「とってもステキなお宿です」 (Tottemo Sutekina Onsendesu)
“A Really Wonderful Hot Spring”

I wasn’t expecting a light punch to the gut during this week’s episode.

General Impressions

So far, one of the biggest surprises I’ve had is just how much I enjoy watching Momiji on screen. I can’t remember how I felt about his character during the show’s original run, but I can’t recall a time that I haven’t had a smile when he pops up. As the “childish” character of the group, he brings this certain energy to the show that we don’t get anywhere else. A sort of pure and innocent energy that only comes when someone is truly just living in the moment and doing their best to just.. have fun!

That said, a single faceted character can turn into a boring one which is precisely why I was super happy to see Momiji get a serious moment this week. Looking back at it, I think it’s pretty clear that he’s a very observant person and behind that bright exterior of his is absolutely someone who’s able to truly see what makes people tick. As I’m sitting here re-listening to him retell the story he heard in class, I can picture just how concerned one would be if they replaced the foolish traveler with Tohru — concerned to the point you would want to try to shake that part of her personality out of her before she becomes a real life version of the story. But, in typical Fruits Basket fashion, we get a moment to realize that there’s always good hidden amongst the bad and in this case we got the chance to see that the actions of the foolish adventurer spoke volumes about who they were as a person.

On the lighter side of things, I really liked the humor in this week’s episode. Sprinkled around all the serious moments, I nearly died from laughter at a few points. The funniest (before it got serious) being the moment Shigure accidentally figured out just why Tohru was short on money for her school trip. God, I can only imagine just how awkward it must have been for him to think about what silly reason Tohru didn’t have money for how much she works only to realize that he’s part of the reason for it.

Man, Fruits Basket manages to knock it out of the park week after week. With its ability to tell a truly engaging story, I can’t wait to see just where things are going as we watch all of the characters grow. Anyways, I’ll catch you guys next week where we’ll hopefully get to share even more fantastic moments. See you then!

P.S. Don’t think you can sneak something by me OP/ED directors. I SAW THAT SUBTLE ADDITION.




    1. and it would be more sadder, when it turns out that she is not her biological mother and someone of the zodiacs are father or mother, just she got her memory erased because of this to life as an normal human

      well, that is my guess into the blue, with a bit experience as veteran

  1. https://images.randomc.net/Fruits%20Basket/Fruits%20Basket%20-%2011%20-%20Large%2009.jpg
    -The Girl traveler tale…I think they should have kept that in achromatic colors.
    -I would have liked to hear Teru Teru Momiji, or Momiji’s Song.
    -Why is Hatsuharu only there when the rest are out?
    -Can’t wait to see more of this duo…looking forward to next episode.

    random viewer
  2. Considering Tohru cooks, cleans and does laundry in the house… why can’t Shigure pay Tohru’s goddamn school trip himself?

    Heck, he should pay Tohru properly. She’s basically a free house maid for them.

  3. oh boy the face Tohru made when she realised she just slept entire night with quite adolescent boy, not some elementary school kid… and that she actually wanted to bathe with him…
    Rabbit-kun is definitely up there on perv scale, though he doesnt even compare to Dog-sensei (dat gift)

  4. “Inran de gomennasai”… somehow I didn’t expect to see a phrase like this in a shoujo anime.

    Another good, solid episode, and I’m happy that this has at least 2 cours scheduled because I don’t want it to end.


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