「破滅の時が訪れてしまった…前編」 (Hametsu no Toki ga Otozurete Shimatta…Zenpen)
“The Moment of My Doom Arrived… Part 1”

For all that Hamefura may be tender hearted fun and games, when things get serious, they get serious. Super serious. Thought you could avoid those doom flags through a bit of shrewd planning and yeoman training? Well say hello to surprise mechanics.

While pretty obvious the Bakarina would saunter her way out of the latest attempt to induce death by romance (her luck stat is only second to her charm), it was less so that the culprit of it all would be Sirius the student council president. Wolves in sheep’s clothing is as old a trope as they come, but when Katarina has sufficiently induced envy and frustration in plenty of wannabe competitors, it’s not so apparent another actor might be at work. Until you remember Sirius is a ginger, and gingers as the internet knows have no souls. I swear you couldn’t find a better match for a wielder of dark magic here if you tried. Well, except probably Mary, but the potential havoc that girl could wreak with it in a pursuit of happiness a la Bakarina is something best left for the imagination. Remember kids, never give your budding yandere any implement of destruction.

Going forward though there should be little doubt Katarina (and Maria) will survive this latest debacle, and wind up all the more cherished for it. You don’t adorably and hilariously beat down the Bakarina just to leave her out to dry, and with Georgo on the case especially I seriously doubt Sirius will be able to hide them for long. The real question is why exactly Sirius hates the Bakarina and how he wound up with dark magic in his repertoire, because with the dork already working her wholly unintentional charm over on the guy I suspect some redemption and measure of assimilation into the Bakarina collective. You don’t just not give into the wily cuteness of this dork after all, particularly when she’s out on a mission for friendship (or, you know, rescuing a major source of homemade baking). This arc might be all about the first major threat to Katarina’s physical life right now, but in the end it’ll certainly revert to who winds up getting a romantic leg up over the competition.

After all, it’s unknown just who will be the fortunate one to find our lovable dork first.


  1. Catarina’s so pure-hearted that even when Sirius declares his hatred of her, all she can do is reach out, touch his cheek and ask if he’s all right.
    Dunno how this crisis will be resolved, but I can’t wait for next week!

    Magnus Tancred
  2. Gingers have no souls?
    Ahh, now I’m starting to understand TeamFourStar references with Android 16. Never thought I’d find answers to that thanks to Bakarina.

    1. The whole gingers without souls thing is a joke and urban myth largely originating from South Park. Might be showing my age and origins on that one because it was well-known and oft repeated back in the 2000s but you don’t hear it as much now.

  3. Things got darker and edgier suddenly…
    For all her Baka, Bakarina was second only to Light-wielder in finding the culprit.
    Spoilers from previous life helped. But her reaction was pure pureness so typical again of Bakarina.
    I almost can see the scene form Revenge of the Sith with Giordo and the posse bursting into Student Council room and try to take down president….
    “It is a treason, then…”

  4. There a fair number of evil red heads in anime. Good to know it was South Park staring it. But not all red heads are evil Heck the hero of fate/stay night is a Ginger sort of and his spoiler alternate past job was spoiler. And he is a magus and in Fate that automatically qualifies you for being evil just being part of the system qualifies. There are other Gingers who are just Tsunderes.

  5. I’m wondering if Hamefura’s success will lead to more anime adaptations of otome/shoujo light novels, given how underrepresented they are in anime compared to their male-targeted counterparts.

    Wonder what other titles are promising for anime – Tearmoon Empire? Marielle Clarac? Accomplishments of a Duke’s Daughter?


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