「カストロプ動乱」 (Kasutoropu douran)
“The Castrop Rebellion”

If you’ve thought there’s been a little too much lazy historian and not enough golden locks these past few weeks, never fear, LotGH has got you covered. After letting Yang revel in fruits of genius strategy done right at Iserlohn, it’s back to Reinhardt this week and all the fun which accompanies political manoeuvring and fatalistic foreshadowing. It may have lacked the immediate satisfaction of planet-killing superlaser to the face (rip in atoms dear Seeckt), but with the Imperial court intrigue kicking into gear, we won’t be lacking for fun.

In terms of importance the Castrop rebellion is a lot like the battle of Astarte in the sense its impact lies more in its visualizations and foreshadowing than plot relevance. Maximilian’s little play with power provides the latest example showing how utterly stagnant and decadent the Empire has become, with nobility willing to use and abuse for no better reason than they simply can. Care for the people, an implicit understanding of noblesse oblige? Lost somewhere in the ages past. If anything Castrop is the foil to Reinhardt’s quiet movements, as the golden boy’s appointment of common folk and low ranked nobles to positions of authority runs counter to a system where those of high birth hold all the power and monopolistically trade it among themselves. The nature of the Empire’s structure is in part why you see the types of response by government officials to Reinhardt’s changes. The kid turns down a lucrative spot as a chief of staff—i.e. head of military? Obviously because he’s angling for something more and can help himself in that regard by placing a few well-placed individuals in his debt—a serious thing in any honour-based aristocracy. Doesn’t help for these guys either than Reinhardt’s confidant Kircheis did the “impossible” by putting down a rebellion with twice his number. When it comes to politics there’s nothing worse than owing a favour to someone with a winning streak.

Of course the more perceptive of Imperial authority are not wrong about Reinhardt’s intentions, but that’s only half the picture. As Kircheis poignantly displayed in his battle debut it’s not about just about overthrowing the Goldenbaums, but doing away with their entire manner of leadership. Under any other circumstance those men under Maximilian would have been exiled, enslaved, and/or slaughtered for simply being part of a rebellion, yet Reinhardt (through Kircheis) acknowledged their innocence and treated them accordingly. This is an incredibly powerful display because nothing instills loyalty more than a leader who respects the lives of his men. Reinhardt may be young and overly ambitious, but his style of leadership and trust in his subordinates ensures no one will abandon him when the going gets tough—especially with no one else doing the same. Oberstein for example is case in point, for while he has hitched himself to Reinhardt’s wagon for personal reasons, he also greatly respects what the kid is possible of and the heights he can reach with a little help. With ambition comes opportunity, and Oberstein is just the first of several who will see Reinhardt as the path to a more prosperous and lively future. Just ask Reuenthal (smirk).

As the Kaiser himself personally mused upon, nothing, including states and governments, ever lasts forever, and it’s just a matter of time until even his dynasty falls to the winds of change. Wishing for it to happen under his watch might be just a little fatalistic, but hey, if you’re going to go out, why not make it glorious and bombastic, if just for the entertainment? Somehow I think Friedrich IV won’t be too disappointed with what’s coming soon.




  1. They explained it better in the original that the goldenbaum dynasty’s rot have started long ago. And the current Kaiser is another one of the Kaiser that contributed to that, which might make his seemingly apathetic reaction to his dynasty’s fall seemed more natural.

    1. They had more episodes to explain it. Mainly the episode where Reinhard looked at the secret history of the dinasty.

      On the other hand, is the actual Kaiser really apathetic? He did a lot to raise Reinhard’s rank. I think that he wanted to destroy the dinasty with his own hands (more or less).

    2. The current Kaiser’s apathy for me makes sense (besides being interesting) because it’s something well evidenced in history. Lots of absolutist leaders often had bouts of fatalism (particularly pre-Dark Ages), likely just for the sake of excitement. If you have everything under the sun life tends to get boring, so the guy speaking about his own demise is slightly understandable.

  2. I think nobody is surprised how much rotten the Empire has become. Reinhard or the Alliance eventually will knock down the system, with Reinhard probably proposing some kind of military meritocracy (IDK if there was ever historical example, maybe Sparta?)

    1. @ewok40k:

      You didnt watch the old series, did you? I dont think that it is a spoiler if I say that the Alliance is as rotten as the Empire.

      One of LoGH questions is: would it be better a benevolent autocracy ruled by a competent ruler or a rotten democracy with incompetents rulers?

      1. Hell they shouldn’t even need the old series, we’ve already seen that the alliance is essentially a jingoistic state and its leader is running around with a masked vigilante squad threatening anyone that doesn’t bow down to his policies.

  3. Always love how Oberstein just comes in and say: hey, your team is missing a real psychopath. may I fill in, plz? xDDD;

    I think the Kaiser is more sinister here, tho, that maybe bc I don’t rly remember much of the original anymore. -.-;

      1. “psychopath” is fitting word for anyone who would do (in ur spoiler) regardless of what their intent is. I would even go as for as labeling Luke Skywalker such as bc he’s basically did the same in the ANH. truth be told.

      2. Sry, lol I always assume LOGH fans know everything about SW. Everyone in the death star that is, not every one of those assholes deserved to die, and most of them were forced to be there in the first place. He killed them and celebrated his win. Just bc the movie ended happily doesn’t mean all those life didn’t just vanish in one shot. Again regardless of reasons, anyone who’s capable of offing this many people is psychopath. IMO anyway.

      3. I KNOW about SW. Even about the shitty Episode VIII (X().

        But I think that it’s going to far. Oh! There are two millions soldiers in the Death Star. We are not going to destroy it because we would be very bad. It’s ok that they destroy other planet as Alderaan and its two BILLION innocent people.

        Sorry, I continue without seeing with part is psychopath. Except the one about building a station to destroy planets…

      4. I see ur one of those SW, well don’t want you to get touchy about it. I simply point out that “regardless” of one person reasons (good or bad), anyone with the capacity to end this many lives is without question in the line of sociopath or psychopath, whatever level that maybe. This is my own opinion. I dislike exonerating someone bc of “I like him” or “she had good reasons” crap. If you did it, then you did it. That’s simple.

        lol, look @ fanfics (old ones) for that. There were many good ones that handled that situation far better.

    1. I’m not sure if I’d call the Kaiser sinister, but he’s definitely more “lively” than the original. I cannot recall a scene where he outright came out musing over his own annihilation lol.

      1. It did happen in the OVA, not in this particular scene but in other scenes (just google Reinhard + Kircheis for examples…). Also, the novel specifically says during this chapter that after Kircheis expresses his concerns about Oberstein, Reinhard plays with his hair, and that he likes to do this pretty regularly. So no, it’s not something added in to please a fujoshi audience.

      2. Welp my memory is crap haha, thanks for the correction MK!

        I still consider it futoshi bait in part though, their relationship is never really fleshed out beyond close friendship, so it’s very ambiguous whether it was only platonic or something more, especially when a certain event happens later on that hits Reinhardt hard. It may be in character for both and slightly realistic (they aren’t the first male friends to have such a close bond), but it’s still an audience tease nonetheless.

    1. It’s funny too because the original as kinai mentions was completely different. If curious:
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      1. Either way Sigfried is a genius and it´s a true testament to his character how he seeks to save even his enemies to avoid bloodshed. Most Imperial Admiral would have burn the Rebellious Fleet to ash and execute the survivors without tril then imprison their famillies.


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