Multi-cour series aren’t nearly as common as they used to be in anime. But the polls should be interesting starting this week, because our writers’ clear #1 series of the winter season, Dororo, powers on into spring without missing a beat. Awaiting it are some heavy hitters – though one of the most prominent “new” series is on of the oldest stories. Remember, this ballot returns to the regular criteria – any currently airing series is eligible.
This week’s bonus poll asks our writers to name their favorite OP/EDs of the season. Again, all currently series are eligible here, provided the OP/ED sequence is new for spring.
Here’s the first comprehensive look at how the RC team sees the current season’s offerings:
Weekly Staff Poll (premieres only)
Fruits Basket (2019) – 16 points, 1 first place vote
Kimetsu no Yaiba – 14, 2
Dororo – 13, 1
Sarazanmai – 7
Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai – 5
Bonus Poll: Best OP/ED
“Stand by Me” (The Peggies) – Sarazanmai ED – 18 points, 2 first place votes
“Kiss Me” (Vo Nai.Br XX & Celeina Ann) – Carole & Tuesday OP – 14, 2
“Again” (Beverly) – Fruits Basket (2019) OP – 10
“Dororo” (Asian Kung Fu Generation) – Dororo OP2 – 9
“Kurenge” – (LiSA) – Kimetsu no Yaiba OP – 8
That OP from Carole & Tuesday has a strong sense of Nujabes, IMHO.
It’s tough to find recent Animes with the kind of musical track
record of a series like Angel Beats (there isn’t a single piece
of its music that I dislike). But once in a while you get a gem…
Unfortunately, music taste are worse than politics and I strongly
disagree about Sarazanmai’s OP.
I didn’t vote for the Sarazanmai OP (I did vote for the ED tho) but bear in mind, we’re voting on the animation sequence itself in addition to the song. How much each voter weights each aspect is up to them, of course.
Before you critique our music tastes, I believe there’s been a mix-up with the votes. No one voted the Sarazanmai OP first. But two people did vote for the ED to be first – and a bunch of others had the ED on their lists too.
See — just like politics 🙂
Anyway, my misunderstanding, but the link points to the OP
(https://streamable.com/s/audlf/qcnfzk) and the first line reads —
so I’m like, really confused (which isn’t that hard to do anyway, でも)…
I’m gonna go with Russian interference with the election process 🙂
Anyway, haven’t listened to all of the OP/EDs this season, but
C&T OP is the best so far…
It was the ED that won the poll, got the link wrong – my apologies for that.
Not sure what you’re smoking, but I don’t hear a thing in that C&T OP that resembles anything I’ve heard from Nujabes.
Fruits Basket, already knew it was going to be number one for one of the best premieres definitely deserves the #1 spot.
As much as I loved the Carole & Tuesday Opening I can see that Sarazanmai Opening is slightly better, the song especially the visuals are just amazing but that song is so damn catchy definitely 2nd favorite anime this season ^^
I’m with you on the C&T OP. I was one of the writers who put it in first place, only I fail to see how the Sarazanmai OP could be better.. While the Saranzamai OP is good (it featured on my list), there’s likely been a mix-up between the OP sand the ED. It should be ‘Stand By Me’ by The Peggies in first place.
The Peggies are one of the groups that remind me that Rock isn’t dead, it’s just on vacation in Japan.
The Pillows are still churning out great album after great album.