「終わりの朝」 (Owari no Asa)
“Morning of The End”

Even though there wasn’t all that much that happened throughout this week’s episode, I’m glad that the debate has been settled on screen once and for all.

General Impressions

For those of you who have been trying to blissfully live in a world where you believed that Astolfo wasn’t a guy — sorry, not sorry. Because out of everything that I wanted from this show, a hilarious moment revolving around Astolfo revealing his gender to someone who didn’t know was near the top of the list. The metaphorical cherry on top though had to be how Ruler of all people didn’t know Astolfo’s true gender. As the “third” party who already knows who everyone is (and I’m assuming what their powers generally are), how in the world did she not know that Astolfo was a guy?

Funny moments aside, let’s take a second to talk about Caules and Fiore’s moment together. Out of everything that’s happened thus far in the show, I have to give it to the story for making me care just enough about Yggdmillennia that I don’t want all of them dying. Ever since their introduction, I think it’s been fairly clear that they’re not these “bad guys” that they were painted to be. Compared to the things we’ve seen (plus any prior knowledge you have of the Fate series), Yggdmillennia could be considered saints. And the thing is, once you start looking at them in a positive light, you can’t help but root for them. They’ve lost a majority of their servants, their physical home is in ruins, a bunch of their family is dead, and the head of the family ended up biting the dust after going crazy and having his essence absorbed by his servant; only to then get quickly destroyed by Team Red. All of which leads to this week’s episode where you want to believe in them, but have to question their decisions. Why give the crest to Caules if he’s also headed out to battle? Why transfer crests at all if Fiore is still going into battle? If the crest provides a benefit to your overall magic output, why doesn’t the person with the servant have it? All questions that I’m hoping we get a really good answer for soon since it’s going to drive me nuts if we don’t before those two bite the dust. (On a totally separate side note though, I’m also down for an ending where Gordes ends up being the only one left and ends up living a good life teaching the homunculi how to live life and ends up being like a derpy father figure to them)

Closing things out, it was rather nice of the show to finish things up with Mordred. Seeing how she (or Shishigou) hasn’t had much time to even speak recently, it’s great to see that she’s starting to grow up a little. While her brash attitude and RBF may contest to that, there was this fuzzy feeling building up in me as she realized that Shishigou was giving her some great advice and that she was too embarrassed to admit it. Anyways, I’ll catch you guys next, next week since I believe we’re getting a recap episode. Until then, have a great Thanksgiving (sorry Canada) and I’ll see you guys then!

Full-length images: 9.


  1. Official relationship chart for Fate/Apocrypha

    Sieg ↔ Astolfo “Trust and mutual dependence.”
    Sieg ← Astolfo “Willing to help him out whenever he needs” & “Romantic love ♥”
    Sieg → Jeanne “Love…?”
    Sieg ← Jeanne “Pledge to protect” & “Romantic love ♥.”
    Sieg ← Siegfried “Sacrifices itself to save the boy.”
    Sieg ↔ Shirou “Enemies.”
    Sieg ← Celenike “Jealousy, envy and hatred.”
    Sieg ← Avicebron “Wanting to use him as his Golem’s ‘core’.”
    Astolfo ← Celenike “Please pardon me.”
    Astolfo ← Celenike “Obsessive–compulsive disorder.”
    Jeanne → Red and black faction “Supervisor”.
    Spartacus → Avicebron “Captured by.”
    Atalanta → Achilles “Don’t call me ‘Big Sister’.”
    Achilles → Atalanta “Likes to call her Big Sister.”
    Achilles ↔ Chiron “Has a connection in their past.”
    Siegfried → Gordes “Obeys.”
    Gordes → Siegfried = “Distrust.”
    Mordred ↔ Kairi “Trust & mutual dependence.”
    Mordred → Semiramis “Distrust.”
    Kairi → Shirou “Distrust.”
    Shakespeare “Forever alone.”
    Shirou ↔ Semiramis “Mutual cooperation.”
    Karna → Siegfried “wanting/swearing to battle him again.”
    Avicebron → Roche “Sees him as a student.”
    Roche → Avicebron “Respect.”

  2. http://images.randomc.net/Fate%20Apocrypha/Fate%20Apocrypha%20-%2019%20-%20Large%2010.jpg
    Pffft, I KNEW IT! Jeanne did NOT know that Sieg’s Rider is a boy!!!! Jeanne has a “True Name Discernment” not a “True Gender Discernment.” I can’t blame Jeanne for NOT thinking that Astolfo is a male; even if it is well known that Astolfo is a guy, in Astolfo’s legend, if I was a Ruler, and I see “King Arthur” Xuanzang, Ushiwakamaru, Minamoto no Yorimitsu, and all those gender swapped Servants, I would be Extremely CONFUSED.

    Curious question. I heard that Magic Circuits reside within the magus’s soul, yet it is possible for Fiore to walk if her Magic Circuits are removed. How many ways are there to tamper with one’s soul exactly in regards to Magic Circuits? And what can you do with Magic Circuits? In Shiro Emiya’s case, I know he “fed” Saber his magic circuits yet I am curious if Shirou, since he got into so many fights and got stabbed a lot, if his Magic Circuits got damaged in any way. Not to mention Kairi Sisigou makes his weapons from the corpse of dead magus so I imagine that Magic Circuits can still stay in a dead body even of the soul passed on.

    On the side note, so the Black Team has a plane, gee…..why didn’t they get tanks or firearms?! Meh

      1. @7jaws7
        I see, thanks.

        BTW, I read the wiki, and it says that Caules dislikes his sister and his natural enemy is apparently his sister. Why is that exactly? Caules seems to have a positive relationship with Fiore from my observation.

      2. But as you well know appearances can be deceiving.
        What Caules really feels about Fiore it’s jealousy and envy of her and his ability, talent and position as a Magus as well as his inborn talent to magic.
        In the history of humanity the talented, smart, skilled people were always the natural enemies of the failed, untalented and loser people like Caules.

    1. I never understood why they are a thing when they’ve haven’t really done much together. On the other hand, Astolfo and Sieg have built a strong relationship to one another and has one of the best Master and Servant relationship of the franchise.

  3. http://images.randomc.net/Fate%20Apocrypha/Fate%20Apocrypha%20-%2019%20-%20Large%2011.jpg
    Jack’s arc has deeply affected Sieg and Atalanta.

    Sieg began to doubt the reality of mankind after seen through the dark side of human nature that includes pain, misery, suffering and cruelty which were shown on the Jack’s twisted manifestation.
    What made me sad and angry was the fact that one of the major plot points which affects directly the major decision taken by a character in this show has been completely ignored by our disgusting blogger for the simple fact of hating the character concerned, to the point of shitting it in episode 17 topic and completely ignoring it in the episode 19 discussion topic.

    Jannu finally discovered that Astofos is a guy.

  4. http://images.randomc.net/Fate%20Apocrypha/Fate%20Apocrypha%20-%2019%20-%20Large%2020.jpg
    Jack’s arc has deeply affected Sieg and Atalanta.

    Sieg began to doubt the reality of mankind after seen through the dark side of human nature that includes pain, misery, suffering and cruelty which were shown on the Jack’s twisted manifestation. What made me sad and angry was the fact that one of the major plot points which affects directly the major decision taken by a character in this show has been completely ignored by our blogger for the simple fact of hating the character concerned, to the point of shitting it in episode 17 topic and completely ignoring it in the episode 19 discussion topic.

    Jannu finally discovered that Astofos is a guy.

      1. Of that I have no doubt. And you don’t have to be a genius to understand that he is a huge hardcore megane-kun fanboy too. The amount of screenshots and attention he gives to this character that It’s not even relevant to the main plotline or even a main character is literally ridiculous and nonsensical.
        Maybe we should just make the same thing that people have made in the episode 7 topic, where they all pooped him out and posted spoilers.

    1. I said this before, No one cares about Takaii or his bullshit, people stop taking them seriously after episode 5.

      Scum like that doesn’t deserve anyone’s attention, you should just ignore them, and move on.

    2. I’ll let you know that my brain is perfectly working at a full 49.5%.

      Seriously though, the focus on Sieg’s character development is something that does absolutely nothing for me — which is probably why I forgot to talk about it. Had he not turned into a Heroic Spirit and helped destroy the literal embodiment of “creation”, sure I can see him having the time to question his existence and whether or not he “likes” mankind. But like it or not, he’s become an integral part of this Greater Holy Grail War and he’s already made a commitment to act on behalf of Team Black. That and there’s been so little substance behind his sudden revelation that there wasn’t much of an impact (at least on me).

      At this point I’m more interested in how Jack’s death affected Atlanta — but not by much since I’m still questioning where the stoic and confident Archer from earlier in the season went. Again, her shift to this depressed and brooding person after 1 short flashback isn’t a good enough explanation for me.

      1. As shown by her hilariously chuuni arm of darkness back in episode 18, she’s kind of maybe a teensy bit possessed by residual curse-babies from Jack, thus ramping up her fury and hatred. As a Heroic Spirit she’d normally be able to shrug such curses off easily, but she doesn’t want to since she’s still torn up about Jack getting obliterated.

      2. @Takaii I really don’t feel like talking on this matter, but their publications get worse every week and there’s no way this isn’t on purpose.
        It seems like you’re watching a completely different show than other people. Nothing you say makes the slightest bit of sense.

        Look, I’m going to give you some advice.
        How about if you publish only the episodes name and screenshots.
        So you would spare us from reading their pointless bullshit.

        You ought to think about that, bro.

    3. How about if you publish only the episodes name and screenshots.
      So you would spare us from reading their pointless bullshit.

      I sincerely hope that this will happen sooner, rather than later.

      1. Show Spoiler ▼

      2. Show Spoiler ▼

  5. >how in the world did she not know that Astolfo was a guy?

    How? The answer you can see in illustration of novels. It’s kind of meta thing, so it’s little problematic to adapt that into anime, but essentially this is what Ruler see when she looks at statistics of normal servant:
    And this is what she see when she looks at Astolpho’s statistics:
    Simply put, Astolpho somehow found way how hitjack his own statistics and hide information about his real gender.

    1. From what I know about the Light Novel, the tome that Astolfo possesses has the capability to obfuscate his own statistics, regardless if it is a Ruler-class servant or any master who knows Astolfo’s name (especially for Sieg) who is seeing said statistics.

      1. Astolfo
        Height/Weight: 164cm・56kg
        Source: Carolingian Cycle
        Region: France
        Alignment: Chaotic Good
        Gender: ???
        By demand of the concerned person, the gender is being kept a secret.
        Astolfo is different. (S)he has an ambiguous gender to fill everyone’s fetish. (S)he could be a boy, a girl, a futa/hermaphrodite or anything you like.

  6. http://images.randomc.net/Fate%20Apocrypha/Fate%20Apocrypha%20-%2019%20-%20Large%2036.jpg
    Saber written in red, ah yes, I can understand how this would anger the Red Team since their Saber betrayed them. No shock for them due to how they had the Knight of treachery.

    on the side note, as for shakespeare, I wonder why does he stick to some old fashion pen? I would prefer a ballpoint pen or use the typewriter that he has lazing around. Meh, I guess being old fashion is the best for him.

    1. I note that Kairi Sisigou was actually servicing a decommissioned Romanian MiG-21 LanceR.

      Never that that he would know how to pilot military jet fighters.

      It’s also quite cheeky for Mordred to spray paint her class name on that plane, though, seeing that she does not like the name given to the Romanian variant of the MiG-21 Fishbed. Have to wonder if this is also an unintentional reference to the early cold war era F-86 Sabre…

      1. What’s Mordred’s gender?
        Nasu: “Mordred is a boy, definitely. A man with that sort of outward appearance is… well, I guess a certain kind of person would consider it a prize, anyway. (laughs)”

        The Knight of Treachery (叛逆の騎士, Hangyaku no Kishi?), and the “son” of King Arthur, He is actually a man with feminine appearance despite being raised as the secret male heir to the throne.

  7. http://images.randomc.net/Fate%20Apocrypha/Fate%20Apocrypha%20-%2019%20-%20Large%2013.jpg

    Wow, a G-rated magic crest transfer. Compare that to UBW’s “increased skin contact required” crest transfer. LOL

    I have to give it to the story for making me care just enough about Yggdmillennia that I don’t want all of them dying.

    It helps that the ones remaining are depicted as decent people–Caules is a mediocre-mage-doing-his-best underdog (reminiscent of Waver Velvet), and even Gordes is turning a new leaf.

    Why give the crest to Caules if he’s also headed out to battle?

    The crest contains all the spells that a mage clan has accumulated over the years; its loss (when its wielder perishes) can be catastrophic for the clan. Fiore intended for Caules to stay behind (ensuring the crest’s safety), but he insisted on joining.

    Alternate relationship: Producer and idol (Cinderella Girls’ Producer and Akane Hino)

    Magnus Tancred
  8. Newtype – December 2017 Character Ranking
    Male Ranking
    1 Archer (Fate/stay night: Heaven’s Feel)
    2 Shirou Emiya (Fate/Stay Night: Heaven’s Feel)
    3 Kirito (Sword Art Online)
    4 Lelouch Lamperouge (Code Geass)
    5 Gilgamesh (Fate/Stay Night: Heaven’s Feel)
    6 Sieg (Fate/Apocrypha)
    7 Char Aznable (Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin)
    8 Kiriyama Rei (Sangatsu no Lion)
    9 Araragi Koyomi (Owarimonogatari)
    10. Rider of black (Fate/Apocrypha)

    Female Ranking
    1 Sakura Matou (Fate/stay night: Heaven’s Feel)
    2 Saber (Fate/stay night: Heaven’s Feel)
    3 Jeanne d’Arc (Fate/Apocrypha)
    4 Serval (Kemono Friends)
    5 Rem (Re:Zero)
    6. Kinomoto Sakura (Cardcaptor Sakura)
    7. Ryougi Shiki (Kara no Kyoukai )
    8. Illyasviel von Einzbern (Fate/stay night: Heaven’s Feel)
    9. Sheryl Nome (Macross F)
    10. Jabami Yumeko (Kakegurui)

  9. I thought Fiore’s magic crest was the reason she couldn’t walk. She transferred it to Clause and is still stuck in a wheelchair. What gives?

    One other thing I noticed is that her wish was so that she could use magic and still walk. Wonder if the events that just transpired changes that?

    1. Do you REALLY want to know what happened?
      This is known as it panders to the Otaku audience’s sense of wish-fulfillment.

      Fiore was one of those rare physically disabled feminine characters in Japanese animation and manga who wasn’t portrayed as a girl who is hesitant, weak, vacillating, discouraged, unsafe, pessimistic, dependent on a man and
      But they literally destroyed her character in the second cour, transforming it into a girl who is hesitant, weak, vacillating, discouraged, unsafe and pessimistic, as well as making it dependent on the Megane-kun and introducing incest bullshit.
      In other words, Fiore was literally transformed into a waifu pandering character for the Otaku audience’s sense of wish-fulfillment.

      1. http://images.randomc.net/Fate%20Apocrypha/Fate%20Apocrypha%20-%2019%20-%20Large%2009.jpg
        schrodinger gender
        You need to personally observe it to establish what it actually is. That is what separates Astolfo from the rest.

        Making the gender unknown is a nice scheme to make Astolfo extremely fascinating. It goes beyond that draw a girl and call it a boy. You do the gender-bending yourself. They even pair Astolfo with the MC. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Kq1wD6eWZc

        Come on. What’s up with that voice? Is that really a boy?

  10. What feels like the ‘The calm before the storm’ episode was so deep in how characthers react post Jack arc.

    Sieg with his doubts what to do with his life and about mankind and how the little conversation with mordred.

    Astolfo did send a message to mordred too.

    and later with Jeanne and that how will mark Sieg action in the final battle.

    As a slow chapter was amazing. hooked for the final battle.

  11. What’s with the blatant Takaii hatred in the comments?
    There are more constructive ways instead of throwing around random insults.
    As for the series, I could have done without this calm before the storm episode, apart from the fact that I think that Sieg is a boring protagonist.

    1. Wow, boingman is back again.
      When was the last time you were here? episode 6?

      He was warned several times.

      what’s really funny is that you don’t participate or contribute to the discussions, and the few times you posted were level criticism/charges/accusations etc at/against somebody. and you of all people would be one that has the least right to complain.

      1. If there was some previous non-offensive discussion with Takaii before, then I must have missed it.
        You’re absolutely right with me not contributing much, considering that this series has felt a bit disappointing to me. What lessens enjoyment even more is the posting of untagged spoilers, so I called those out.

  12. He continues to ignore plotline’s many crucial questions and points which are critical to your learning and comprehension of the series.

    These double standard approaches on the basis of faboying and hate is the worst scenario for a blogger.

  13. *sigh…. turn into a Heroic Spirit to destroy something that can only be destroyed with exorcism, even knowing that Jeanne and Amakusa are the only people who can use it.
    Boy, I’m in worse trouble than i thought.

    1. What did you expect? He doesn’t behave like a blogger, but as a childish fanboy. The least we can expect from a blogger is that he/she can speak about the main points of the plotline and also about the characters who are directly involved in him, even if he/she doesn’t like them (not your personal tastes/preferences).

      1. You know what’s funny?
        Even a blind man can see that he had multiple orgasms when he talked about the magic crest transfer that doesn’t have any purpose other than to provide the fanservice and otaku pandering. This magic crest transfer was just so irrelevant that it wasn’t even mentioned in this week’s recap episode (19.5). That gives you an idea of just how important this moment was. Hahaha… I laughed so hard I almost pee’d my pants.

      2. >>164895411
        When are you and your /fgog/ friends going to stop shitting /a/ with their endless, repetitive cross board shitposting, delusional /fgog/fag shitposter?

        Bullshit, 95% of shit posts in the topics related to Fate and Type-Moon series in /a/ have been posted by fgofags and /fgog/tards, not to mention the absurd amount of cross board shitpost which are posted every day in the topics related to Fate and Type-Moon series in /a/. /fgog/tards and fgofags have a massive
        obsessive hate boner for each Fate series other than your beloved mobage.


        Wow! Wow! Now you’re talking!
        Congratulations, that was a amazing comment, very well expressed.


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