「王の中の王[キング・オブ・キングス]」 (King of Kings)
“King of Kings”

In our last episode of Vento Aureo before the hour-long finale in late July, it details what it took for Bruno and Giorno to pull off their checkmate on the King of Kings, Diavolo. This episode marks the end of one era and the beginning of another as Bruno changes the guard to Giorno and passes on with his final gesture to Giorno and his “thank you” for allowing him to be reborn is to set up the conditions he would need to gain control of the Stand arrow and summon Gold Experience Requiem.

With the anime reaching the last batch of chapters from Vento Aureo, we must sadly say goodbye to Bruno Bucciarati. Although his death didn’t have as much emotional gravitas due to it being at the very beginning of the episode, it was still sad to see him bid farewell to Giorno after he reflects on how Giorno’s dream had given Bruno a new lease on life. After years of being emotionally numb yet infuriated by his Boss’ role in the drug trade, it was Giorno and his life goals that gave Bruno the inspiration to follow his lead and shape his team towards using their strength to provide positivity and fight against any instance of corruption in their paths. It was also poignant to see how much respect was paid to Bruno as he is greeted by small cherubs as he ascends into the sky where Abbacchio and Narancia have gone to rest in peace. For a character who many consider as the protagonist of Vento Aureo, it is emotional yet meaningful to see that Bruno was given a brave, respectful, and peaceful send-off as his story has come to a close.

On a more prospective note on Giorno’s end, the gambit that Bruno made to defeat Silver Chariot Requiem and send their souls hurtling back to their bodies gave Giorno the opportunity to come into possession of the Stand arrow and use it to stab Golden Experience with it. It’s at this point where we learn the true extent of the arrow’s abilities as Gold Experience Requiem is born from the stabbing. Now Gold Experience Requiem is a heck of a Stand considering that it shares the same inability to fully comprehend their master’s will as Silver Chariot Requiem did. In this case, however, Gold Experience Requiem is far more tolerant of Giorno, using its capabilities to match Giorno’s intent by amplifying the damaging potential that regular Gold Experience had to it’s highest extremes. Instead of selectively creating a single organism from an item, it is able to create hordes of scorpions at will to attack Diavolo and fire a bolt through his hand. Instead of reversing the damage or injuries inflicted on an object or person, it completely negates Diavolo’s King Crimson abilities, leaving him to continuously re-experience himself being within the world King Crimson constructed and keeping him stationary in the same time frame he tried to summon KC at. It’s the actions within this episode and the next one that soldify Gold Experience Requiem as easily one of the most broken Stands in the entirety of JoJo. Although we’ll have quite a bit of a wait until the final episode is released, we’re in for a treat as our finale will be an hour long and capture the entirety of the last chapters of Vento Aureo.


  1. What an incredible episode, surely one of the best in the entire series, David Pro went all out with this one. From the colors to the art, the backgrounds, the music, and the voice actors, everything was outstanding. GER must one of the most broken abilities in all fiction, not just JoJo. That Muda rampage is one of the most satisfying beatdowns across all parts. What a time to be alive to witness Araki’s genius in animated form. We’re getting close to Steel Ball Run.

  2. Is it safe to say that Gold Experience Requiem’s powers basically warp reality? (If not restore the time “erased” by King Crimson?) Also, was Diavolo basically stuck in an endless recursion of time? (Either that or reminded me of that scene with Rey in The Last Jedi.)

    And rest well, Bruno. You managed to take your team this far. Time to let Giorno handle this…in a few weeks’ time… (That cliffhanger…the “To Be Continued” arrow never has been more effective than this episode.)

  3. “Could you be, the most beautiful Stand in the World?”

    So Beautiful that…the foes thinks that they can win…until they enter their “reality”, They Fell into a trap…


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