「伝だいっきらい!」 (Daikkirai!)
“I Hate You!”

Well last week’s episode preview was sure a lie. Lewd panty shots and even lewder masked man shenanigans? In one’s dreams apparently. Or, well, mostly considering the chosen method of Count restoration again on display, but hey, righteous indignation! At least Plunderer has shown it’s more than a one trick pony, because with two cours to go and a large story under the hood, variation will be the spice of life.

After brief introductions last week Plunderer more or less provided the action follow-up this episode, showing that Licht is indeed more than he seems and (most importantly) a man of different flavours. We may still lack an explanation for Licht’s two Counts, however the confirmation of him being an Ace (and thus a literal lewd grandpa because 300+ years old) and the fact some unknown organization/institution is after him at least answers the mask and vagabond status. Want to hide from the authorities? Best blend into the crowd. Of course Licht’s copious perversions definitely defeat the purpose of avoiding attention, but hey, hard faulting the guy for the approach. Quantity truly has a quality all its own, even if the theory has yet to be converted into practice.

On a more serious note, the interesting thing is what happens next with Hina. It’s not hard to guess her and Licht will be reunited again before too long for example (because main characters and innocent and powerless damsel in distress), but where and how are honestly a complete unknown. Hina’s ballot also raises some questions given its apparent infamy and supposed illegality, particularly considering Count transfers and accumulation look to be a major mechanic (if not the only relevant mechanic) in this universe’s level/power ups; a magical ball holding a Count of 10000 is not something to just conveniently ignore. There’s a lot for Plunderer to dig through and reveal in the upcoming weeks, but with a half-decent pacing and a shown willingness to reserve comedy for more appropriate moments gives a positive impression this show knows what it’s doing. Or at least until we find out the lewd chaos in store for next week.

I might be on the fence for what to think of Plunderer overall right now, but there’s no denying this one is just waiting for the moment where it can spread its wings.

ED Sequence

ED: 「Countless Days」 by Hina



  1. I’m just glad the music soundtrack background is decent to listen, especially the final scene. Has an ominous feeling to it..?

    As for more game-changing twist, Jail Murdoch is next to appear! Can’t wait for his convictions! (whether or not his initial ones are questionable to some ethics)

    1. I think the main issue right now is that the show sticks too hard to its tropes. It’s pretty obvious it doesn’t intend on going far beyond things we’ve seen before, but there’s still fun to be had if it can execute it correctly. Unfortunately it’s just a case of wait and see considering we got two cours to work with.

  2. I suspect count transfers to be a major plot point here. Why else would this be named “Plunderer”? Just hope it’s not going to be everyone trying to get in between Hina’s legs. Not fun if it happens a lot to someone like her.

    While I’m still curious about Licht, What’ll make or break this for me would be Hina. She just entered a realm that is way out of her depth. I like her, but there’s a risk she could end up being annoying.


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