
A special mention should also go out to Trohovsky’s body guard, who immediately snuffed out the cigarette he just lit as soon as he realized Jonah was around. If that’s not gentlemanly conduct, I dunno what is!
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so koko & dr.miami still on working on the “plan” yet also unveil a toy robot factory building which cia people hmm still wonder koko’s “plan”?
then dr.miami has visit from ccat people that want get in “plan” while karen fighting mildo still miami keep it quiet & karen beat up mildo.
koko has meet trohovshi give also want know what is koko’s “plan” yet while kasper reveal something called Hek-GG got cia & others “hmm” yet koko still keep her “plan” quiet.
Also, regarding “on time supplies delivery” – it won’t work for the military… they dont need economic efficiency, they need having too much just in case, and even then Murphy and enemies have their say… Brits at Isandhlawana thought they can deliver ammo this way, see
how it ended :p
revolutionize warfare? oh cmon, thats a dead give away, koko and minami are trying to build the ironman suit…