「ブランニュー・ハート」 (Buran’nyuu Haato)
“Brand New Heart”

Training time and swimsuit time, with old friends and new alike. Mostly old, though.

Training Time

There’s not a lot to say about this episode. It was a training episode, and more characters were reintroduced, and that took up most of the runtime. It wasn’t bad, by any means, it’s just that the main appeal was the nostalgia fuel of having more time with Erio and Caro, having Fate-mama return, etc. I do like how having Einhart around gives the story an excuse to reintroduce these old characters, otherwise it’d be forced.

The water cutting was nice, because it cleanly demonstrated the girls’ comparative power levels, and because it showed that Nove is still the boss. So don’t get cocky just because you got a good hit or two in back in episode two, Einhart! Plus, seeing Fate and Tea exhausted and Vivio and Einhart sore from overwork … I feel you! I so feel you! Onii-chan needs to get back in shape Orz

Vivio Claims Her Waifu

It was inevitable, but Vivio has gone ahead and claimed her waifu. It’s nice that they didn’t waste any time moving those two forward on the friendship track, even if Einhart’s thought about how ancient martial arts and modern combat arts can’t walk together elicited an instant “Why not?” from me. I’ll assume there’s something I don’t know about that yet, and leave it as the foreshadowing it probably is.

tl;dr: @StiltsOutLoud – Training & swimsuit episode. Old friends are back, while Vivio claims her future waifu #nanohavivid 04

Random thoughts:

  • No matter what, Nanoha is always Nanoha. She’s always excited by maximum power!
  • I smiled when Lutecia (Kuwatani Natsuko) made a point of saying she’s the same age as Erio and Caro, and then she went off with the kids while Erio and Caro went with Nanoha and the adults. They may be the same age, but they’re not the same life stage. Erio and Caro will forever belong to the Greatest [Magical] Generation. SO MUCH NOSTALGIA!

My first novel, Wage Slave Rebellion, is available now. (More info—now available in paperback!) Sign up for my email list for a FREE sequel short story. Over at stephenwgee.com, the last four posts: Pricing: Ebooks and print, Happiness is low overhead, People as things, and Cut away the boring bits.

Full-length images: 22.




  1. They screwed this up:

    Those numbers at the top and the letter grades beside them are a measure of placement, so a lower number means a higher placement and a better score (the opposite from the grades displayed underneath them which follow a more traditional grading method). With 87th place out of 235, Corona had the lowest rank and thus has B-ranked physical capabilities. Vivio places 22 out of 235, and has A-ranked physical abilities. Rio ranks 3 out of 235, and is supposed to be listed as having S-ranked physical abilities, but they screwed up her letter and displayed it as an E instead.

    I smiled when Lutecia (Kuwatani Natsuko) made a point of saying she’s the same age as Erio and Caro, and then she went off with the kids while Erio and Caro went with Nanoha and the adults. They may be the same age, but they’re not the same life stage. Erio and Caro will forever belong to the Greatest [Magical] Generation. SO MUCH NOSTALGIA!

    Well Erio and Caro have already gone through Nanoha’s training from hell in the past, and have been on some form of active duty ever since. Lutecia may be the same age as them, but she’s a civilian who’s never gone through any form of the military’s regimented training, let alone Nanoha’s, so if she’d tried going with the adults she’d almost certainly have been face-down passed-out a good 2 or 3 miles further back on the track than everyone else.

    1. Then again, Lutecia was a terrorist, so she’s no push-over either. Sure that’s not the same as White Devil’s training from Hell, but I would say it’s close enough =3

      Speaking of Lulu, it’s amazing what having a mother around and not being some sort of test subject / child soldier for a mad scientist does to a growing girl. Having the whole Nanoha cast around probably helped too.

      1. Oh Lulu’s in good shape, certainly. I don’t mean to suggest otherwise. But being in good shape isn’t necessarily the same as being able to handle the sort of hardcore training that Nanoha likes to use. Certainly she’d be ahead of anyone who wasn’t in shape, but she’d generally be behind people who are used to those sorts of workouts, even if they don’t do them as regularly as Subaru and Nanoha.

    2. @ Wanderer

      I wasn’t surprised that Erio and Caro weren’t with the kids, or Lutecia wasn’t with the adults. I was just pointing out that they’re on different life stages, which is why those seemingly contradictory facts jive. Erio and Caro are adults, for all intents and purposes, even if they’re also 14.

      1. True ’nuff. You’ll see more of that as we go along, too, assuming they don’t cut her scenes out, and depending on how far we get. My impression of Lutecia is someone who is a bit more mature than the ten-year-olds who make up most of our crew of youngsters, but who is unquestionably still very much a child.

        And, on a bit of a tangent, I can’t begrudge her that. She had much of her childhood stolen from her unfairly. If she has healed enough to be able to reclaim some of it now, where’s the harm? 14 isn’t so old that she can’t still be a kid if she wants to be. (I realize you weren’t arguing against any of those points, but once I finished the first part of this post it just naturally flowed on into the second.)

    3. Lutecia may be the same age as them, but she’s a civilian who’s never gone through any form of the military’s regimented training, let alone Nanoha’s

      You don’t know that.

      After all Lutecia built the training courses. And reinforced the guest house. Which may also imply that someone (probably Wendy) had a World of Cardboard moment last time round.

      Nanoha, and various members of RF6 and N2R are implied to come here and train regularly. [Plus we see Lutecia in her barrier jacket in the Urban training Area with the rest of the older than 12 characters in the OP.]

      1. *pokes* In point of fact I do have a fair amount of knowledge of what Lulu has been up to in the past four in-universe years. I also know what physical abilities she has, because I’ve seen her demonstrate them. And I know why she’s shown wearing her barrier jacket. I stand by my comment.

      2. On Lutecia being a Civilian….

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        On Lutecia’s personality shift:
        I wonder whether Lutecia’s personality shift is a deliberate attempt to distance herself from her childhood before age 10.

        And going with the rest of the children, I think illustrates that Lutecia’s determined to enjoy what’s left of her childhood properly, and as completely as possible, having been denied and robbed of a normal childhood until four years ago.

    4. BTW, Rio’s grade is S but in a confusing font. The same letter is used in other places an s would make sense.
      Unless they were given grades in “phyeical” and “majy ebjecte”, of course.

      1. Yeha, someone pointed that out to me elsewhere. My mistake.

        …Think I can shift this into a rant about how they shouldn’t have used such a weird font in the first place and thus it’s still all their fault? 😉

  2. Excited for the next few episodes.
    If i recall correctly there will soon be a
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    Hopefully A-1 Pictures can capture the magic scale that seven arcs did for their Dog Days & nanoha series.

  3. Rio ranks 3 out of 235, and is supposed to be listed as having S-ranked physical abilities, but they screwed up her letter and displayed it as an E instead.

    Nope, that’s S. Check the word “Physical” just above the ranking line. The character used for ‘s’ in Physical is same as the one used for ‘S’ ranking.

    Whether that was intentional (since they’re using Midchildan writing system, which I’m not familiar with) or a mistake on English writing by swapping ‘E’ for ‘S’, the character usage is at the very least consistent so it’s not a mistake on that part.


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