「ベツレヘムの星」 (Betsurehemu no Hoshi)
“Star of Bethlehem”

You know what I’ve realized has been missing from Index these past 21 episodes? Misaka. No no, not the cute, yet adorably annoying twerp in a coat. No, not the newly minted aggressive Mark II Misaka which I am definitely looking forward to seeing more of, or the original Biribiri. Nawh I’m talking about Russian Mikasa, the quick shooting, hard drinking, bass loving variety you know looks cute as hell with that glorious Cossack hat. It may be all about Chomper and her one punch sidekick on the surface, but in the end, we’re all here for Misaka (and maybe a little Shiage too).

As promised a few episodes back, it wouldn’t take long for Fiamma to reveal his grandiose plans, and that patience was rewarded this week in the best manner possible. While true we don’t know what mammoth sky island is destined to do, you got to admit it’s awesome to look at and comes with the added benefit of summoning everyone’s favourite electro shocker to the field (even if we don’t see that tsundere blushing in action until next time). Finally—finally—the gang is all back together in the most substantial of thunderdomes, and while the end result may already be known (you really expect anyone of importance to die at this point?) you can bet the experience won’t be a letdown. After all, with magic and science facing off in all their trumped up glory, you know we won’t be lacking when it comes to action sequences.

For magic especially though, we’re also starting to see the intertwining of both hinted at before through Accelerator. The document the kid has stumbled across guaranteed is critical for whatever Fiamma is trying to pull, and with Accelerator having identified the one capable of deciphering it, you can bet it won’t take long before we see vector altering meeting magical claws of doom. As hinted at through the appearance of a Railgun arc staple, Last Order’s current condition has a lot to do with Aleister cleaning house of things capable of interfering with his grand plans, and likely the only way to save the girl is by using the abilities Aleister is probably attempting to protect against. This is one thing we likely won’t be find out about anytime soon—everyone is mostly in Russia to save the Miss Hangry after all—but there’s no denying Index is setting up for a few reveals in the near future.

Right after we get a little Misaka zapping and her Touma-induced blushing of course. When it comes to Index it would be a shame to miss out on the essentials.




      1. Frenda the blondie who loves explosives was murdered by her own leader Mugino both a member of ITEM in this same season so you know. So you haven’t been paying any attention to this entire title.

      2. That’s like most shows though, death typically happens only when it helps progress some part of the story (ex. shock, emotion, personal development). There’s not many series which kill off characters just for the sake of it.

    1. Pancakes, we shouldn’t go around pointing fingers at the wrong people. You laid out the post for 36 caps when I’d specified 39. And as it turns out, the 39th cap would have featured her 😛

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